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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Difficulty in communicating/expression (mild autism + ADHD)

My son SID, 9 yrs finds difficult to communicate/express himself and lacks attentiveness. A case of mild autism & ADHD I reckon.
Case History
Everything was fine till SID had chicken pox at the age of 11 months. Before this he had started walking and also uttering a few words. Post chicken pox he stopped uttering those words and only started speaking at the age of three & half years.
When he was 15 months old, we went to Vaishno Devi shrine located on a mountain top. There he had to travel all the way up on a coolie's back away from us. He cried hoarse. Later a distinct change was noticed after coming back — he could not sleep without holding my shirt's collar and started thumb sucking. In later years it changed to rubbing my or his mother's nose and thumb sucking continues albeit while trying to sleep. He cannot sleep alone.
When he was 16-17 months some liquid drops oozed out from his navel, which caused some skin problems around the area. Operation was advised, however, some mercuro-chrome applied locally and allopathic medicines did the trick.
Post chicken pox period saw him craving for clay, wall plaster, etc. He would eat corners of the walls. Once he ate soap meant for washing clothes which caused swelling of his mouth, lips, etc. He would put everything in his mouth.
He became too restless. He would jump from heights, do sommersaults, stand on his head, rub his head against us or a pillow. Sometimes bang his head against the wall. Sometimes when we were sitting, he would stand on our shoulders without any support. There was no fear of falling or getting hurt. He could not play with one toy for long. He would not go out to play with friends. Just watch TV.
He suffered from severe constipation - round balls. Even today he takes a long time for stools and strains while doing so. Sometimes when he has diarrhoea it is accompanied by puttering and mucous discharge.
At the age of 3 yrs, he had measles. Rhus Tox 30 was prescribed in alteration with Ant. Tart 30. He recovered from measles quickly, however, a creamish color discharge developed from the urethra. Sulphur 30 and frequent washing helped. This problem can be attributed more to the inability of the foreskin of the penis to go back.
He is quite tall and thin and has hard and rough hairs. Dry skin. Any injury is slow in healing and leaves darkish marks. At the time of healing of wounds or mosquito bites he will scratch them until they bleed.
He cannot express himself properly and has difficulty in understanding the import of other's words. A queer behavior, which we hv noticed - he sometimes repeat what he has said, however in a lower tone, as if to check what he said before. Also he hears the words spoken by others wrongly and mispronounces them. The eye contact is not good. Writing is the most difficult task for him and is a very slow writer. Is not attentive and gets distracted easily.
Nowadays he has very degree of irritability. Worse mornings. Flies into rage and finds difficult to control his impulses. Hits the other person, kicks or butts his head against us.
He has very few friends since he has this problem of adjustment and following the rules of the game. Cannot bear loud noises made by others.
Wants to go out all the time. At ease with strangers. Likes to look good and spends a fair deal of time in front of the mirror. Likes music and dancing.
Feels better evenings. More chilly than hot. Sometimes sweats in his sleep more on the head.
Likes chocolates, milk with Bournvita, tomato ketchup, pizzas, burgers, sweet corn soup, corn flakes, ice creams. Aversion - curd, sour things

We hv tried lot of homeopathic doctors but without much improvement. All we want is that the child does not grow with some handicap and can take care of himself later in his life.

Any help will be welcomed.
  Raju Gupta on 2005-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A study from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that watching videos as a toddler may lead to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, also called ADD in UK) in later life.

TV watching "rewires" an infant's brain, says Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis lead researcher and director of the Child Health Institute at Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, Wash. The damage shows up at age 7 when children have difficulty paying attention in school.

Jeff rense
munish last decade
Cows' milk is especially risky due to its levels of DDT, dieldrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, antibiotics and recombinant bovine growth hormone. It should be avoided, unless your child only drinks rBGH-free organic skim milk.

mike adam-health ranger
munish last decade
Your child needs Baryta Carb,6c ,5 drops in a little water thrice daily for the time till cure.This is a slow acting remedy and takes sometime to manifest its action.
sajjadakram635 last decade
The consumption of sugar is also strongly linked to attention deficit hyperactive disorder, or ADHD.
You can find it in ice cream, cookies, cakes, pancakes, and even things you wouldn't expect to have sugar, such as pasta sauce and pizza sauce. But sugar, it turns out, is one of those ingredients we should all be avoiding if we are to achieve optimum health.

mike adam-health ranger
munish last decade
Dear sdajjad,

Thanks for yr suggestion. SID has already been given Baryta Carb uptil 1M. Once he developed severe throat ulcertion after it. Also please note he is not shy and very easy with strangers.

He has also been given Tarentula Hisp. 10M, Ars. Alb. 10M, Tub. 1M, Thuja 1M, etc.
Raju Gupta last decade

Our son had very similar symptoms to your child and when you mentioned the bowel motions I had to reply. My son had a large amount of mucous and loose stools. This all started at about 14months of age and got progressively worse. The worse the bowel motions the worse the behaviour. He regressed to the point where he lost all the words he had been able to say a couple of months earlier and the worst part was the hand flapping. The book I urge you to read is 'Biological treatments for Autism and PDD' by William Shaw. This saved our son. We were able to get him on Nystatin very young before the age of 2 and able to reverse most of his symptoms. Even with an older child the results from Nystatin could be hugely beneficial and you need to stick at it. Also the gluten free casein free diet is essential.
sammys1 last decade

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