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measles, mumps, rubella remedies ? Page 3 of 4

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Well the first response should be to feel worse, rather than better. Improvement usually comes after the homoeopathic aggravation.

Is it a worsening of your normal state, or the appearance of an old state, or completely new?
Evocationer 9 years ago
it is worsening an old state. I have more health anxiety and more anxiety in general. it does seem accentuated. but it can be b/c my son broke his foot or b/c everybody around me is getting pregnant but me... they all can contribute to make my anxiety worse.
bluesky77 9 years ago
Then it is most likely an aggravation, which is a good sign usually. Aggravations typically start within the first 3 days, peak at about 5-7 days, and then diminish after that. Improvement may be noticed even during the peak but more often is after the 7 day mark.
Evocationer 9 years ago
ok, i'll wait and see ... thx
bluesky77 9 years ago

Grinding teeth during sleep
Not sure
Throw blankets off during sleep
Hard time fasting
Gas develops when hungry for long time
Unpleasant odour of stool
Absence of sexual desire
Anger before menses
Will tell in a week
Intolerance of cold weather
General anxiety
Discomfort in flank
Aggravation from bread
Less (maybe?)
Fear of illnesses
Less but still there
Aversion to being hugged
Periodic depression
Still there but maybe less
Anxiety going to the doctor
Still there but less
Fear of not having enough money
Still there but less
Fear of losing your home
Fear of being locked in at night
Fear of getting lost
General Oversensitivity

I am not sure if I mentioned this but I also ave a fibroaedoma in my left breast, dr was not worried abt it.
General fibrocistic breasts and some calcium, all being strictly monitored (hence my health anxiety).

Thanks for all your help.
bluesky77 9 years ago
new update: 1 week before my next period: I am very angry... this is my sign that I am probably not pregnant, again, which just makes me even angrier.

is it possible that homeopathy doesn't work on me?
I am so depressed today, I just want to cry.
bluesky77 9 years ago
Sorry for writing another post but I need to vent .... Multiple times you mentioned that homeopathy and psychology are related so I am going to try to express my feelings and see if we can find the right remedy....

I am a very angry person, in my childhood pictures I dont see even one smile, when I asked my mother if I was happy she says yes.
My mother and I are TOTALLY different, although physically we look very similar.
My husband is currently maintaining both my parents + my brother, an unemployed 40 years old with undiagnosed ADD, my whole childhood was around my brother's issues with my father, they used to yell and my father used to beat him up ....
My mother is currently living with us , she is not of much support to my pregnancy dream (although she helps me a lot with my toddler) as she claims I am too angry to be able to ever fall pregnant, clearly this affects my already unsteady self confidence in becoming pregnant to begin with.

Another thing that troubled me this month was talking to this supposedly nutritian over the phone, she claims that in order for me to get pregnant I have to AVOID certain food, and she gave me a huuuuge list of food I ACTUALLY NEED to eat because I am a bare 90 pounds and I can not afford for any reason to lose any weight... She told me to avoid ALL grains (bread, wholewheat bread, cereals, crackers, pasta.... All fattening food I NEED in order to keep my weight up) plus to avoid, dairy, salads, potatoes and also regular eggs (she said to buy only pasturaze eggs, not pasteurized... Don't even know where to look for that kind of eggs!) anyway, it totally depressed me and now I have this conflict in my head... Eat this food and keep my weight up or avoid this food and get pregnant? I am driving myself insane ...
Plus, when I get my period I clearly get upset but I cant show it to my husband as be gets annoyed if I get upset .... So I have to lock myself in the bathroom to cry for 5 minutes and then go on with my life.
I am sure all this affects my chances of conceiving ....

Any new clues for a remedy that may work on me?

Thank you so much for reading my long email.
[message edited by bluesky77 on Fri, 13 Mar 2015 18:47:24 GMT]
bluesky77 9 years ago
Actually, very low body weight is often responsible for a woman's difficulty in falling pregnant. There is a natural reluctance for the body to do this if not supplied with extra nutrition.

Seems like 10 of those symptoms are improved in your report. I wonder could you do me a favour - copy it but this time put a percentage next to any one with improvement (or worsening if that has happened in the meantime) to represent how much.

Also, if necessary, write a few words to describe the change if it seems a percentage doesn't quite allow you to explain the change accurately.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Please ignore that nutritionist. As long as you
are not craving tons of sugar or salt ( which means
you are out of balance) just listen to your body and
eat high quality foods that are not processed, frozen
or fast foods. Eat at regular times, the body likes
things regular, google the amount of protein you need
for your height and weight and make sure you get that.
Then add in vegetables, salads, carbs and enough water.

Everyone is different, check in with what YOUR body
wants each day. My mother had 8 children, she was
a twig, never over 90 pounds.She had a fast metabolism
and ate two entire sandwiches a day for lunch,plus
potato chips and never gained a pound.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 14 Mar 2015 21:46:08 GMT]
simone717 9 years ago
Thank you Simone! 8 kids, Gd bless her ... i wish!
That gives me a little piece of mind. I do have a fast metabolist, I used to eat a whole box of pasta on my own and not gain a pound.
The only times I gained was a time when my husband nd I were eating beef and french fries every night for dinner (talking abt 10 years ago! We dont do that anymore), i probably gained 5 pounds which I lost when I went back to a regular diet.

And when I got pregnant, I went up to 120 pounds by the end (which I was actually excited about!), lost it all 3/4 months after delivery.

Evocationer: will try to add percentages!

Thank you both!
bluesky77 9 years ago
Grinding teeth during sleep
Not sure but I snore also, still do.
Throw blankets off during sleep
Less I think, cant say a percentage.
Hard time fasting
0% improvement
Gas develops when hungry for long time
Unpleasant odour of stool
0% got worse again
Absence of sexual desire
15% improvement
Anger before menses
Got worse by 40% but it may depend on external factors
Intolerance of cold weather
0% improvement
General anxiety
20% improvement, I was able to call for a drs question I had, I was pushing back for weeks.
Discomfort in flank
20% less
Aggravation from bread
I have to change this, last night I had pasta for dinner and my stomach gargled for hours, and had air build up in my stomach. So result, unfortunately, 0% improvement.
Fear of illnesses
25% less but still there.
Aversion to being hugged
20% less
Periodic depression
Same 0% improvement
Anxiety going to the doctor
Less, 15%
Fear of not having enough money
5% less
Fear of losing your home
0% improvement
Fear of being locked in at night
5% less
Fear of getting lost
I actually dreamt of getting lost last night after a looong time I didnt have these kind of dreams, I found it very odd, maybe b/c we were talking about it ... So got worse by 10%.
5% better maybe.
General Oversensitivity
15% better

So, everything is just slightly better or worse, there are no huge improvements, only small ones.

[message edited by bluesky77 on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 03:35:16 GMT]
[message edited by bluesky77 on Tue, 17 Mar 2015 18:03:04 GMT]
bluesky77 9 years ago

[message deleted by simone717 on Tue, 17 Mar 2015 18:04:07 GMT]
simone717 9 years ago
Evocationer, any word on how you think the remedy worked .... Or didnt work? Thanks
bluesky77 9 years ago
Evocationer ..., havent heard back...
Bad news, just got my period ... I am not pregnant this month either :(
Please help me?
Thank you
bluesky77 9 years ago
Pregnancy will only occur when your health is at the right point for it. Sometimes that is quickly, sometimes it takes longer.

It does look like the remedy has helped somewhat. So the first step is to repeat the remedy exactly as before. The next step should that not create further improvement is to use the next highest potency. Then we can reassess and look for a new remedy if we have to.
Evocationer 9 years ago
thank you, will try sepia again then!
will get back to you in a few days.
bluesky77 9 years ago
one more question.
can the Sepia have caused my period to be heavier and more painful than usual? it's either that or my fibroid is suddenly back as I have similar symptoms to before having the fibroid removed... but I prefer to think it'a the Sepia b/c otherwise it means I need another surgery to remove the fibroid again and get pregnant ....
bluesky77 9 years ago
Yes I would expect something like that to happen, so I wouldn't worry at this stage.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Sorry, I have one more question. Do I have to get used to my new painful periods or the effect of Sepia might wear out? I am also scared to take another dose now .... Although, this month my flow was richer in color and had more flow ... in the last 6 months it was pretty scanty. The pain is no fun though especially since I try not to take painkillers.
bluesky77 9 years ago
The remedies don't create new problems - that is not part of cure. However, when a discharge has been suppressed (naturally or unnaturally) then it will quickly try to re-establish it. This can result in pain and discomfort for a little while, but should balance out. If not, then the symptoms are taken into account and further work is done on your case including those symptoms.

Scanty flow is a problem, but heavy flow can be the reaction to right that problem. It shouldn't last if the remedy is beginning to cure you.
Evocationer 9 years ago
thank you so much for the explanation, I understand now. will take one more dose as suggested and report back.
bluesky77 9 years ago
Considering there were various improvements here and there, I think the next step should be to take a higher potency of the Sepia. One dose of 200c at first to see if the improvements become more widely spread and more significant.
Evocationer 9 years ago
hi Evocationer.
currently I only have the 30c can I try another 3 day course with the 30c then move to the 200 if necessary?
bluesky77 9 years ago
I ended up taking 1 more dose of the 30c as I just irdered the 200c. Can the Sepia prolong my period? My period stopped yesterday, and started again today (day 7). Very strange,
But I have to say that last month I had Mayan abdominal massage and I did some massage on myself also yesterday, which might have more some things around.
I also did Yoga for fertility, yesterday and today.
Maybe all these combined ontributed to the extended period ... Which should have been done yesterday.
Today I am spotting bright red, not brown.

Very confused...
bluesky77 9 years ago
Hello Evocationer, how many drops of Sepia 200?
bluesky77 9 years ago
I took Sepia200 on my second menstrual day and by the 3rd the flow stopped, is that a Sepia effect?
Please let me know,
bluesky77 9 years ago

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