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measles, mumps, rubella remedies ?

I haven't given the MMR vaccine to my toddler yet and there is a measles scare going around.
I want to be prepared in case, Gd forbid, something happens.

Any homeopathic remedies I should keep in my cabinet for measles, mumps and rubella?

  bluesky77 on 2015-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Although MMR are not life threatening diseases these are highly contagious and if there is an un-vaccinated adult around these infections, it can have serious affects on the adult.

There are a few homeopaths who claim to have prophylactic homeopathic vaccines but this is a grey area.

Think very carefully before opting out of vaccination.
fitness last decade
Nor opting out, just waiting longer to avoid unpleasant side effects to a young toddler's body.
bluesky77 last decade
Actually the MMR vaccine is probably one of the most dangerous of them (even though they are all pretty dangerous).

Measles for most children is not an issue, and in fact acts as a primer for their immune system, making them more able to resist various diseases in the future.

Of course the tiny few who do get adverse affects of the natural disease are the way pharmaceutical companies scare parents into consuming their products. Rather than looking at why those particular children suffer so badly, they instead inject healthy children with harmful chemicals and other substances.

Homoeopathy is quite capable of handling measles when it appears, but the specific symptoms would lead you to the remedy. The common (most used) remedies for measles are:


...but I would add to that list...


This isn't to say only these remedies would be indicated - actually almost anything could based on what the child shows during the infection. Just as an example:

Measles followed by complaints of the voice - bell, bry, Carbo-v,cham Dros, dulc, sulph

Measles accompanied by pustules on cornea - kali-bi

Measles with coryza and profuse lachrymation - kali-bi, puls

Measles accompanied by a croupy cough - acon, coff, dros, euphr, gels, Hep, kali-bi, Spong, stict

Measles accompanied by low fever - Ail, Ars, bapt, carb-v, crot-h, Lach, Mur-ac, Rhus-t, sulph

Measles accompanied by salivation - nat-m

Measles accompanied by watery yellowish secretions - kali-bi, puls

Measles accompanied by complaints of voice - cinnb

Measles accompanied by pain in ear - Puls

Measles accompanied by complaints of eye - ars, Euphr, kali-bi, puls

Measles accompanied by swelling of the eyes, where eyes are almost closed shut - gels

There are many more symptoms scattered throughout the repertory relating to measles, and of course many of the child's general symptoms would be important as well (sleep, dreams, appetite, thirst, fever, chill, pains etc).
Evocationer last decade
Oh wow, thanks for the great reply.
There are so many people pro and so many against vaccines... for some reason I am more scared if giving the vaccines rather than not ....I am holding off he A and B and I am totally terrified of the MMR. To be honest if they offered it separately I may have thought about giving it earlier but I am not fond of vaccine cocktails ... they scare me.
The debate about vaccinate or no will go on forever ....
This MMR really really scares me ....
bluesky77 last decade
I don't think it will go on forever. Each generation gets weaker and weaker, with more c-ancer and other serious pathologies appearing in infants and children. There will come a day when vaccines will be unusable because children will be too weak to survive them.

I myself was a vaccine damaged child - I went into a coma for 3 days after my DPT vaccine at 2 years old, and woke up with chronic asthma that nearly killed me several times throughout my childhood. And strangely enough, it was a Hep B vaccine given to me as a young adult that hurt me so badly it brought me to Homoeopathy, and to my career as a homoeopath :)
Evocationer last decade
So I understand you are totally a d completely again st vaccines ... what would you do if your child would catch any of these vaccine diseases ... let's say polio or mumps which is known to cause sterility to some boys who catch it ... I am not attacking ... I am not so pro vaccines myself either ... just want to know as I have no idea.
bluesky77 last decade
That is a totally reasonable question, and I understand the conflict for parents between what they are told and what they fear. I don't know that there is a totally right answer. In the end, we can only do what we feel is best, and try to be as well informed as possible. Homoeopathy has a very particular view about vaccination, and it is very negative. It is one of the reasons orthodox medicine hates us so much - we tend to attack two of the main pillars of their medical system (the other being antibiotics).

Of course my view is somewhat biased because of my own experiences. Having said that, I have seen so many vaccine damaged children over the last 20 years - more in the last few years than in the previous years too which is scary.

Homoeopathy is clear about disease - you use the symptoms that appear during to cure. We have a good track record at curing dangerous acute illnesses. I personally don't believe vaccines actually protect you, and that there is a lot of hyperbole and misdirection around the supposed benefits. Even if there are benefits (which I personally doubt), the disadvantages far outweigh them.

Do what you feel is right, and homoeopathy can reverse a lot of what happens IF you get treatment quickly enough. Let us know here what happens - I would be happy to advise you on homoeopathic treatment whichever way you decide to go.
Evocationer last decade

Evocationer, can you help me with my kidney stones and mild hydronephrosis on both kidneys? I did all exams, renogram shows free flow but i have kidney stones nd occasionally i get flank discomforts, mostly on my right side.

Someone on the forum suggested lycopodium 200 but i would like to hear your opinion as well.

bluesky77 last decade
I would need to take a much more detailed case to offer my opinion on your situation. Did you want to do that - it takes more time and effort to do that with me?
Evocationer last decade
Yes, please, should I start a new thread?
bluesky77 last decade

General Guidelines:

1. Try to be as descriptive as possible. When describing pains or sensations use descriptions along the lines of ‘feels as if someone is squeezing it with their hand’ or ‘it is like an insect crawling around inside’ or ‘it is as if someone is standing over me threatening to kill me’. Long descriptions are always better than short ones. One word answers are difficult to use successfully.

2. Another important part of symptom description for homoeopathy are the ‘modalities’. These are situations, events, activities or conditions which modify the symptom in some way. We usually refer to this as what makes them ‘better’ or ‘worse’ (amelioration/aggravation). The situation may actually provoke the symptom into appearing, make it vanish altogether, or just increase or decrease it in some way. Modalities are vital information for prescribing.

Modalities are typically related to (but not exclusively) the following situations:

A. Temperature, weather
B. Time (day, night, specific times, frequency, periodicity, season)
C. Position, activity
D. Emotions, thoughts
E. Food and drink
F. Drugs, medication

3. How the symptom is perceived is important too – odour, appearance, sound, touch. What colour is it, what is its texture? For gestures, describe what it looks like the patient is doing, or what you feel you are doing while making the movement eg. ‘they look like they are swatting flies’ or ‘I feel like something is pushing my hand upwards’ or ‘it is like I stick a fork in an electrical outlet which throws my body backwards’. Description – it is key to accurate prescriptions.

4. When did the symptom or set of symptoms start? The apparent cause can be useful in determining the remedy, although it is not of the same importance as the previous factors. It may have been a specific event, a disease, an accident or even an emotional experience.

5. Use your own words. Do not copy phrases or descriptions found in our various remedy pictures. Try not to use other people’s ideas or thoughts or words. If you are reporting on behalf of someone else, report their exact words, however you can also report your own observations of them (not opinions).

6. Does the symptom occur alongside another specific symptom? Do particular symptoms only occur together? Does a particular symptom occur with a particular thought or emotion? For example, a headache that always comes with visual disturbances, or stomach pain that appears alongside anger, or anxiety that makes you feel like running down the street screaming.

7. Each complaint should be described fully before going on to describe another complaint. Try not to mix different symptoms or complaints together. Each modifying feature must be clearly attached to a particular symptom/set of symptoms. Any mistake you make here is a mistake the homoeopath will also then make.

Evocationer last decade

(Symptoms that don’t fit anywhere else, but are things that tend to affect all of you as a person, but are not emotions or thoughts)

1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
- what position can you not sleep in?
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?

2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?

- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?

3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?
- When are you most thirsty?
- When are you least thirsty?

4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?

5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine?
- What is the color, odor of the urine?
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine?

6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have?
- Where do you have the most sweat?
- What is the odor?
- What color does it stain clothing?
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally?

7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases?

8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?

9. Environment – How does the weather affect you?
- How does the temperature affect you?
- How does the season affect you?
- What physical activities affect you?
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?

10. Anything else you feel is important that hasn’t been covered by previous questions?
Evocationer last decade

(Please spend the most time on this section and give DETAILED answers - the homoeopathic remedy is very often decided on the basis of the mental and emotional state of the patient !)

1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.

2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.

3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?

4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.

5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?

6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?

7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?

8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?

9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like?

10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION PLEASE CONSIDER CAREFULLY AND GIVE DETAILS.

11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.

12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?

13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?

14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming. Dreams are very important in unlocking the deepest truth of a patient’s case, but it is not enough to simply describe them in a sentence. Give as much information as you feel comfortable doing.

15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.

16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?

17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?
Evocationer last decade
1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
I sleep on my side either left or right.
- what position can you not sleep in?
On my stomach
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?
I grind my teeth, i clench them, I bite (open close mouth banging teeth). Used to sleep walk, havent done it in a while. I throw my blanket off, I put one leg on top of another sonetimes.
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?
I go to sllep fairly easily, would prefer a few extra minutes in the morning but if I have to get up I get up.

2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?
I dont crave food usually. If i do can be either salty or sweet, depending on my mood.
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?
I hate/dont eat clementines for their strong smell.
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?
I am starting to think I may have some issues with gluten although GI didnt find anything to back up my theory. I am slightly lactose intolerant, became only a few years ago. Stopped drinking milk altogether but still eat dairy from time to time.
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?
Salad may make me feel healthy at times.

- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?
I have a very hard time fasting, i need to eat when I am hungry otherwise I develop intestinal gas.

3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?
I drink only water.
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?
I dont hate but would not drink soda.
- When are you most thirsty?
After a big meal or if i sweat in the summer.
- When are you least thirsty?
All day long. I dont drink enough.

4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?
No, I go from 1 to 3 times/day depending on what/how much I eat.
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?
Log, usually dark or medium dark. Odor not pleasant.

5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine?
No, but tests have shown that I dont empty completely my bladder. I have a little blickage in the ureter but it still allows fairly free flow.
- What is the color, odor of the urine?
Yellow. Not too strong of an odor that i recall.
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine?
I havent noticed any, but sometimes i see bubbles maybe because I hold my urine for long periods of time.

6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have?
I sweat a fair amount under my armpits.
- Where do you have the most sweat?
- What is the odor?
Oniony like.
- What color does it stain clothing?
Yellow borders of the stain, slightly lighter inside
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally?
Anxiety. Wearing extra layers, which I often do because I usually cold.

7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?
Has always been kind ofnon existant
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?
Dont think so although I dont think I ever had an orgasm.
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases?
I have bern told I had HPV (without warts) which I find kind of absurd as at the time I was a virgin.

8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
Dark red
- What is the odor of the flow?
Smells like blood
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
Day before, pink spotting
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
A little the first day or 2
- What symptoms come before the flow?
Cranky mood, angry.
- What symptoms come after the flow?
Right now hope, as we are trying to have another baby.

9. Environment – How does the weather affect you?
Cold weather brings me down, not too much though. i prefer warm and sun.
- How does the temperature affect you?
I freeze in the winter, I am always cold. I cant tolerate cold weathers.
- How does the season affect you?
Change of season doesnt affect me too much... Or at least I cant recall if it does.
- What physical activities affect you?
I am not sure i understand the question.
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?
Cant think of anything right now.

10. Anything else you feel is important that hasn’t been covered by previous questions?
I am an anxious person, I have health anxiety.
Occasionally I get a flank discomfort. (Right side although I have been told I have hydronephrosis and kidney stones on both sides), I can still go on with my life but I am aware of that discomfort in the background which is not pleasant. Doctors associated it with hydronephrosis. I think it's food related, maybe gluten, I dont know.
I cant cut out bread as I love bread ... But when I have the flank discomfort I feel like bread / gluten may make it worse but it can be in my mind, I dont know.

Next I would like to know if homeopathy can help facilitate conception?
Sorry i am mixing everything up!

bluesky77 last decade
I will probably get on to this tomorrow. And to answer your question, proper homoeopathic treatment typically makes women more fertile whether they want that or not lol. Good health tends to encourage women to conceive.
Evocationer last decade
1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.
Anxiety - health anxiety, I am scared of illnesses.
I dont let people hug me, if they do I hardly put my arms around them. Not sure why.
At times I get depressed but I am able to bounce back most of the times.

2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.
Doctors visits.
I cry, get upset

3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?
My parents lost their home in bankrupcty that scarred me as I was living at home at the time.
Made me feel powerless, sad, fearful.
I tried to put myself far, physically and mentally, .i moved to another country.
What effect? Now I live in fear of not having enough money .... And losing my home.

4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.
I am afraid of being locked in a department store or any other place, at night.
I am afraid of getting lost (driving or walking)
I try to deal with them.
Be lost and not know where to go with nobody to ask.

5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?
I used to love dancing, drawing .. I dont have time for them anymore. Now my hobby is cooking and surfing the net. I actually like surfing because I learn new things.

6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?
Scared of being left with no money
Scared of illnesses.

7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?
Right flank discomfort, when I get it I try to stretch my other flank to compensate. The discomfort is not pain, it is bearable although I feel it throughout the day and my mind is always focused on it.

8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?
Sweat, anxiety., anger.

9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like?
Maybe when .i was 16/17, I was getting great grades in school and was happy and carefree.
Depressed and hopeless would be the opposite of that.

10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION PLEASE CONSIDER CAREFULLY AND GIVE DETAILS.
I am stuck in my anxiety and I cant shake it off, my mind wanders, somehow it gets to health, health leads to issues and then .i start getting anxious and scared.

11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.
With my family: I do small talk with my father, with my mother we are totally opposite, I do t really talk to my brother as we are also completely opposite (I am always early, he is always late, just to make one example).
With my spouse, it was better at the beginning ... He is very stressed from work, I try to control myself and not respond when he is in a bad mood.
I dont have many friends, maybe 3, and talk to them once in a while.

12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?
Cant find other positive things, both those can become negatives very easily, for example I am way too responsible, I take everything too seriously and try to get it done, sometimes I should just let it go.
Well, persistent can be both positive and negative.

13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?
Sensitive (I see it as a negative)
I dont see how these could be positive except for sensitive which may push me to do some good deeds which usually get punished anyway (no good deed goes unpunished makes sense to me).

14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming. Dreams are very important in unlocking the deepes truth of a patient’s case, but it is not enough to simply describe them in a sentence. Give as much information as you feel comfortable doing.
Not anymore but until a few years back .i used to dream of hitting my floor in the elevator and the elevator wouldn't stop on my floor and would keep on going to a floor that didn't exist.
Another dream was hitting my apartment floor, getting off and not finding my apartment.
Another was of getting locked in a department store.
All these created terrible anxiety.

15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.
See previous answer

16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?
I do not recall being all that happy, I asked my parents and they claim I was fine.
I dont see many pictures where I am smiling.
I dont recall much to be honest, maybe I tried to forget.
I remember my dad hitting my brother, .i remember everybody screaming, I remember my mother fainting in front of me ..... None of these are happy thoughts.
I didnt have many friend back then either, 3 total,
My dream was to get married and have kids very young, that happened 15 years after what I had planned.

17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?
See previous answer.
In school I was pretty bad till I reached high school. The second year of high school something clicked and I started getting better grades and feel more self confidence.
bluesky77 last decade
I had a look at this thread and one you did in the past regarding the breast lump.

I can see why Kadwa prescribed both Lyc and Calc - they both featured prominently in my repertory analysis.

If I look at the whole case though, both sets of answers, I think there are three remedies that stand out to me. All three are well known cures for infertility too.

These are NAT-MUR, SEPIA, and AUR-M-N.

In terms of overall symptoms, especially the mental/emotional ones, it is a toss up between Nat-mur and Sepia. I think I would tend to lean towards Nat-mur based on how you described your overall state. Nat-mur is probably the main remedy my infertile female patients have fallen pregnant on. So I would start there.

If you need to send away for remdies though, I might suggest getting all 3 so we can move between them if necessary. See what you feel you can afford.

Obtain (in order of importance):

Nat-mur 30c, 200c
Sepia 30c, 200c
Aurum muriaticum natronatum 30c, 200c

Aur-m-n is an interesting one - it is strongly indicated where there is suppression of sexual desire (to the point of it being non-existent) accompanied by uterine fibroids and infertility. The mentals and emotional will look a lot like Nat-mur but with the added issues of Aurum (failure, success, over-responsible). I wasn't as convinced with this picture, but the pathology and connection to loss of libido is very well known.

I would prefer you obtained a liquid dose (oral dosing liquid).

Let me know what you get and what potencies, and I will give you instructions when you have them.
Evocationer last decade
Thank you so so much!
BTW I do have uterine fibroids, not sure if I had mentioned this in any other thread, I probably did.

For the potency it's either 30 or 200 or both ?
I think pellets are easier to find in the US bit I will Google drops as well and see what I can find.

Thank you so much!
bluesky77 last decade
Yes I saw you mention the fibroids in the other thread. That really made me consider Aur-m-n as a serious option.

I would normally start you on 30c when there is advanced pathology like fibroids. 200c would normally be the second step after 30c stops working. That might be weeks or months down the track. Because it can take several weeks for people to get remedies, I try to plan out a strategy ahead of time if I can.
Evocationer last decade
Great, thanks!
Will start with 30 then buy 200 when/if necessary.
bluesky77 last decade
Interesting fact, I was looking at the lump post, I never followed up but the lump was due to pregnancy, that's the month i found out i was pregnant.
[message edited by bluesky77 on Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:39:02 GMT]
bluesky77 last decade
Once we are done with my case, could you help me with my son's night terrors? I started a new thread hoping to hear from you (:)) someone else answered me but would love to hear your opinion as well, i will wait to hear from you before buying the remedy suggested for my son.
Thank you so much.

I found my remedies in liquid form, a little expensive but i am ordering them today.
[message edited by bluesky77 on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 19:19:06 GMT]
[message edited by bluesky77 on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 19:19:28 GMT]
bluesky77 last decade
Hello Evocationer, I got my remedies today, can you pls advise on how to take them?
bluesky77 last decade
Hi Bluesky-

On your son, Gaintrox is helping you-

When someone takes your case on here,
it does not work to bring in other people-
unless the prescriber asks for that. Or it is
a case that has had a lot of different people
work on it at different times and is unresolved.

Every homeopath has their own way of looking
at a case and starting out a case. When
you have two people, it has been described
as two people trying to paint on the same

If you only want Evocationer to take your cases
post his name in the headline and wait for him-
or thank Gaintrox and do a new thread.

There used to be many fights on this forum
with multiple people suggesting- all it does
usually is totally confuse the patient and one
person ends up with the case at the end
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone, I will do so. In the meantime I would still like to hear Evocationer's opinion for my son's night terrors. I already thanked gaintrox.
bluesky77 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.