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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Life after Birth Control Page 4 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'm not really sure how you mean; is there a new questionaire you want me to fill out?
I have been telling you all the new symptoms, and the reoccurring/worsening symptoms in my updates. Other than those mentioned, everything else is still the same. At the moment my antibiotics for the bladder infection are causing a slough of new symptoms, including extra fatigue and nausea, extreme constipation, and very bad irrational moods.
Without the abx my morning fog seems to wear off between 10-11am. With the abx it is much more extreme and lasting anywhere from 2-6 pm.

Honestly, right now I really need help with the constipation, as its contributing to the nausea/fatigue and causing low back pain. So if you could maybe suggest an appropriate acute remedy for my case, I would appreciate it.
It's like the stool just sits idle in bowels/rectum, and goes from small round balls to the occasional larger mass, all of which are extremely difficult to pass, often impossible.
I know I need to drink more water, but I am so not thirsty, and drinking anything (well eating or drinking anything) is disgusting and makes me want to throw up. Everything I eat leaves a bad taste in my mouth, which makes me feel sick also.
If you have any specific questions in any areas of my case, please don't hesitate to ask.
rom109 9 years ago
Also, I would add that taking the Lac-E does seem to stimulate a small amount of movement, but it only lasts about 2-3 days. I have still only been taking a dose every 3-4 days.
rom109 9 years ago
Are you taking a probiotic?

Also what would help you is to have a tablespoon
of flax seed oil a day to keep things moving.
And you need roughage, a salad a day- even if you
have to force yourself, bc this is a basic need
for the colon.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 25 Mar 2015 20:58:14 GMT]
simone717 9 years ago
Yes I'm taking a very complete probiotic with the antibiotics. It's not making much of a difference. Also all I can stand to eat is fresh fruit and vegetables, and I can't "force" myself to consume anything more than what I already am. If I do force it I would just puke it right up; and I refuse to throw up.
I will try to add the flax oil as I have had good results from flax in the past(when I could stand it).
All the same though, my body decides whenever it wants to move and if it doesn't want to, it doesn't make a lick of difference what foods or supplements I consume.
Thanks for the tips
rom109 9 years ago
You are doing the right things here then.
I found, when pregnant that if I alternated
from Flax seed, to cod liver oil, and then,
olive oil or whatever good oil, that my body
responded if constipated.

Evocationer will have to assess what is going
on here, pregnancy can be complex.


[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 25 Mar 2015 22:07:26 GMT]
simone717 9 years ago
Ok things have changed. It does not look like Lac-e is going to help during the pregnancy. This is to be expected.

Can you list each problem you have, one at a time. Next to each one give this information:

Sensation, pain, feeling, location

When it is worse, what makes it worse, how it gets worse

When it is better, what makes it better, how it gets better

Then describe the following:

How you feel in yourself (mentally and emotionally)
How you are sleeping
How your appetite is
How your physical energy is
How you are dealing with feeling unwell
Evocationer 9 years ago
For starters, I took another dose of Lac-E 30c last night and I slept wonderfully, felt pretty refreshed in the morning, and today was a very good day. I was not hardly grumpy in the morning, and the nausea was minimal all day (except when I took my antibiotics; that almost did me in...).

I'll list my current issues, excluding the way the antibiotics affect me:

First of all, this is totally random, but I'm noticing a weird red horizontal line across my nailbed, right at the top of my fingernail...this is new, I've never seen it on my nails before. I think it's been like that for at least a week.

Lack of energy/motivation in general. It's worse when I don't get enough sleep, and most especially when I have to wake up before 8-9AM. The more tired I am the more nauseous and depressed I feel. It gets better if I get enough quality sleep, if I eat the right things at the right times, and if I drink enough water.

Have been getting tension headaches, starting in mid/upper back and moving up my neck. They're worse if I don't drink enough water and after strenuous work activities (ie scrubbing floors). They develop into migraines and cause subluxations in neck and shoulders. Better for sleeping, drinking more water, getting a massage and chiropractic adjustment.

Nausea- nearly constant feeling of extreme hunger, but also repulsed by even the thought of food. Feels like I am about to gag all the time; this feeling is located in my throat. My stomach feels empty and gross...Mouth waters almost constantly. It's worse between 6:30 and 11:00 AM, it gets worse if I didn't sleep well the night before, and if I do not eat the right things at the right times. The worse it gets the less I want to move around, because my heart starts pounding and I can feel it in my throat, and this makes me feel even more sick. I have to stop moving and try to calm down and eat something. Also the worse this is (when accompanied by the fatigue) the more depressed and emotional I am. It gets better after 11am-12pm, give or take an hour. Sleeping makes it better, but only while I'm sleeping. If I haven't eaten I wake up feeling worse than when I fell asleep. Also ice water is about the only way I can drink water now. When it gets better it almost feels like a fog has lifted, and I feel lighter and more capable.

Fatigue- Very groggy, sleepy, heavy feeling as if gravity is pulling my whole body and self down. I feel weak, incapacitated, hopeless, insecure, and a little bit desperate. It's worse when my sleep isn't long enough or refreshing. It's worse between 6:30-11:00AM, and the worse it is the more apt to crying, sulking, and irrational outbursts I am. I get very defensive, and irritable, I have no patience for "stupid people", and I feel like everything is just a lost cause and I just want to give up and go home to bed, but I can't so I feel trapped and like there's no solution and there's no way I am going to get through this so what am I supposed to do? The answer to that is usually just cry. And then I feel a little bit better. But this emotional fog doesn't lift until around 11AM, and that's just what it feels like, a fog has lifted. Or maybe more like Jekyll and Hyde; I just switch to my usual happy/agreeable, rational, OK feeling, semi-motivated self. When I am back to this normal state, I can look back at how I was feeling earlier and see how ridiculous my thoughts were.

Constipation- feels like my bowels are full, and colon is impacted. It is worse if I don't have much activity during the day, if I don't drink enough water, and if I don't eat enough salad/fresh vegetables. It also seems to be worse with dairy products. When its at it's worst I feel even more fatigued/nauseous and even less of an appetite. It's better when I can do all the things listed above, and when I'm not pregnant...LOL Often I will go 3-4 days with no movement, and then on the 5th day I will have quite a few, and feel much relief in my lower back and stomach feels less bloated, and get a bit of energy back.

-I am currently feeling OK emotionally; it's very hard to give a straight answer because things fluctuate so much through the day and even from day to day. For example, yesterday I was an emotional bitchy monster for almost the whole day, and it cleared up around 4pm. However today (after taking my remedy last night) I haven't hardly felt grumpy at all. The one thing that is consistent (in varying severity) is the morning to afternoon switch that I described above. I have noticed that I have been much more open and able to share my emotions and things with my husband; normally I am very closed and reserved, and can only express my deepest feelings in writing. I have been finding myself able to speak candidly with him about a lot of things I am normally very locked up about.
-My sleep has also been inconsistent; for the past week it has been pretty bad actually, tossing and turning and waking often, but I attributed that to having a bladder infection. Not much dreaming, but when I did it was very vivid and...interesting. I can't remember what they were right now though, one was of evil doctors trying to chase me down in a fake hospital...I do remember that LOL. But last night I slept like a rock. I only woke up once to go to the bathroom, but went straight back to a hard sleep. I felt refreshed in the morning, but like I did need to keep sleeping. I was not tense when I woke up, as I have been in the last week or so. I need to take naps after work a lot, but they are light and I wake up with my heart pounding and feeling pretty gross and very hot and like the room is very stuffy.

-My appetite is ravenous, constantly feel hungry, craving something but I can't figure out what it is, because everything seems gross. I start eating something that seemed like a good idea and I get a few bites down and then it's no good. Honestly what I'm really craving is all the gluten-filled products that I can't have. :( A doughnut sounds fantastic right about now ;).
Certain sweet things I cannot handle. Like coffee, it's smooth and sweet and mellow, normally it's heavenly to me, but now I can't even stand the smell of it brewing. I did try a blended mocha the other day and that was alright(probably because it's cold), but the whipped cream was too much. I like vinegary things, crunchy fresh vegetables, fruits, particularly green cabbage, onions, cucumber, and blueberries, tangerine oranges, red grapes, cantaloupe, and apples with cinnamon. That's basically my diet lately. Oh also I'm really diggin' red meat over white lately. Which is sort of opposite for me. Garlic, which I usually can't get enough of is overwhelming and gives me heartburn.

-My physical energy is pretty low. It was starting to pick back up just before I found out I was pregnant...but quickly started rollin' back down hill after that.

-I am dealing with all of this overall, I think, OK, I'm just pushing ahead and trying to deal with each issue as it arises. I'm trying to take care of myself with my growing baby in mind, and relying heavily on my husbands help with the housework and with emotional support through all the daily ups and downs. When I feel at my worst I have to say I do not handle it well. As I described above I feel very down and depressed and if it weren't for the small flicker of reality that still burned in my mind each day I would probably do something really stupid and irrational, like, purposefully get fired and then refuse to try to find another job because I'm too miserable. But I can't let myself do that. I must press on. I just keep reminding myself (with my husbands help) that whatever happens was meant to be, and we have to do our best and be wise with our decisions, but at the end of the day if something goes wrong, or what have you, it's in God's hands and we can trust Him to take care of us, and that He has our best interests in mind. That frame of mind is difficult to maintain in the early morning, but it doesn't ever completely go away.
[message edited by rom109 on Thu, 26 Mar 2015 01:20:42 GMT]
[message edited by rom109 on Thu, 26 Mar 2015 03:24:28 GMT]
rom109 9 years ago
Has Lac-e 30 had that effect before during these pregnancy symtpoms - such a dramatic improvement of your whole state?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Yes, many times! It's not always as profound, but it always does something positive.
[message edited by rom109 on Thu, 26 Mar 2015 03:36:20 GMT]
rom109 9 years ago
Hmmm...and nothing is worse is it?
Evocationer 9 years ago
No, not that I can think of.
rom109 9 years ago
How long before the remedy appears to 'wear off'?

Does it completely relapse (all symptoms return exactly as before)?

Does anything remain better?
Evocationer 9 years ago
It is usually 3 days before it wears off and I start to relapse. I try to push it to 4, and that's when I am at my worst, and yes all symptoms seem to come back. One thing that has been steadily improving is my ability to be open and candid more with my feelings in person, as opposed to normally I can only share my deepest feelings, and most intense, possibly conflict-causing emotions on paper, I have been able steadily more and more to let go of them verbally and in the moment.
rom109 9 years ago
Okay well last night my sleep was not refreshing and I woke up feeling very sick; weak, shaky, depressed...bla bla bla no appetite....
I don't know if it's just the antibiotics; I took one right before bed, hoping to sleep through the nausea.
Anyways....see....everything is inconsistent. It's so frustrating. I just want to sleep :(
rom109 9 years ago
Hey, so Things have been going much better with me lately, especially after finishing the antibiotics. Once I hit about 10.5 weeks I began to regain much energy and some stamina, and my appetite a little bit as well. Still not super thirsty though, well I am very thirsty, but drinking is gross. My stomach doesn't feel good when it's too full. Anyhow, last week sometime I almost came down with a nasty cold, and I was continuing my 30C dose every 3 days, and each time I took it the cold symptoms would subside, but return in three days. Once time I felt the need to I redosed on the second day, and had the same results(symptoms subsiding), but the cold symptoms never returned. Since that last dose it's been 5 days and I really feel great in myself(mental/emotional) energy is good, the heavy feeling I always describe is mostly gone, and I rarely need naps.
There are two main physical things that have persisted, and gotten worse(and no doubt they go hand in hand)
The constipation, and now, awful acne, respectively. Zits that won't heal, some I've had for weeks that swell up, then simmer down, but never completely. And in the last 3 days many more large cyst-like, painful zits have appeared.
A lot are in my hairline, and around my temples. Some on my cheeks and nose. Ugh
I'm wondering if I should redose? If it wasn't for those two things I wouldn't feel the need to...
rom109 9 years ago
Interesting. So it seems that allowing the symptoms to return actually hampered the improvement or the stability of that improvement.

Very interesting. That does seem to align with Dr Hahnemann's observation with daily dosing and its importance in some cases for instigating cure.

Skin and bowels are two of the most important areas responsible for 'detoxification' and elimination. If you are better in all other ways, then this is the correct direction of cure. Try to wait and see what happens with them. If the movement is correct, the body should stop using those areas as a release point once the internal disease has calmed down and the vital force is stable.

I believe I was being a bit too cautious with you. It seems your own intuition actually allowed you to get your dosage right. I will listen more carefully to your impressions in the future I think.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Good day,

I just thought I'd give an update since things seem to be changing.
I'm 15 weeks along now, and all the morning sickness is gone, so that's good. I've been becoming more ditsy, sometimes my memory seems a little scrambled, like all the information is in there, but it's just a jumble, other times I just completely forget things.
Since the last time we spoke, I have been only redosing every 5 to 6 days, as I felt it necessary. I redosed as follows,

(How I knew to redose was a loss of energy and mental well-being, and general body stiffness. After each of the following doses I would feel a definite boost in all those areas, for quite a few days.) April 1st, April 10th, April 16th,

April 22nd, (this one is when I felt that it did not help as it had been. Initial reaction was relaxing, but the following days were unusually low as far as what normally happens after I would redose.)

April 28th, I had a sudden onset of seasonal allergies the day before, and that previous night had horrible anxiety ridden dreams, and very poor sleep.

By the way, since about week 13 I have consistently been having these awful dreams literally every night. I sleep okay, sometimes even solid, for most of the night, and then when my husband gets up for work at 6:30 I have the hardest time going back to sleep, and sleep is light and disturbed, with lots of bad dreams and tossing and turning.

So since about April 30th I have been developing a yeast infection, and the acne that completely went away around week 12 is now returning. Also the tinea p. rash on my knuckle is returning, with no provocation (meaning my hands have not been stuck in sweaty rubber gloves recently, I've actually had incredibly dry and itchy skin, no matter how much I moisturize.)
I took my last dose yesterday, May 4th, and so far I haven't felt any changes. I slept like a rock last night (not in a good way) and my body is very stiff and achey. Most particularly my jaw, neck and shoulders.

More about the dreams: They are all bad. Anxiety about impending situations, like my doctors appointments. Often things that my husband has said to me are blown out of proportion in my dream and there's fights and he hurts my feelings, and also all of these dreams are extremely vivid and real; I wake up still feeling the emotions, and they last for the better part of the day. Some dreams are of being chased, but more often they are of people trying to take over my medical care and do things to me that I am not okay with, ie, running tests, administering medications etc. that I have not approved. I often cant remember the specific scenarios but the emotions remain.
One dream I do remember was of a little white baby monkey. I rescued it from angry villagers who thought it was evil, and were trying to torture it in a cage. The thing was terrified and I wasn't scared of it like everyone else; I held its hands and told it everything was okay, and it was talking, repeating my words. I took it home and cuddled with it in bed, like i do with my cat. It learned to purr because it knew I liked it when the cat purrs. Lol. It also told me this lol.
That wasn't a horrible dream, but the part about getting it away from the angry villagers was scary.
I think that's all for now. That's a pretty in depth update. Thanks for your time.

---->>>>As far as treating the yeast,I was wondering if Simone might have any suggestions?
I can't do garlic at the moment, because it gives me raging heartburn as of this pregnancy. boo. And my diet is very low in sugars, hardly any refined carbs (carbs are hard to come by for me as is because I am gluten free) And I am taking a probiotic, although I am suspicious that it contributes to constipation..) I found a supplement called Pau D'Arco, and I've been rinsing topically with that tincture. It helps superficially I think. It would be much more helpful if I was also taking it orally, however I have not been able to find anything concrete as to it's oral safety during pregnancy. Some people say they have done it no problem, other people say stay away from it. Who knows, it may be just like any other natural supplement; nobody knows 'cause nobody in the medical field believes natural stuff actually works bla bla. The rinse is keeping it at bay for now, I just wish I could take the Pau D'Arco orally as well. Thanks <<<<------
rom109 9 years ago
It appears that Evocationer hasn't been on the forum in weeks;

Is there anyone who would be willing to take over my case, at least for the time being, please?
rom109 9 years ago
Hi Rom-

When did you take the last dose?

You had antibiotics recently-
I would change up your probiotic-Sometimes one brand
works for a time and then it
seems like it does not-perhaps
you have enough of those particular strains of bacteria. Get one
that has 8 strains at least and try it out. Yeast infections can
also make you constipated.

What are the symptoms of the yeast infection, discharge, color,
smell, itching, etc-

You should check with your dr. to make sure this is a yeast
infection and not vaginitis or something else.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 12 May 2015 20:02:22 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
Also I would stop this remedy as of now. You have had too much.

You are now having proving symptoms of it.

In the provings :- allergies, skin eruptions,
constipation or diarrhea

Anxious dreams to do with:
being chased,
being controlled or abused
Tricked somehow or betrayed
people are not just
People are captured ( the monkey dream)

My suggestion: get a new probiotic, go see your dr.
on the yeast infection, ( my feeling is that is from
the recent antibiotics)- take monostat for 7 days if the
dr says to take it, it is safe in pregnancy, your diet is
good so that is not a problem.

Wait for one week with no remedies and come back
and your case can be gone over again.
simone717 9 years ago
I have had yeast issues my whole life, and I know what one is. It went away with the topical Pau D'arco and extra vitamin C.
I'm not going to take anything like Monostat because that simply covers up the symptoms. The real issue with yeast is in the gut.
My probiotics have 10 strains, also my prenantals have probiotics in them. Since I've been pregnant I haven't been able eat garlic, which normally I eat so much it's overwhelming to others in my cooking. Also, on top of the recent bout with antibiotics, I ran out of prenantals for a week and so I'm sure my system just had the chance to be completely overrun.

As far as the remedy goes, you're wrong there, I have ALWAYS had dreams like that, if you looked back at my first few posts and my original questionnaire, you would see that is part of what led Evocationer to this remedy for me.
And the part about the allergies? That's just silly! If you sit outside all day where beauty bark is being layed with a big truck and hose blower, then you're bound to have some issues from breathing that cedar bark dust. Which is what happened to me. The remedy didn't cause this. Lol
Neither did it cause the acne not constipation. I've had these since puberty and all my life, respectively. Skin eruptions and frequent UTI's are also a symptom of yeast overgrowth in the body.

I had been trying to push it out from 3 day intervals to 5-7 days, as Evocationer suggested I try, but it may be that I was waiting too long in between, so I am trying going back to every 3 days, as Evocationer (see above) did acknowledge my intuition to help me find my correct dose by listening to my own body's cues.

I am however wondering if it may be time to try a different dose.
rom109 9 years ago

Ok if you know about why the allergies
affected you.

Great that you got the yeast to go away with
what you took.

If you have Always had dreams like that,
Did the remedy have any effect of making
those stop?

Because if they did stop and they restarted
then it would be likely that you have
had too much bc that is what happens when
you have too much, things that stopped
start up again.

If you want to post again and have someone
retake your case, please do that as I don't
think Evocationer is going to be back on
here anytime soon, as no one has even
heard why he is gone, so that is very odd.

Good Luck.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 12 May 2015 21:11:52 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
The dreams began concurrent with my second trimester(anxious/vivid dreams are common then), and also aligning with the timing of taking the remedy LESS frequently, so logically it makes no sense that they're coming back because I've had too much.
Not to mention that doctors in general give me anxiety, and every time I have an upcoming appointment I become very anxious. Thankfully I've switched to a midwife, and the anxiety dreams have ceased since my last OB appointment.

Sorry for seeming snappy, I just get frustrated when people offer advice without seeming to have taken in all the information.
rom109 9 years ago
Wish you the best on your baby and health.


simone717 9 years ago
*BUMP* !!

Good day Evocationer,

I just would like to note that the problem with the yeast is gone, as are the bad dreams as soon as I switched to a Midwife. (doctors give me anxiety)

Right now I am on the tail end of a head cold.

I was just about to repost and ask for someone to take over my case, since you haven't been on in such a long time.
If you are too busy and would like me to still do so, I can, but I would prefer you, since you are familiar with my case.

Thanks and I hope all is well with you.
rom109 9 years ago
Just checking in.
I've gone back to taking the Lac-E 30C once every 3 days and my mood seems to be slowly improving.
I've been incredibly cranky over the last week or so, partly due to my cold, which really was allergies- I had a bad attack last year as well, but this time I can't take decongestants.
Also I have been incredibly exhausted and feeling out of breath a lot (I know it's a common 2nd trimester thing) and it doesn't help being congested either. But it contributes to the grumpies. Anyways that's improving slowly...
Been having very difficult time waking up in the morning...it probably has a lot to do with the whole lack of oxygen thing...
I've been feeling the baby move/kick over the last week and a half...that's exciting :)
rom109 9 years ago

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