The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Diabetes & Blood pressure problem
Hi,I am having diabetes and Blood pressure.
My diabetes: in empty stomach:- 180
with food:- 285
and Blood pressure: 140/92
I am taking medicine for both but failed to control
and i having skin disease problem also on both leg doctor says it is psoriasis
Please suggest some homeopathic medicine. i will be thankful
[message edited by mukeshpoddar2001 on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:40:07 GMT]
[message edited by mukeshpoddar2001 on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:45:58 GMT]
mukeshpoddar2001 on 2015-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Uncontrolled diabetes may cause blindness, kidney & nerve damage.
Uncontrolled blood pressure may cause stroke, paralysis etc.
So consult a specialist doctor who can control these with allopathic medicines RIGHT NOW.
Then we can try to treat you with homeopathy.
Please read next post carefully.
Uncontrolled blood pressure may cause stroke, paralysis etc.
So consult a specialist doctor who can control these with allopathic medicines RIGHT NOW.
Then we can try to treat you with homeopathy.
Please read next post carefully.
fitness last decade
Please click on my username to know about me. It will help you establish the reliability of what is written below. I am very careful about the sources where I gather info from. I gather it mostly from universities or government sources. Read this article & educate yourself. Taking remedies without taking the complete symptom picture is most likely to fail and make things worse.
If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes, the following summarized information will help you a lot. In addition to the below information a very good source of info about Diabetes is
What is Pre-Diabetes
If you have a fasting sugar level of above 106 mg/dL but below 126 mg/dL, then you are pre-diabetic. What it means is that your body is not processing sugar the way a normal person does and you have a very high chance of developing diabetes.
What is Diabetes
If you have a fasting sugar level of above 126 mg/dL then you are diabetic. What it means is that your body is not processing sugar the way a normal person does.
What is the difference between Type-1 & Type-2 Diabetes
Type-1 diabetes are those people who are born diabetic.
Type-2 diabetes are those people who are born fine and develop diabetes later on.
Both these types need medicines and/or insulin to stay healthy.
Why is Diabetes dangerous
If diabetes is not managed, it can cause serious health issues like blindness, kidney failure, extreme nerve pain etc.
Can homeopathy cure diabetes
In most cases no. But homeopathy can improve your overall health and stop further deterioration that diabetes may cause.
Homeopathy can cure Pre-Diabetes (see details below).
How can homeopathy help in Pre-Diabetes
To understand the role of homeopathy in Diabetes, first you have to understand what causes Diabetes.
Diabetes is the inability of body to process sugar properly either due to the lack of insulin OR due to the inability to use insulin (called insulin resistance). These are two totally different problems and require different solutions. Unfortunately, the allopathic medicine doesnt make this distinction and regardless of whether you have enough insulin or not, it works on both fronts i.e. forces your body to produce more insulin AND also improve the ability of the body to use insulin efficiently. These medicines do this by working on the liver & pancreas.
Homeopathy can cure insulin resistance i.e. the inability of the body to use insulin. But if the pancreas is failing and the body doesnt have enough insulin, homeopathy cant help in that case.
Present treatment of Pre-Diabetes with allopathic medicine just accelerates it to full fledge diabetes instead of delaying it. If you want to delay the onset of Diabetes, here is what you need to do:
1. Get yourself tested for serum Insulin level
2. This will show if your pancreas is healthy and producing enough insulin or not
3. Depending on the results, your treatment will be decided
4. If your Insulin level comes high, its a great sign which shows that your pancreas is healthy and producing enough insulin. In this case, the reason of your pre-diabetes is that your body is not using the available insulin.
Get your HbA1C level tested, it will show how your sugar has been over a period of approx. 3 months
Get yourself tested for Lipid profile to check if your liver is working fine
5. If your Insulin level comes low, it means your pancreas is failing. Homeopathy can still help you make the maximum out of it and slow down or stop the failure of pancreas.
With the results of above tests, consult a classical (single remedy) homeopath who can help you overcome pre-diabetes. Remember, pre-diabetes shows your bodys inherent tendency towards diabetes, homeopathy can only help if you adopt lifestyle changes otherwise even homeopathy cant help.
A simple example which will help you understand this is that if you have an injury, the right homeopathic remedy will speed up the cure. But if you keep cutting yourself over and over again, no amount of homeopathy or medicine can cure! So the lifestyle changes will help you support your body to avoid or delay diabetes.
Lifestyle changes if you are Pre-Diabetic or Diabetic (Type-2):
You can do a couple of lifestyle changes which will either delay the onset of diabetes or avoid it altogether. Here are the changes you need:
1. Start walking 30-40 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend.
2. Add 20 minutes of strength training 3 days a week to it.
3. Stop all processed foods e.g. white bread, white rice, white burgers etc.
4. Eat whole foods only i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice etc.
5. The bread should be high in bran content & the flour should be coarse ground.
6. Eat foods having a low Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load (search Google for these terms)
7. Start eating a bowl of salad at least once a day e.g. it should contain cucumber, carrots, salad leaves, tomato and any vegetable you like. Put a dressing of olive oil & raw apple cider vinegar and put some salt & black pepper to your liking.
8. Start eating half cup of plain, non-flavored yogurt with live cultures at least 3 times a week in the morning or with lunch. If you have homemade yogurt thats the best.
9. Eat at least 1-2 fruits per day e.g. apple, orange etc.
10. Sleep enough as nothing helps to control sugar like good sleep.
This article has been copied in its entirety from my website There are several free articles related to health on my site.
If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes, the following summarized information will help you a lot. In addition to the below information a very good source of info about Diabetes is
What is Pre-Diabetes
If you have a fasting sugar level of above 106 mg/dL but below 126 mg/dL, then you are pre-diabetic. What it means is that your body is not processing sugar the way a normal person does and you have a very high chance of developing diabetes.
What is Diabetes
If you have a fasting sugar level of above 126 mg/dL then you are diabetic. What it means is that your body is not processing sugar the way a normal person does.
What is the difference between Type-1 & Type-2 Diabetes
Type-1 diabetes are those people who are born diabetic.
Type-2 diabetes are those people who are born fine and develop diabetes later on.
Both these types need medicines and/or insulin to stay healthy.
Why is Diabetes dangerous
If diabetes is not managed, it can cause serious health issues like blindness, kidney failure, extreme nerve pain etc.
Can homeopathy cure diabetes
In most cases no. But homeopathy can improve your overall health and stop further deterioration that diabetes may cause.
Homeopathy can cure Pre-Diabetes (see details below).
How can homeopathy help in Pre-Diabetes
To understand the role of homeopathy in Diabetes, first you have to understand what causes Diabetes.
Diabetes is the inability of body to process sugar properly either due to the lack of insulin OR due to the inability to use insulin (called insulin resistance). These are two totally different problems and require different solutions. Unfortunately, the allopathic medicine doesnt make this distinction and regardless of whether you have enough insulin or not, it works on both fronts i.e. forces your body to produce more insulin AND also improve the ability of the body to use insulin efficiently. These medicines do this by working on the liver & pancreas.
Homeopathy can cure insulin resistance i.e. the inability of the body to use insulin. But if the pancreas is failing and the body doesnt have enough insulin, homeopathy cant help in that case.
Present treatment of Pre-Diabetes with allopathic medicine just accelerates it to full fledge diabetes instead of delaying it. If you want to delay the onset of Diabetes, here is what you need to do:
1. Get yourself tested for serum Insulin level
2. This will show if your pancreas is healthy and producing enough insulin or not
3. Depending on the results, your treatment will be decided
4. If your Insulin level comes high, its a great sign which shows that your pancreas is healthy and producing enough insulin. In this case, the reason of your pre-diabetes is that your body is not using the available insulin.
Get your HbA1C level tested, it will show how your sugar has been over a period of approx. 3 months
Get yourself tested for Lipid profile to check if your liver is working fine
5. If your Insulin level comes low, it means your pancreas is failing. Homeopathy can still help you make the maximum out of it and slow down or stop the failure of pancreas.
With the results of above tests, consult a classical (single remedy) homeopath who can help you overcome pre-diabetes. Remember, pre-diabetes shows your bodys inherent tendency towards diabetes, homeopathy can only help if you adopt lifestyle changes otherwise even homeopathy cant help.
A simple example which will help you understand this is that if you have an injury, the right homeopathic remedy will speed up the cure. But if you keep cutting yourself over and over again, no amount of homeopathy or medicine can cure! So the lifestyle changes will help you support your body to avoid or delay diabetes.
Lifestyle changes if you are Pre-Diabetic or Diabetic (Type-2):
You can do a couple of lifestyle changes which will either delay the onset of diabetes or avoid it altogether. Here are the changes you need:
1. Start walking 30-40 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend.
2. Add 20 minutes of strength training 3 days a week to it.
3. Stop all processed foods e.g. white bread, white rice, white burgers etc.
4. Eat whole foods only i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice etc.
5. The bread should be high in bran content & the flour should be coarse ground.
6. Eat foods having a low Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load (search Google for these terms)
7. Start eating a bowl of salad at least once a day e.g. it should contain cucumber, carrots, salad leaves, tomato and any vegetable you like. Put a dressing of olive oil & raw apple cider vinegar and put some salt & black pepper to your liking.
8. Start eating half cup of plain, non-flavored yogurt with live cultures at least 3 times a week in the morning or with lunch. If you have homemade yogurt thats the best.
9. Eat at least 1-2 fruits per day e.g. apple, orange etc.
10. Sleep enough as nothing helps to control sugar like good sleep.
This article has been copied in its entirety from my website There are several free articles related to health on my site.
fitness last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.