The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Help on dose please
I have a history of severe gastrointestinal issues and have seen numerous homeopaths. In each instance I received some benefit but no cure.Recently I decided to self prescribe and I feel I may have found my constitutional. I took 4 doses of Aconitum 30c over 2 days three weeks ago. The first three doses were dry pills, the last in liquid which really seemed to accelerate healing. I started improving significantly resolving many issues over the last 3 weeks. In the last couple days I have had a few symptoms return at lesser intensity. I don't know where to go from here. Could someone provide their expertise. Do I take 30c again or 200c and how often? I am remarkedly better than 3 weeks ago.
baddiver on 2015-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Correct dosing is a very complex mechanism. To add to it, I suspect if Aconite is your constitutional, imo, it is palliative & not curative. Anyways.
Here are the general dosage guidelines:
Take a dose and observe its action.
If there is aggravation wait. Let improvement begin.
When improvement slides back substantially, take another dose.
Go up the potency scale when the same potency doesn't cause any change.
I'd strongly recommend to consult a CLASSICAL homeopath and avoid self experimentation.
Here are the general dosage guidelines:
Take a dose and observe its action.
If there is aggravation wait. Let improvement begin.
When improvement slides back substantially, take another dose.
Go up the potency scale when the same potency doesn't cause any change.
I'd strongly recommend to consult a CLASSICAL homeopath and avoid self experimentation.
fitness last decade
Aconite is known as an Acute remedy-
You could try another 30c mixed in 1/4 cup of water and
then hit the bottle 5 times, to slightly up the vibration
and see if that works.
If that does not work you need to get advice bc Aconite
often works 2 to 4 times and then does not work anymore.
You could try another 30c mixed in 1/4 cup of water and
then hit the bottle 5 times, to slightly up the vibration
and see if that works.
If that does not work you need to get advice bc Aconite
often works 2 to 4 times and then does not work anymore.
♡ simone717 last decade
When we last spoke, after I prescribed Ambra grisea for you, you reported you were continuing to improve. Why did you start taking another remedy? Did you stop improving?
Ambr seemed to be a good remedy for you. Why did you feel the need to change remedies?
Ambr seemed to be a good remedy for you. Why did you feel the need to change remedies?
♡ Evocationer last decade
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