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bartholin abscess - extreme pain Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I would call the homeopathycentre as soon
as they open- and try to work with someone
on the phone.
Or call Lia Bello in New Mexico and work with
her on the phone. You can buy a calling card
to usa like I said for $10 bucks to do this.

You need more help and guidance here from
simone717 last decade
I will try and do that as nonprescribed pain killers no longer are strong enough. And I cannot get operation because of money and also I know it will return. I am trying my best to stick out the pain no matter how severe it gets. This is the first and last time I want to experience this. It is currently 5:12 am and I have no slept since about midnight yesterday. I have just been in sheer stinging pain. It feels like a cluster of infected ingrown hairs that are being poked. That's all I can compare it too. I hyperventilate at times. I am able to calm myself for a few minutes but when it returns it's so bad I can barely breathe. When do you think it will go away? I am trying to sleep so that I can forget about it. It's nearly impossible
purplecat44 last decade
You have to have someone go
over what is going on here and evaluate it.

Yes, when this is over, Rishimba can take your
case in detail and work with you so it won't go
on again.

But right now--you need to get evaluated.
So talk to the homeopathy centre or Lia Bello.
You might need a different remedy and the homeopathy centre will have it.
simone717 last decade
What do you think the cost will be?
purplecat44 last decade
The homeopathic centre- if you click on the link???

says $75 for adult.

Lia bellow is $50 for consult including followups
and you can get the remedies if she has new ones
etc from the homeopathic centre.

It is important that you take some action here
and get this under control.
simone717 last decade
Does she have an email? I believe the abscess stings so much is because it is being pushed down on by my right vaginal lip. It is squeezed into the middle of my vagina and squeezed to the right. My boyfriend said he thinks he saw a head which means the end could be near.
purplecat44 last decade
Somehow her site seems to be
under construction-she has 38 years exp and gives worldwide
seminars and does a lot with
homeopathic Nurse education.

So if you cannot talk to her, ask if she has another
nurse homeopath to talk to. They like to do this on
the phone- to get the info quicker, better- I assume
you have a phone. Good luck.

Phone: (505)474-4917
liabello6 At gmail dot com
simone717 last decade
Hi! IT BURST!! It finally burst!!!!!!

I have a few questions, half of my infected vagina lip is still very hard, how can I get rid of that?

Also the spot where it bursts is a very large hole that stings when I try to push out the guck, I even was finally able to pee and did not realize peeing would actually sting that much. What will happen to the hole and what should I do now? Thank you so much!
purplecat44 last decade
I still have much liquid to push out of it but it stings very much, the hold is about a cm deep and about an inch long. Lots of brown fluid along with blood and yellow puss.
purplecat44 last decade

Good to hear that.

Please email Rishimba for what to do next.

Normally he is on here everyday-I was posting bc he
was not on.

Email him and tell him the status-

If you have to get other remedies go over to the
Homeopathic centre- they should have everything in
the right potencies or know where to get them.

click his name earlier on in this thread and you
will find the email when you need it - It is vital.force At yahoo dot com
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 02:32:11 GMT]
simone717 last decade
I want to thank you so much for your help, I also spoke to Lia Bello, she was amazing. She made me feel so comfortable, she was very understanding yet realistic with the outcome. Little did I know it would burst an hour later!
purplecat44 last decade
Well did she tell you what
else to do??
simone717 last decade
I emailed her a short while ago letting her know that it drained and asked what else to do. Before any of this she told me to take this:

Hepar Sulph 30-- 5 doses in next 24 hrs.-- if some better next morning --but not fully resolved then take 3 doses of Silica 200 3 doses over 24 hrs.

Herbal Antibiotics-- Echinacea tincture 15 drops-- and Golden Seal tincture 15 drops-- together-in 1-2 tablespoons of warm water. Drink. (chase with good tasting drink to help horrible taste if needed)
Repeat 5 times a day (every 4-6 hrs.) for 3-5 days. Also can add some of these herbs to the hot water you soak in.
purplecat44 last decade
I would follow this advice now and take all of this-
and wait to hear back from her tomorrow.

Again when this is all resolved, you can work with
Rishimba on your overall state for cure.
simone717 last decade

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