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Posts about ADHD

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ODB and Adhd child

My child has been diagnosed
Adhd and ODB oppositional defiant behaviour by a councellor.

He was under councelling for 6months.habbits improved .but
Returned again after councelling stopped.

He is 5/yrs old.weight 18 kgs. And having this problem since when he was 3 yrs.

Craves sweet things.likes to play alone.doesnt talks to strangers .no friends.bossy with little children.and many more symptoms which point to

I have read that lycopodium also helps ADHD behaviour.

Can someone suggest me the dosage for my child.?

I am 100%sure that lycopodium
Suits his nature.
  pinky mehta on 2015-02-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are certain, give one dose of 200c and observe for 2 weeks. Not daily dose, just one dose.
fitness last decade

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