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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

102 fever , 3.5 year old girl, no symptoms


My daughter got high fever last night. it goes upto 102 without paracetamol. She has been passing gas frequently and burping loudly frequently ( after water . food etc) the fever progressed as follows

yesterday 9 PM - 100 | yesterday 12 AM - 101.8 > gave paracetamol | today 7.30 AM 99 | today 8.30 AM 101 > Gave paracetamol | today 2 PM 101 > gave paracetamol. the fever never came down after this. Its still at 101 at 5.36 PM ( USA east coast time)

I gave her belladonna 30 and chamomilla 30 at night when the fever started. alternatingly about 3-4 times through the night. Since the fever came back today morning again i gave her nux vomica 30 since today morning a few times ( because she has some stomach symptoms like foul smelling gas) Now since fever is not coming down, i am wondering what to do . her tongue is coated white. Should i give Antim Crud?
[message edited by tanushree on Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:02:18 GMT]
  tanushree on 2015-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
the gas that she is passing every now n then has a sharp foul smell
tanushree last decade
paracetamol should not be used so often. it can cause liver damage. if her tongue is coated white give her one dose Antim Crude 30 and see if it works. fevers in this season generally call for aconite. let me know the result.
telescope last decade

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