The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Left Eye Twitching
Hi.. I am of 29 years and i am having a problem with my left eye its twitching almost continuously if its open. The left eye upper lid. If i close my eyes it stops twitching but if its open it twitches. I tried cold water and aurvedic eye clearer solution but still no result. Is there any medicine that can help me for this problem .. please suggest..thanks..
aly.irshad on 2014-10-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take Bryonia 200 one dose(4pill)
in the morning in empty stomach do not eat and drink anything 15min before and after taking the medicine and report back after 3 days of taking medicine
in the morning in empty stomach do not eat and drink anything 15min before and after taking the medicine and report back after 3 days of taking medicine
gaintrox last decade
Thanks really helped me. I am relaxed now. I have this kind of problem often, sometimes in a month or two months, what precautions i can take to avoid this.
aly.irshad last decade
Interesting result. Gaintrox what rubric did you use to prescribe Bryonia?
I can't find a rubric to cover this specifically except for
Eye, twitching, lids, < opening the eyes - Kali-bich is the only remedy in this rubric.
I can't find a rubric to cover this specifically except for
Eye, twitching, lids, < opening the eyes - Kali-bich is the only remedy in this rubric.
♡ Evocationer last decade
that because if we see the eye twitching for the way of traditional way it takes place because of a minor dis-balance in bile factors in body the factor for which we use ipecac . if u see many people have eye infection and eye twitching during season change for this broniya is very.if we see the remedy for these problem the way of Schuessler nat sulph and kali mur is very help full .
Broniya is also helpfull during jaundice and sunstroke
Broniya is also helpfull during jaundice and sunstroke
gaintrox last decade
It is not clear what made him to prescribe that particular Bryonia. There are other medicines aswel.
mazhariihr last decade
gaintrox last decade
I have no idea what bile factors are, but what is more interesting to me is how you knew the modality for this symptom was 'during season change'? The poster did not give that modality.
The modalities were 'in left eye', '< when eye open'. There is no mention of season change or eye infection.
I am always keen to add remedies to rubrics if they are not there and are shown to cure a symptom. Just wondering how you knew it would cure this symptom though?
The modalities were 'in left eye', '< when eye open'. There is no mention of season change or eye infection.
I am always keen to add remedies to rubrics if they are not there and are shown to cure a symptom. Just wondering how you knew it would cure this symptom though?
♡ Evocationer last decade
.i said Bryonia is also helpful in eye twitching while season change .
Bile factors are not usually use in homeopathy it is very rare in it .But it is use in Ayurveda.
Actually my grandfather is a homeopath over more than 50 years and my uncle was a herbalist .So,we use to discuss on topic in Ayurveda. There are manly three factor on which the disease and treatment are depended in Ayurveda bile factor,rheumatic factor and cough factor. There is questioners to find the percentage of the three factor in body (some expert ayurvades by observing the heart beat can say the percentage of three factor )by comparing the symptoms of the these factor we found homeopathy medicine which can cure a minor case of this dis-balance of these factor how ever for only a few minor cases this can be use.
medicines have similarity to bile factors: ipec,nux vom,broniya.
medicine have similarity to
rheumatic factor:calc flour,rhus tox, pulsatilla
medicine have similarity to cough factor:arsenicum album,spongia,belladonna
Bile factors are not usually use in homeopathy it is very rare in it .But it is use in Ayurveda.
Actually my grandfather is a homeopath over more than 50 years and my uncle was a herbalist .So,we use to discuss on topic in Ayurveda. There are manly three factor on which the disease and treatment are depended in Ayurveda bile factor,rheumatic factor and cough factor. There is questioners to find the percentage of the three factor in body (some expert ayurvades by observing the heart beat can say the percentage of three factor )by comparing the symptoms of the these factor we found homeopathy medicine which can cure a minor case of this dis-balance of these factor how ever for only a few minor cases this can be use.
medicines have similarity to bile factors: ipec,nux vom,broniya.
medicine have similarity to
rheumatic factor:calc flour,rhus tox, pulsatilla
medicine have similarity to cough factor:arsenicum album,spongia,belladonna
gaintrox last decade
Interesting. That does explain a little more to me about your approach.
I still don't understand how you got to the remedy though, but it is good to see the patient respond positively.
I still don't understand how you got to the remedy though, but it is good to see the patient respond positively.
♡ Evocationer last decade
the remedy depending upon this theory has been used in many cases by me by my grandfather and even by uncle it work perfectly in every ever it use for only few minor case because in homeopathy theory 'like cure like' and the remedy depends on person symptoms but the selection of remedy in Ayurveda is depend on which type of imbalance it is(there are many types of bile factor,rheumatic factor and cough factor) .
how i select the remedy?
eye twitching in the view of Ayurveda is always due to minor dis-balance in bile-factor.
for example take a case the person have indigestion 2-3 times a week to avoid indigestion he avoid to eat oily food.The indigestion is takes place either dis-balance of bile-factor or rheumatic-factor or both .The person have a bad habit to saty awake at late night.which explain this person have indigestion because of of dis-balance of bile factor by telling him to sleep at time take food at time and by using the ipecac for few days he get cure.
take another person have gastric problem after lunch it this take place because dis-balance in rheumatic factor we use pulsatilla he get cure.
if u want u may visit this website
bile factor is know as pitta,cough factor is known as Kapha,rheumatic factor is known as Vata .
[message edited by gaintrox on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 11:11:24 GMT]
how i select the remedy?
eye twitching in the view of Ayurveda is always due to minor dis-balance in bile-factor.
for example take a case the person have indigestion 2-3 times a week to avoid indigestion he avoid to eat oily food.The indigestion is takes place either dis-balance of bile-factor or rheumatic-factor or both .The person have a bad habit to saty awake at late night.which explain this person have indigestion because of of dis-balance of bile factor by telling him to sleep at time take food at time and by using the ipecac for few days he get cure.
take another person have gastric problem after lunch it this take place because dis-balance in rheumatic factor we use pulsatilla he get cure.
if u want u may visit this website
bile factor is know as pitta,cough factor is known as Kapha,rheumatic factor is known as Vata .
[message edited by gaintrox on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 11:11:24 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
Using potentized medicines on the basis of ayurvedic philosophy? Well that is interesting... not homoeopathy of course. It does help me to understand why you make the suggestions you do though.
I will keep an eye on your other prescriptions to see how this approach works out. Quite interesting.
I will keep an eye on your other prescriptions to see how this approach works out. Quite interesting.
♡ Evocationer last decade
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