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3 1/2 years child rolling eyes

Greetings All

My daughter (3 1/2 years) has lately started to roll her eyes (as if looking upwards). This symptom appeared a couple of months back. She does that when she is thoughtful (and sometimes gloomy). She actually starts staring in a direction (sometimes suddenly while playing) which sometimes is followed by rolling of eyes (as if she is looking upwards).

The symptom (rolling eyes) is also worse indoors (that too if the room is not airy). Actually it has happened very rarely outdoors.

The rolling lasts for only 1-5 seconds. And she is back herself once it is over. She does it more often when she is feeling let down or generally sad. And yes she is keeping sad quite often these days. The symptom (rolling eyes) becomes more frequent when she is sleepy. She takes a lot of time in going to sleep though she is visibly very sleepy. She also aggressively rubs her eyes when she is sleepy.

She also has a younger brother. There is a lot of sibling rivallary. She is visibly sad if somebody praises her younger brother or when her mother is paying more attention to him.

Of the other symptoms, she has acute aversion to milk and curd. She takes/likes other milk products (like cheese and Indian sweets) though. The aversion to milk started after a high fever (and convulsions) around three years back. She also has a lot of dandruf.

Rolling of eyes is a new symptom. The other symptoms have been there for a period of two years.

After consulting reportory, I gave her Pulsatilla 1M. After taking the medicine, she urinated quite a lot (every half an hour). She also started sleeping more than she usually did earlier. I also felt that there is some aggravation followed by some improvement. But after one week of giving the medicine, she has not shown much improvement.

Earlier (a couple of months before she started rolling eyes), I had also given her Phosphorus 200C, which showed quite a bit of improvement for her dandruf. I gave phosphorus only once.

Please help me find the right medicine for her.

- Puneet
  puneet on 2004-06-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
how was fever treated 3 years ago?what was cause? what other symptms occured with this fever?

what other symptoms show that child is actually sad?

any white spots on/under fingernails?

what vaccinations child have?when?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Sorry for the very long reply. I wanted to be as verbose as possible.

We did not give any vaccination to the child.

I hereby describe the history of all the fevers my daughter has had, along with her age at the time of fever.

10 months old
This was the first fever she has had. The fever was probably due to upset stomache. As the fever was high, she had a fit. Her eyes had rolled up and lips had turned slightly blue. This happened at around 1:30pm during the summer season. As we sprinkled water on her, she recovered from the fit and the fever started coming down. She was constipated and her stomache was hard. At around 4:00pm the same day I gave her a massage on the feet. As a result she passed stools. The stools were green and smelly. After an hour of passing stools, the fever started rising again (upto 101-F not very high). At his time we consulted a paediatrician who gave her some allopathy medicine (it was a lotion to bring down fever). As soon as we put medicine in her mouth (around 5:30pm the same day), she had convulsions. She had started jerking her arm. She also had some foam coming from her mouth. She was also staring and not responding. The convulsions subsided after 5-10 min. She had lots of water after half an hour. By this time the fever had come down. The fever rose again after 6-8 hrs, but we decided not to give any medicine. The fever finally subsided next day without any medicine. Thereafter she permanently stopped taking cows milk/curd. She continued taking mothers feed though.

26 months old
She again had fever. We had been told by the paedatrician to not let the fever go high.
So we were a bit skeptical about fever rising. She was given paracitamol lotion. She did not respond to the lotion and the fever did not subside much. After 6 hours of giving paracetamol, she had fits. This was around 5:30pm in the evening. She started staring at the bulb. She also shivered for a few seconds and simultaneously passed stools and had foam in her mouth. This went on only for less than a minute. Immediately after that she had a glass full of water. We panicked and took her to a paedetrician. This time she gave some other medicine (I do not remember the name -- but this medicine. I was told, is effective for eight hours and is given when the patient is not responding to paracetamol). As the fever started rising again the next day, we decided not to give any medicine. The fever subsided the next day without any medicine.

32 months old
She got exposed to a child carrying measles. She was given Pulsatilla 30C as a prophalctic.
She anyway had an attack of measles. As the fever rose on the fourth day, we were not sure that it was measles. Eruption had not come on her body yet. She was given baby paracetamol lotion once. Later as the eruptions started appearing, we decided not to give any allopathic medicine. She did not have any fits during measles.

Later we found a good homeopath. Whenever she had fever, he gave some medicine and the fever will not rise. It was probably some low potency (this I am guessing because he asked us to repeat the dose avery 2 hours during the fever and stop when fever subsides). I think she had fever thrice after she had measles. And it never resulted in fits.

We usually do not give her any allopathic medicine and have not got her vaccinated.

Today we took her to a paedetrician. The paedetrician is saying that it might be "absense seizures" (petit mal). She has prescribed EEG, which we have decided not to get done. We had given her Pulsatilla 1M five days back. The symptoms were more sever before we gave Pulsatilla. There was some aggravation with lots of urination for 1 1/2 days. The amelioration started. She used to blink her eyes as she rolled them upwards. After giving Pulsatilla she rolls her eyes less frequently and the blinking is mostly absent.

These days she likes to take sour things. She has dandruf. Her hair go dry very quickly after application of oil.
As for her sadness, let me clarify that she is usually cheerful. She becomes sad when her mother is attending to her younger brother. She once confided that she does not like her brother.
Her symptoms aggravate whenever she is seemingly sad and when she is tired/sleepy.
Her aversion to milk continues.
puneet 2 decades ago
There are no white spots on her nails.
puneet 2 decades ago
I want to give more symptoms which have appeared after we gave Pulsatilla 1M.

1) She sometimes chews her shirt collars or pillow covers. She was not doing this before we gave her Pulsatilla.

2) She is staring less often. Now she does that mostly only when she wants to sleep. After 3-4 staring episodes (2-5 seconds), she says that she is feeling sleepy.

3) Sometimes she gets urine immediately after a staring spell. As I wrote earlier, she had urine every half an hour the day she was given Pulsatilla.
puneet 2 decades ago
what new symptoms have occured since giving pulsatilla?

how much antibiotic treatment child have in health history?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
"new symptoms"= never has had before in life
John Stanton 2 decades ago
The only marked and 'new' smptom we have observed is frequent urination. She urinated very frequently for 1 1/2 days after she had the dose of Pulsatilla. Now it is a week and she still urinates more frequently than she used to do earlier.

She has never been given any anti-biotics.
puneet 2 decades ago
She has also gained much height during the period she started staring/rolling her eyes.

We suspect it could be because of shortage of Calcium. After all staring could is a symptom of nervous weekness especially when there is a tendency to stare on a source of light (open window, bulb etc). And Calcium deficiancy may result in nervous weekness. We are a vegetarian family and she has acute aversion for milk.

We have not got any tests done for Calcium in the blood though.
puneet 2 decades ago
dont wory about calcium test.

when you say rolling --do you mean just staring upward or actually moving in some way?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what medications were used during pregnancy/labor (with this child)?

any complications during pregnancy /labor? illnesses?accidents? anything ocur worth mentioning during this time?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Rolling in her case is just staring upwards (mostly towards a source of light).

When she rolls her eyes, she stops talking. Otherwise she keeps doing whatever she was doing before rolling. For example if she is walking, she keeps walking even as she stares at something.

Lately this symptom of rolling is less frequent and much less severe than a week back (when she was given pulsatilla).

My wife was underwheight at the time of conception (97 pounds kgs 5.5 feet). But she gained 37 pounds during pregnancy.

My wife did not take any allopathic supplements during pregnancy. The only allopathic treatment she underwent during preganancy was applying a lotion to contain scabies. Otherwise was she did not take any calcium iron vitamin supplements etc. Occasionally she took ferum phos and calc phos (6X) though.

The pregnancy was all very normal. My daughter was born 7 days ahead of the due date.

We did not know any nature cure clinic around. So my daughter was born at a regular (allopathic) clinic. Obviously the doctor administered some medicines during the labor, which we do not know about. The labor was prolonged (24 hrs). Actually my wife had started leaking and my baby was born a long 24 hrs later. The doc said that she had the embryonic cord around her neck and therefore the prolonged labor. The delivery was done normally (the doc said she used forceps but the baby was not harmed). And the baby looked very normal 30 min after delivery when we first saw her. She had her eyes open and was observing evrybody around.
puneet 2 decades ago
Her symptoms (rolling/staring) are more acute at the noon time and during the dinner time (before she goes to the bed). On most of the days rolling/staring happens only during the noon/dinner period.

She takes time going to sleep. IF she is in bed at 10:00p, she finally sleeps only by 11:00-11:30p. And these days she is somewhat constipated (passes stools only on alternate days).

Her skin generally keeps slightly colder than normal.

With all these symptoms, we plan to give her a dose of calc phos 12x. Please advise on suitability of medicine and potency. Just to remind, she has had a dose of Pulsatilla 1M a week earlier.
puneet 2 decades ago
NO OTHER remdies yet---pulsatilla gave good response --just need to access the situation---

is constipation you mention an old symptom (occur sometime in life before)? OR NEVER HAD BEFORE?

is the frequent urination still occuring?

what changes have you noticed in her temperament since puls?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thanks John.

As you advised, we will not give Calc Phos or any other remedy for now. I would like to mention here that we have been giving her Kali Phos and Fer Phos 6X in normal course. A few doses were also given a couple of days after the pulsatilla dose. We have already stopped this for the last couple of days.

Constipation is not a new symptom. Though it was not common (once in two-three months).

Urination is back to normal.

I will relate some incidents which mark the change in her temperament.

1) While I and my wife were shopping along with her, she walked away from us to a group of kids who were playing in the same shop. Earlier she used to pull either of us along.

2) On coming out of the shop, she tried to run away. We had to catch her and coax her to come with us. Earlier if she wanted to go somewhere she would ask us to take her there and/or she would start crying (but she wont try going there by herself)

3) She goes regularly to a nearby park for playing. She is always accompanied by her mother and/or grandparents (who stay with us). Yesterday we employed a maid. My daughter was adament that she would go to the park along with her and nobody should follow them. In the park she ventilated her feelings to the maid. She especially mentioned that I sometimes scold her mother. I have not scolded my wife recently and this probably has gone into her mind some weeks back. And she never talked about it to any of us.
puneet 2 decades ago
ok allow response to pulsatilla to continue---

no other treatments -medicines -skin ointments ..etc

child MUST avoid all acidic foods and drinks..i.e...coca cola,pepsi,,and the like;coffee,tea,vinegar,fruit and juices...etc..also no fatty foods....

have child start using essential fatty acid supplement...

post changes as they occur or as you feel need...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thanks John

We heeded to your advice and did not give any other medicine. She is also avoiding fatty foods. And we have observed that she does not respond favourably whenever she is given fatty food.

It has been around 4 weeks that she had Pulsatilla 1M. She still rolls her eyes sometimes, though the severity and frequency have certainly reduced.

She continues to have constipation and is passing stools only once in two days.
She has also complained of stomachache 3-4 times during the past one week.

As we have not observed any further improvement for the past one week, should we repeat a dose of Pulsatilla? Please advise. Also advise on potency of the dose.
puneet 2 decades ago
1 dose "only" sulpher 30c

must avoid all sweets-but particularly-all products made with refined white sugar-and anything made with alchol (as preservative or otherwise)

follow other restrictions mentioned in last post...

post response or lack of ...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
We had gone outstation for the weekend. She was given one dose of Sulpher 30c once we were back.

We have not seen any positive effect on her. The frequency of staring spells has increased now. I could be due to the tiring weekend trip. She is still constipated and passes stools on alternate days.

The frequency of staring spells had gone down significantly after the dose of Pulsatilla 1M. After Pulsatilla, even when she used to stare, she usually did not roll her eyes. Now most of staring spells are accompanied by rolling too.

The spells are usually only 2-3 seconds and never more than 5 seconds. We have lately noticed that her staring spells are often interuptable. Basically if we interupt her (by calling her etc) just within half a second from the start of the spell, she comes back immediately. And during a staring/rolling spell if we ask her a question, she usually answers the question as soon as she is back. Only sometimes, when the spell is long (5 secs kind) she does not.

During such spells she keeps doing whatever she is doing at that time. If she is eating food, she keeps chewing it properly. If she is walking, she keeps walking. The only thing, she stops talking.

A few times, when I asked why she stopped talking, she told me that she had not undestood something and that is why.
puneet 2 decades ago
any new symptoms at all?

what changes in appetite notice?

be sure NO sweets for child and follow other guidelines...

post often--need to keep close monitorization
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Sorry for being a bit lax. I will be postnig more regularly now on.

Her appetite seems to have improved. Today there is improvement in other symptoms too. Frequency of staring is apparently less today.

We have also observed that after taking Sulpher her dandruf is much improved. She had also developed prickly heat rashes after taking Pulsatilla. These rashes have subsided after taking Sulpher.

She seems to have also become less stubborn after taking the Sulpher dose. Previously she used to insist that she would take only unpeeled apple. For the past couple of days, she does not mind if it is peeled. Today afternoon she also told her mother that she wants to sleep. Earlier on she had to be coaxed for a long time, into taking a nap during the daytime (and there are days when she will not sleep however hard we tried).
puneet 2 decades ago
ok--no other remedies -treatments

allow child's response to sulpher to continue--keep posting--status
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Her staring spells were less frequent/intense for a couple of days. Since yesterday these have again aggravated somewhat.

She passed stools four times today. Yesterday also she passed stools once in the morning. Stools are normal.

Today morning she was kind of sleepy. She was having staring spells pretty frequently. After passing stools (four times), she is quite talkative and cheerful, though she did not take her afternoon nap today as she has been doing regularly after taking Sulpher.

We have also observed another change in her behaviour since the Sulpher dose. Earlier on she always wanted to accompany me when I went for groceries. Yesterday she prefered to stay back home with her mother. After taking Pulsatilla she had the tendency of going out of the house (upto a safe distance) if the door is left open. She has not done that since taking Sulpher dose.

Yesterday she told us about her school friends. It seems there are a couple of classmates who have been bullying her for a while. She never mentioned this before though we keep asking her about her school.

In company of her friends, she is very submissive. When her friends visit our home, she readily shares her toys with them. She also talks very nicely with them (as if trying to get acceptance). This is when her friends tend to dominate her. If her friends are dominating she does not like it, bit she keeps making friendly gestures. Even when a friend hits her, she will not retort (she just tries to save herself). This is not a new behaviour, she has been like that even before she had Pulsatilla dose.
puneet 2 decades ago
so far ok---may need go up in potency sulph 200c --but let's wait and observe...

please explain your following statement:(what does this imply to you?)

"......We have also observed another change in her behaviour since the Sulpher dose. Earlier on she always wanted to accompany me when I went for groceries. Yesterday she prefered to stay back home with her mother. After taking Pulsatilla she had the tendency of going out of the house (upto a safe distance) if the door is left open. She has not done that since taking Sulpher dose..........."
John Stanton 2 decades ago
This is a probable change in her attitude that I wanted to report.

Previously she was very fond of going out for various things (shopping etc.). Although now she is not averse to going out, she does not exhibit so much keenness.

As I reported earlier too, some of her most intense staring spells are accompanied by an urge to urinate. During the spells too, she sometimes puts hand between her legs as if she wants to control her urine.
puneet 2 decades ago
1 dose ""ONLY""sulpher 200c

follow same restrictions
John Stanton 2 decades ago

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