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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss

Respected doctor I am 20 years old guy my problem is that I'm suffering from hair loss for last 5 years.Now I'm totallybbald from front side and somehow countable hairs left in my head and all are damaged.My hairs are thin and still suffering from hairloss its not genetic problem I have tried a lot of treatments like minoxdel,Hakeem etc but no Vail.I think I have lost hairs due to over masterbation.Please start my treatment and suggest me medicines that are 101% effective to stop my hair loss and will regrow lost hairs.Also tell me which thing i will use to wash hairs.I will be thankful to you if you will cure me 100% and give me my life back.
[message edited by Ali.Ali on Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:45:11 BST]
  Ali.Ali on 2014-10-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please click on my username to know about me. It will help you establish the reliability of what is written below. I am very careful about the sources where I gather info from. I gather it mostly from universities or government sources. Read this article & educate yourself. Taking remedies without taking the complete symptom picture is most likely to fail and make things worse.

Hairfall & Premature grey hair can be caused by several reasons e.g. poor diet, malnutrition, stress, lack of exercise, genetics, wrong shampoo, hard water, high chlorine in water etc.

How to address these causes, as the first step, eliminate the obvious & possible reasons:

If you have changed your shampoo and are facing hairfall, switch to baby shampoo to see if it helps.

If the water in your area has high chlorine (and you can smell it a lot) then install a chlorine filter on your shower head. Similarly, if you have hard water in your area, you have to soften it through various means (an expensive problem to fix). A simple test whether it’s water associated problem is if your other family members are also facing the same issues. Its not a surefire way because every body is unique and what you can’t tolerate can possibly be tolerated by your family member.

Poor diet & malnutrition can be addressed by improving your diet (as explained below). A short term fix is using Vitamin B-complex supplement as it will help in arresting hairfall.

Lack of exercise & stress, both of these can be handled by incorporating an exercise routine in your life (explained below).

A lot of times hairfall is initiated by excessive stress, if this is your reason then you have to learn to manage stress otherwise the hairfall will not go away regardless of whatever you do. The two best ways to handle stress are meditation and walk/exercise.

Genetics – if your hairfall and premature graying is due to genetics then it’s unlikely that you can avoid it.

Remember, hair is just one part of your body, if the entire body is healthy so will the hair be. It’s a holistic approach.

So with all the info given above, here is what you need to do to improve your overall health and in doing so your hair will also improve. Follow these guidelines and report back in 2 weeks with the status and we may supplement it with the right homeopathic remedy if required:

1. Eat 5 walnuts a day. Walnuts should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Walnuts help boost HDL (good cholesterol) which cleans and removes the plaque deposits from your arteries and provide essential Omega fatty acids.
2. Eat 5 almonds a day. Almonds should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Almonds provide several essential nutrients especially Vitamin-E which reduces inflammation in your body, improves your immune system and makes heart healthy. Almonds also make sex drive stronger.
3. Eat a raw clove of garlic everyday by crushing it or chopping it into fine pieces and letting it sit for 10 minutes. Doing this makes the garlic super potent in helping you fight inflammation & infections. It’s probably the best known naturally occurring antibacterial & antifungal.
4. Start eating half cup of low fat, plain, non-flavored yogurt with live cultures daily in the morning or with lunch. If you have homemade yogurt that’s the best. Yogurt can cause increased mucus generation in some individuals, if you are like that, don’t eat yogurt. Rather start eating roasted black chick peas (also known as Bengal Gram) daily.
5. Stop all processed foods e.g. white bread, white rice, white burgers etc.
6. Eat whole foods only i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice, brown burgers etc.
7. The bread should be high in bran content & the flour should be coarse ground.
8. Start eating a small bowl of salad at least once a day e.g. it should contain cucumber, carrots, salad leaves, tomato and any vegetable you like. Put a dressing of olive oil & raw apple cider vinegar and put some salt & black pepper to your liking.
9. Eat at least 1-2 fruits per day e.g. apple, orange etc.
10. Drink enough water so that your urine is clear. Yellow colored urine is a good indication that you are dehydrated.
11. Eat only when hungry and when eating, don’t overstuff yourself.
12. Focus on food only when you eat i.e. don’t divert your attention by watching tv etc.
13. Exercise:
a. Aerobic activity e.g. Start walking at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend and achieve your “target heart rate”. Search google to find out your target heart rate during exercise.
b. Strength training e.g. Start weight training at least 20 minutes 3 days a week.

NOTE: Use common sense in following these guidelines and always ask before doing anything if you are unsure or in doubt.

This article has been copied in its entirety from my website www.payaftercure.com. There are several free articles related to health on my site.
fitness last decade
I am following all the things you said except baby shampoo.I will try baby shampoo now
Ali.Ali last decade
You are eating walnuts, almonds, garlic, yogurt & doing exercise too?
fitness last decade
Yes I'm eating all these things daily
Ali.Ali last decade
Please suggest some medicine to stophair loss bbecausim going bald too early at 20 years n its too much with me now.I be heard about phosphorus is effective to treat alopecia?????
Ali.Ali last decade
I'm sorry, I have no suggestion.
fitness last decade
I have posted here that someone will understand my problem and help me bit I never that know that people here are like me already suffering from a lot of the problems they can't cure themselves how they caure us leave urprofession.
Ali.Ali last decade
dnt get angry, i can not asure 100% cure but can try if you wish...

i can consider your case but give some more information..

1.the exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc.
2.Sensation as pain etc.
3.Condition under which the complaint is aggravated or you feel better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
4.Any other complaint any where in the body.
5.Your mental behaviour.
6.Your desire and aversions regarding food,weather,heat,cold,wetness,cloudiness,dryness, company etc.
7.Nature of body secretions as urine,menses,stool,perspiration etc.

homeo.mzp last decade
Hi Ali,
If you use to read the forum you must know that 'Fitness' is one of the best homeopath. You should follow his advise, wait and see the result. Please report him once you note any change.
You are very lucky as fitness has taken your case.
mahmoodjnu last decade
Hi Fitness,

Please help Mehreen.
mahmoodjnu last decade

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