The ABC Homeopathy Forum
To: Evocationer (Psoriasis)
Dear Dr. Evocationer,Patient ID: Sex: Male Age:36
I have seen your thread and would like your help/guidance to get rid of psoriasis that I am suffering for approx. 23 years.
I have searched the below form from the forum on which I have commented. Please see my answers to the questionaire that I found from this forum.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Psoriasis - Spread all over the body.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Nothing.... just that I dont feel confident due to my desease. I feel that stress factor aggravates the problem.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
I feel like heat is coming out of my body. I try to hide my self from others. become careless. show lack of confidence during that time.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
23 year ago. It can't connect it to any past event or desease though one thing that I can recall is that my siblings had chicken pox at that time and I somehow survived, however, after a month or so my parent discovered that I had these spots on my head. we visited the allopathic doctor at that time who had diagonosed it as Psoriasis and given me some ointment for external application. I used these medicines for about 10 years and since then I am using homeopathy.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Not clear
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Heat, Dust, Spicy foods etc.. aggravates my problem
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Not sure but I can recall that from the last three to four years the spots start appearing on my body in winter.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
1. Moody
2. Easily offended
3. Arguing
4. Careless
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
Nothing different.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Only Dust
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
I am very emotional and sometime weeps even during watching an emotional TV drama etc... and yes I talk to my self often.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I love my family and friends.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Nothing special.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
spicy food.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Sweat is normal and there is not specific place where it sweats more. However I think I sweat more on head and face
while eating food, specially spicy food.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Its Ok. One thing that I want to share is that after eating days meal. I often feel very heavy even if I take small quantity of food. The stomach gets very hard and it remains hard during the evening. I think its gastro trouble.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I sleep deep. and I am a stomach sleeper.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
Not always...
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
The only think that I feel is different is my psoriasis problem...
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Mostly Homeopathy. I have recently taken Sulfur 1M on Thursday.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Diabaties in my meternal family... Cardiac deseases in my paternal relatives.. there are few reported cases of canser as well.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
I am 5.7' weight Approx. 70Kg.
[message edited by rmasood on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:03:44 GMT]
rmasood on 2015-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I will have to post my own questionnaire. This one is too directive, and it appears you aren't able to give the important information we need from these questions.
General Guidelines:
1. Try to be as descriptive as possible. When describing pains or sensations use descriptions along the lines of feels as if someone is squeezing it with their hand or it is like an insect crawling around inside or it is as if someone is standing over me threatening to kill me. Long descriptions are always better than short ones. One word answers are difficult to use successfully.
2. Another important part of symptom description for homoeopathy are the modalities. These are situations, events, activities or conditions which modify the symptom in some way. We usually refer to this as what makes them better or worse (amelioration/aggravation). The situation may actually provoke the symptom into appearing, make it vanish altogether, or just increase or decrease it in some way. Modalities are vital information for prescribing.
Modalities are typically related to (but not exclusively) the following situations:
A. Temperature, weather
B. Time (day, night, specific times, frequency, periodicity, season)
C. Position, activity
D. Emotions, thoughts
E. Food and drink
F. Drugs, medication
3. How the symptom is perceived is important too odour, appearance, sound, touch. What colour is it, what is its texture? For gestures, describe what it looks like the patient is doing, or what you feel you are doing while making the movement eg. they look like they are swatting flies or I feel like something is pushing my hand upwards or it is like I stick a fork in an electrical outlet which throws my body backwards. Description it is key to accurate prescriptions.
4. When did the symptom or set of symptoms start? The apparent cause can be useful in determining the remedy, although it is not of the same importance as the previous factors. It may have been a specific event, a disease, an accident or even an emotional experience.
5. Use your own words. Do not copy phrases or descriptions found in our various remedy pictures. Try not to use other peoples ideas or thoughts or words. If you are reporting on behalf of someone else, report their exact words, however you can also report your own observations of them (not opinions).
6. Does the symptom occur alongside another specific symptom? Do particular symptoms only occur together? Does a particular symptom occur with a particular thought or emotion? For example, a headache that always comes with visual disturbances, or stomach pain that appears alongside anger, or anxiety that makes you feel like running down the street screaming.
7. Each complaint should be described fully before going on to describe another complaint. Try not to mix different symptoms or complaints together. Each modifying feature must be clearly attached to a particular symptom/set of symptoms. Any mistake you make here is a mistake the homoeopath will also then make.
General Guidelines:
1. Try to be as descriptive as possible. When describing pains or sensations use descriptions along the lines of feels as if someone is squeezing it with their hand or it is like an insect crawling around inside or it is as if someone is standing over me threatening to kill me. Long descriptions are always better than short ones. One word answers are difficult to use successfully.
2. Another important part of symptom description for homoeopathy are the modalities. These are situations, events, activities or conditions which modify the symptom in some way. We usually refer to this as what makes them better or worse (amelioration/aggravation). The situation may actually provoke the symptom into appearing, make it vanish altogether, or just increase or decrease it in some way. Modalities are vital information for prescribing.
Modalities are typically related to (but not exclusively) the following situations:
A. Temperature, weather
B. Time (day, night, specific times, frequency, periodicity, season)
C. Position, activity
D. Emotions, thoughts
E. Food and drink
F. Drugs, medication
3. How the symptom is perceived is important too odour, appearance, sound, touch. What colour is it, what is its texture? For gestures, describe what it looks like the patient is doing, or what you feel you are doing while making the movement eg. they look like they are swatting flies or I feel like something is pushing my hand upwards or it is like I stick a fork in an electrical outlet which throws my body backwards. Description it is key to accurate prescriptions.
4. When did the symptom or set of symptoms start? The apparent cause can be useful in determining the remedy, although it is not of the same importance as the previous factors. It may have been a specific event, a disease, an accident or even an emotional experience.
5. Use your own words. Do not copy phrases or descriptions found in our various remedy pictures. Try not to use other peoples ideas or thoughts or words. If you are reporting on behalf of someone else, report their exact words, however you can also report your own observations of them (not opinions).
6. Does the symptom occur alongside another specific symptom? Do particular symptoms only occur together? Does a particular symptom occur with a particular thought or emotion? For example, a headache that always comes with visual disturbances, or stomach pain that appears alongside anger, or anxiety that makes you feel like running down the street screaming.
7. Each complaint should be described fully before going on to describe another complaint. Try not to mix different symptoms or complaints together. Each modifying feature must be clearly attached to a particular symptom/set of symptoms. Any mistake you make here is a mistake the homoeopath will also then make.
♡ Evocationer last decade
(Symptoms that dont fit anywhere else, but are things that tend to affect all of you as a person, but are not emotions or thoughts)
1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
- what position can you not sleep in?
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?
2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?
- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?
3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?
- When are you most thirsty?
- When are you least thirsty?
4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?
5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine?
- What is the color, odor of the urine?
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine?
6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have?
- Where do you have the most sweat?
- What is the odor?
- What color does it stain clothing?
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally?
7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases?
8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?
9. Environment How does the weather affect you?
- How does the temperature affect you?
- How does the season affect you?
- What physical activities affect you?
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?
10. Anything else you feel is important that hasnt been covered by previous questions?
(Symptoms that dont fit anywhere else, but are things that tend to affect all of you as a person, but are not emotions or thoughts)
1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
- what position can you not sleep in?
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?
2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?
- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?
3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?
- When are you most thirsty?
- When are you least thirsty?
4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?
5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine?
- What is the color, odor of the urine?
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine?
6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have?
- Where do you have the most sweat?
- What is the odor?
- What color does it stain clothing?
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally?
7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases?
8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?
9. Environment How does the weather affect you?
- How does the temperature affect you?
- How does the season affect you?
- What physical activities affect you?
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?
10. Anything else you feel is important that hasnt been covered by previous questions?
♡ Evocationer last decade
(Please spend the most time on this section and give DETAILED answers - the homoeopathic remedy is very often decided on the basis of the mental and emotional state of the patient !)
1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.
2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.
3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?
4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.
5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?
6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?
7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?
8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?
9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like?
10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION PLEASE CONSIDER CAREFULLY AND GIVE DETAILS.
11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.
12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?
13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?
14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming. Dreams are very important in unlocking the deepest truth of a patients case, but it is not enough to simply describe them in a sentence. Give as much information as you feel comfortable doing.
15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.
16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?
17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?
(Please spend the most time on this section and give DETAILED answers - the homoeopathic remedy is very often decided on the basis of the mental and emotional state of the patient !)
1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.
2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.
3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?
4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.
5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?
6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?
7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?
8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?
9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like?
10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION PLEASE CONSIDER CAREFULLY AND GIVE DETAILS.
11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.
12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?
13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?
14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming. Dreams are very important in unlocking the deepest truth of a patients case, but it is not enough to simply describe them in a sentence. Give as much information as you feel comfortable doing.
15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.
16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?
17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?
♡ Evocationer last decade
(Symptoms that dont fit anywhere else, but are things that tend to affect all of you as a person, but are not emotions or thoughts)
1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in? Mostly left side and stomach sleeper sometime
- what position can you not sleep in? straight looking up, the position called soldier.
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep? Nothing
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up? No.
2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly? Crave is a very strong word, I dont see anything that I crave about. Just that when I feel worse abount my health I like to take something hot e.g. tea etc... but nothing specific.
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)? I dont like most of the vegitables specifically bringal, Colocassia.
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms? Spicy food, I also feel that Chicken causes itching.
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way? Not sure.
- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you? Nothing special Just headache.
3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly? Nothing
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)? Coffee.
- When are you most thirsty? During 11AM to 3 PM
- When are you least thirsty? Early morning
4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool? No.
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool? The stool is soft, brown.
5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine? NO.
- What is the color, odor of the urine? Mostly transparent
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine? No.
6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have? Normal
- Where do you have the most sweat? Face, specially on nose.
- What is the odor? Not bad
- What color does it stain clothing? I dont see much stains on my clothing even if I wear same shirt for three consective days.
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally? Whenever I eat spicy food it cause sweat on my face and head.
7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire? the sexual desire is on the lower side.
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function? timing is very short, quickly get released sometimes even before the intercourse.
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases? No.
8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?
9. Environment How does the weather affect you? Rainy weather aggravate psoriasis.
- How does the temperature affect you? Itching aggravate when overheated. Hot air of the electric heater specifically aggravates itching.
- How does the season affect you? The aggravation starts in winter.
- What physical activities affect you? No
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to? my skin get very stiff due to dust.
10. Anything else you feel is important that hasnt been covered by previous questions?I feel that Mental exertion aggravates psoriasis. last two days there was lot of mental exertion and I felt lot of aggravation.
[message edited by rmasood on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 16:38:58 GMT]
(Symptoms that dont fit anywhere else, but are things that tend to affect all of you as a person, but are not emotions or thoughts)
1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in? Mostly left side and stomach sleeper sometime
- what position can you not sleep in? straight looking up, the position called soldier.
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep? Nothing
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up? No.
2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly? Crave is a very strong word, I dont see anything that I crave about. Just that when I feel worse abount my health I like to take something hot e.g. tea etc... but nothing specific.
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)? I dont like most of the vegitables specifically bringal, Colocassia.
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms? Spicy food, I also feel that Chicken causes itching.
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way? Not sure.
- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you? Nothing special Just headache.
3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly? Nothing
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)? Coffee.
- When are you most thirsty? During 11AM to 3 PM
- When are you least thirsty? Early morning
4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool? No.
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool? The stool is soft, brown.
5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine? NO.
- What is the color, odor of the urine? Mostly transparent
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine? No.
6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have? Normal
- Where do you have the most sweat? Face, specially on nose.
- What is the odor? Not bad
- What color does it stain clothing? I dont see much stains on my clothing even if I wear same shirt for three consective days.
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally? Whenever I eat spicy food it cause sweat on my face and head.
7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire? the sexual desire is on the lower side.
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function? timing is very short, quickly get released sometimes even before the intercourse.
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases? No.
8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?
9. Environment How does the weather affect you? Rainy weather aggravate psoriasis.
- How does the temperature affect you? Itching aggravate when overheated. Hot air of the electric heater specifically aggravates itching.
- How does the season affect you? The aggravation starts in winter.
- What physical activities affect you? No
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to? my skin get very stiff due to dust.
10. Anything else you feel is important that hasnt been covered by previous questions?I feel that Mental exertion aggravates psoriasis. last two days there was lot of mental exertion and I felt lot of aggravation.
[message edited by rmasood on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 16:38:58 GMT]
rmasood last decade
(Please spend the most time on this section and give DETAILED answers - the homoeopathic remedy is very often decided on the basis of the mental and emotional state of the patient !)
1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much. No.
2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions. Nothing specific.
3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?
My father was very strict I had lot of beating in my early age and that has major impact on my life. My confidence level is as low as I most of the time fear facing my boss in office.
4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately. I dont think I have any phobias/fears. I became extremly hyper though in certain situation specially in office in tough times. My behaviour with my subordinates gets bad in difficult situations in office.
5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities? I only watch TV on regular basis after getting back from office. No other hobbies.
6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they? No.
7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body? No
8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body? Explained above.
9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like? I have thought about it a lot but could not answer.
10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION PLEASE CONSIDER CAREFULLY AND GIVE DETAILS. No.
11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.
Family: I love my kid, my wife and my mother. I normally have lot of arguments with my elder brother who is only one year older than me.
Office: I behave strictly with my subordinate specially in difficult time or when there is lot of work stress. I normally gets into the conflicts very easily. Can't keep anything confidential. Discuss the issues of the collegues with others.
Romantic relationship: I dont think I am too romantic.
12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?
1) Easily trust others
2) Sympathetic
3) Love my family specially children.
4) Hardworking
13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?
1) Emotional
2) Easily offended.
3) Aggresive
4) Jaleosed
5) Arguing
14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming. Dreams are very important in unlocking the deepest truth of a patients case, but it is not enough to simply describe them in a sentence. Give as much information as you feel comfortable doing. No.
15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them. No.
16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems? My major problems in the childhood are discussed above.
17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school? These are discussed in detail above.
(Please spend the most time on this section and give DETAILED answers - the homoeopathic remedy is very often decided on the basis of the mental and emotional state of the patient !)
1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much. No.
2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions. Nothing specific.
3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?
My father was very strict I had lot of beating in my early age and that has major impact on my life. My confidence level is as low as I most of the time fear facing my boss in office.
4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately. I dont think I have any phobias/fears. I became extremly hyper though in certain situation specially in office in tough times. My behaviour with my subordinates gets bad in difficult situations in office.
5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities? I only watch TV on regular basis after getting back from office. No other hobbies.
6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they? No.
7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body? No
8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body? Explained above.
9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like? I have thought about it a lot but could not answer.
10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION PLEASE CONSIDER CAREFULLY AND GIVE DETAILS. No.
11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.
Family: I love my kid, my wife and my mother. I normally have lot of arguments with my elder brother who is only one year older than me.
Office: I behave strictly with my subordinate specially in difficult time or when there is lot of work stress. I normally gets into the conflicts very easily. Can't keep anything confidential. Discuss the issues of the collegues with others.
Romantic relationship: I dont think I am too romantic.
12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?
1) Easily trust others
2) Sympathetic
3) Love my family specially children.
4) Hardworking
13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?
1) Emotional
2) Easily offended.
3) Aggresive
4) Jaleosed
5) Arguing
14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming. Dreams are very important in unlocking the deepest truth of a patients case, but it is not enough to simply describe them in a sentence. Give as much information as you feel comfortable doing. No.
15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them. No.
16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems? My major problems in the childhood are discussed above.
17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school? These are discussed in detail above.
rmasood last decade
rmasood last decade
Dear Evocationer,
I have already completed the questionnere. kindly suugest the remedy accordingly.
I have already completed the questionnere. kindly suugest the remedy accordingly.
rmasood last decade
The reason I didn't proceed with this case is you answer many of my questions with NO or NOTHING.
I cannot work without a substantial amount of personal information. If you are willing to go through those questions again and try to give more I will attempt to make a prescription for you.
I cannot work without a substantial amount of personal information. If you are willing to go through those questions again and try to give more I will attempt to make a prescription for you.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
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