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Speech delay/ screaming 3 year boy Page 3 of 3

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At some point, I believe he will need a new remedy, one that might be more usually seen in children of his age. Bufo will move him away from his more serious problems but eventually no longer be needed - it is all about knowing when that happens.

I assume there is nothing new appearing - no new symptoms of any sort? Or any very old symptoms now reappearing?
Evocationer 9 years ago
No old symptoms and no new symptoms just what I meantioned earlier most of them haven't improved and still with him
Am123 9 years ago
Repeat the 1M straight away, exactly as before. Give it one more week and report any changes.
Evocationer 9 years ago
For a week? I thought it was only one dose because it's strong ...
Can you specify again how many doses please
Am123 9 years ago
I'd like to update about my son
I gave him one dose of the bufo 1m a little over a week ago I notice little change
What I feel more is that he copies other kids a lot and even if something is on tv and it attracts him he will copy usually loud behaviors he's more attracted to. At school his teacher noted the same he usually copies a disabled student In his class more then other students . Even if he is watching tv or movie and there is a scene with a lot of adrenalin he will get Loud and imitate the scene usually in an aggressive manner
His behavior is interesting there are some moments where he is so well behaved and will listen and all and other moments where he will throw toys or scream and not listen usually he will re enact a scenerio he has playing in his head i don't let him watch any action movies or tv shows like Spider-Man or superman even a simple show like Sesame Street he will re enact a scene in an aggressive way
He still doesn't nap he doesn't like to brush his teeth he is not potty trained he's going to be 4 years in July. He doesn't hold a pencil either not interested in coloring or making straight lines etc
He is receiving physical therapy occupational therapy and speech therapy in school he hates trying new things and his classroom is his comfort and his friends in his classroom is his comfort once he finds his comfort zone he doesn't like anything else for example if one teacher aide helps him get
On school bus he only wants that teacher aide to help
Him not another teacher aide .
His teacher also pointed he likes to sit in a w shaped leg not cross his legs which I didn't think was a big deal before.
Please tell me what I should do next
Am123 9 years ago
I am looking over this again to see what step to take next.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Alright the remedy I would like to try now is LYCOPODIUM. Can you obtain 200c and give him a single dose exactly as you did with the Bufo?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Lypocodium Clavatum is same as the one that u mentioned ? And how many doses as the bufo ? Just one dose for one day or one dose for three days?
Thanks so much
Am123 9 years ago
Yes that is the same remedy. Just give him one dose to begin with so we can measure his response.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Update on my son
I gave him one dose about a little over a week ago and I don't really notice any significant change he still the same still repeats scenes in his heads and sentences as well still having hard time controlling his emotions when he's happy he's too excited when he's upset he gets really angry still having some screaming episodes
I do notice him starting and understanding to talk more he's willing to try new things and he's becoming more social he tries to make friends with his own age but if it's a large crowd he will look from afar and not go close
Should I give another dose or two?
Am123 9 years ago
It does seem like he is continuing to improve though. In terms of the Hierarchy of Symptoms, cognitive symptoms are more important than emotional ones. This means that according to Direction of Cure, they should improve first.

Give him one more dose, exactly as before *except* I want you to hit the bottle 8 times.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Yes I am seeming improvements I will do as u directed
Thanks a lot :)
Am123 9 years ago
I'd like to update on the progress
My son will be four in July. He's definitely understanding a lot and making more spontaneous talk. He responds when a choice question is given which he's never done before.
Some days he's very calm and will listen say please and thank behave nicely. Some days he's very hyper I guess it's typical for a toddler
My concern still is that he isn't interested in holding a pencil or writing he scribbles with crayons for barely a minute. Also he doesn't take instructions very well especially when we are outdoors he just wants to run he doesn't play with any structure or follows rules. Like he won't be interested in when we teach him to play a sport like soccer throw a ball in a net. He doesn't seem to be interested in potty training either he cries real hard when I put him on the potty.
What should I do next ?
Am123 9 years ago
I didn't hear back from you
I'd like to add to what I posted earlier
Today was my sons annual meeting to dicuss his improvements and areas that need to be focused on
Teachers and I both agree on his improvement on speech it's a working progress. The concern to be worked on now is that he still copies other peers and mostly peers that behave childishly or immature he does same at home he will copy my younger 1.5 year old son instead of helping his little brother learn new words he will babble what his little brother is babbling he does same at school he will copy childish behavior more then good. He doesn't like to be wrong still he doesn't like to be scolded he will cry painful tears he doesn't want to listen still he had improved with listening but this area stil needs to be improved
His teacher mentioned that maybe he needs further therapy to make his body muscles stronger he sits with a w shape with his legs as oppose to crossing his legs she suggested maybe he gets tired siting up straight with legs crossed maybe his lower back isn't strong enough to support his posture In that position also he doesn't like to hold a crayon color pain write scribble etc they will Focus therapy on that area as well
Can you guide me further plz I see huge improvement in his
Just little things that need tweaking
Thanks so much
Am123 9 years ago
I need help once again last week i noticed my son has started repeating phrases and scenarios again an old symptom resurfaced
Also another symptom that resurfaced is him not responding to his name or questions asked I know he hears me and he knows I'm asking my him but he doesn't answer back like he did these are old symptoms that had been resolved but came back its not as bad as before but I'm concerned
Should I repeat any remedy ?
Thanks in advance
Am123 9 years ago

I would ask Rishimba to take over your
case if he has time. He has worked on many similar

Do a new thread, ask for him in
your headline and then copy this link
in the thread so he can see what has
gone on.
simone717 9 years ago
I need help with my son again. He's doing much better he's fluently talking follows direction doing well over all. He's 5 now. However, he still has trouble focusing on a task. He loses attention and can't seem to focus on a task. His teacher at school seem to have noticed too. He's focus and attention is not there compared to his peers in his classroom. He needs to be redirected every few mins to his homework. He seems to have hard time grasping onto new material as well since his focus isn't there. For example, I will be helping with his home work and he will get distracted by the tip of his pencil not sharp enough or the color of his eraser or he will just start staring outside the window at the trees and start talking about it.
What can I do to help him focus. To he alert. Also when I call him he won't respond right away he will be so into his own world of play or iPad that he will not respond. I have to ask him a question 10 times with choices for him to respond to me.
He's very possisive and bad at sharing too. Very sensitive with little heart.
Please help
Am123 8 years ago
Dear am,

Good to hear about your son.

This forum has many people coming and going and if you do not ask for a person in your headline you can get
Bad advice. This is a complex case.

I would say email rishimba or ask for dr reva, as he has been on here again lately and has done these cases. Vital.force at gmail dot com is rishimba email.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 03:06:21 UTC]
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 03:13:47 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago

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