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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Itching problem 18 months old


My son is 18 months old having itching problem on legs and hands only he loves to itch and scratch legs and hands pl. suggest good remedy..
[message edited by Rehan786 on Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:53:54 BST]
  Rehan786 on 2014-09-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please describe the mental nature of your son and the modalities of symptoms.

Is there any food that causes the itch?

Does the itch subside after scratching?

Have you seen any skin eruptions on the affected parts?
rishimba last decade
He is very cool and calm always smiles.

No food causes itching.

he itches till bleeds.
Rehan786 last decade
Please give some more information on his generals and mentals.

Is there any typical habit of your son?

What time of the day does the itch occur?

Are there any skin eruptions to start with? Does the affected area end up with some skin eruptions? Describe.

What other symptoms does he have?
rishimba last decade

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