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Rash after Argentum Nitricum in 4 year old Page 3 of 4

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Hello, we finished the three doses of sulphur, it has been about 4 days plus a week since the last dose. The sleeping overal has improved slightly. She wakes between 2 and 4 am most nights and wants to sleep with us, before it was multiple times. Confidence is better overall, but is starting to reverse. Better as compared to when we started, more compliance, fewer tantrums, better able to participate in a new activity. Not great, but definitely better. The rash is much better on her arms ans shoulders, almost gone, but the thighs and legs overall are still itchy, she says the skin "tickles". The rash on her knees is worse but different. It is on the knee caps, and not on the sides,as before. She still picks her lips, but maybe 50% less often. The time questions, like "when is it going to be winter again" are much less frequent. Please let me know how to proceed. Thank you very much.
Dora14 9 years ago
I keep forgetting to mention that she really likes to play pretending that she is a kitten, meows and licks things. Someone mentioned to me that it may be significant for the choice of remedy.
Dora14 9 years ago
Can you specifically list down all her symptoms with correct modalities? Like what makes these symptoms worse and what makes these better?

What are her likes and dislikes now wrt environment, food etc.

I am trying to decide if it would be right to go to Sulphur 1M or switch to another remedy based on her present symptoms.
rishimba 9 years ago
1. Sleeping - 3/4 of the nights she wakes between 2 and 4 am and must come sleep with us. Does not want to stay in her bed. Sometimes it is possible to carry her back once she has fallen asleep with us after this waking. The other 1/4 of the nights she sleeps through the night. About 3/4 of the evenings she resists sleeping. About 1/4 of those she says that she is afraid to sleep. No reason is given. The other times she says that she wants to do someting interesting, not lie and sleep which is boring. The other 1/4 she falls asleep without much protest. When resisting falling asleep she will often say that she is hungry. Being hungry or overtired definitely makes this worse. She is also more anxious when not everyone is home, otherwise unchanged.
2. Rash is much better on the hands and shoulders, basically gone. It is worse on knees, inner thighs, bum. I am attaching pictures. The rash is much worse when warm and wet as in the bath. Worse after swimming or shower, but not as much as it was after a warm bath. Instead of red dots it becomes entire red areas, as if very irritated. Itchy most of the time (bum, inner thighs, knees). Rash has become worse since after the week passed after the last dose
3. Behaviour is also worse in the days after the week after the last dose. Much more obstinate, whiny, clingy. It is again difficult to get her to do what she is asked. She argues a lot, very demanding, insistent on doing it her way, or simply ignoring what is being asked and continues with her own task. She is again bashful, freezing when asked to show her knowledge even what she knows well. Says, for example, that she does not want to go to her drawing studio, because there she draws free form and not simply colours in the contours and she is afraid of doing it wrong. All these issues are of a similar nature - afraid that she will do it wrong. She has been very loud. Also more aggressive, especially with younger brother, not wanting to share toys or taking his toys. Has been more pessimistic, not able to find activities to interest herself, behaving more whiny and down. Can be quite theatrical especially when tired or hungry, shrieking loudly in indignation when someone brushes past her, especially if it is her older sister, for example. Hunger and fatigue intensify the likelihood of lack of compliance. The more she is asked the less likely she will comply. there was definitely an improvement in that, but it is now worse. It has been much easier to be around her, and now there is more resistance, obstinance, arguing. She again easily takes offence when not paid attention to right away or when corrected, not able to wait when we are on the phone. Often does not answer or pay attention when called or asked to come over.
4. May now have an aversion to meat, says she does not like it for most kinds. Processed meat is ok. Generally wants to eat plain rice, plain pasta, ok with soup. Asks for dessert, sweets, chocolate. Appetite is a little bit increased. Dislikes mixed foods, except soup. Often asks for apples. Likes tangerines. Used to eat a lot of butter, but recently actually refused it and said that she did not want it anymore, as it is too salty. I am not sure that it is a permanent change, however. Since that she has asked to add salt to her soup, so she does like salt. This is worse when she is already hungry, she becomes quite picky in what she will eat, and same if tired
5. Afraid of mosquitoes, spiders, dark, being alone or being left behind, probably blood as well

She has had more gas in the last several weeks than I have noticed before.

What other questions can I answer?
[message edited by Dora14 on Fri, 15 May 2015 01:32:28 BST]
[message edited by Dora14 on Fri, 15 May 2015 02:06:18 BST]
Dora14 9 years ago
[message edited by Dora14 on Mon, 25 May 2015 22:32:38 UTC]
Dora14 9 years ago
[message edited by Dora14 on Mon, 25 May 2015 22:32:47 UTC]
Dora14 9 years ago
[message edited by Dora14 on Mon, 25 May 2015 22:32:57 UTC]
Dora14 9 years ago
What time during the day she is hungry and tired the most?

What time during the day does she pass stool?

Is the itching due to the rash worse at night or day?

Does she perspire more than normal? Is her skin dry or wet type?

Does she suffer most when she is sweating on the affected parts?
rishimba 9 years ago
What time during the day she is hungry and tired the most?

She is most tired in late afternoon, starting at 3pm. At daycare she naps between 1 and 3, but at home she does not, so from 3pm she will be increasingly tired, reluctant to do things, can even fall asleep in the car. Often she can last til 5 or 6 pm and be really irritable. If she naps at daycare, then she is not tired late into the evening. She is rarely hungry herself. She will continually ask for apples or bread and butter if she feels it, but often it is her irritability and noncompliance that point to strong hunger. That can happen in late morning, 10-11ish, if she is up at 7and has not eaten much, or closer to 2 or 3 if she plays a lot in the afternoon. The time she always asks to eat is in the evening, usually connected to going to sleep. I would say it's time to go to bed, and she will come up with things to eat. Or in the middle of the night she will often ask for food as a condition of going back to sleep.

What time during the day does she pass stool?

Typically evening. In fact, she will not go to sleep until that has happened. Occasionally she will be already in bed and not able to sleep, and then will have a bm and fall asleep. Sometimes it is early evening, but usually just before bedtime. In the last two weeks, I think, her stools have been getting progressively looser than normal, but I think they have improved.

Is the itching due to the rash worse at night or day?

I think it itches all the time. She can be distracted from it when she is playing, but she does scratch often. She may be more aware of it in the evening in bed because there is not much else to pay attention to.

Does she perspire more than normal? Is her skin dry or wet type?

Definitely not more than normal, she barely perspires. i would say the skin is dry

Does she suffer most when she is sweating on the affected parts?
The rash is worse when wet, definitely, wet and warm, but I don't think that it affects her behaviour in terms of obstinance or irritability.
[message edited by Dora14 on Fri, 15 May 2015 16:12:15 BST]
Dora14 9 years ago
Since her symptoms are not pointing to any specific remedy and Sulphur did help her earlier, it would be logical to repeat Sulphur if her symptoms are back.

Chamomilla is also coming up strongly looking at her mentals. So, you can give her a single dose of SULPHUR 200C and watch her response.
rishimba 9 years ago
Hello. The rash has improved. It is still itchy on back of the thighs, but it is less red and more dry. Still quite good on the wrists. Sleeping has been very mixed. Some nights she sleeps, and some she wakes and screams and wont go back to her own bed. Her confidence showed very minor improvement, but she is easily offended, sensitive, pouts, especially after being corrected. Was quite panicked in a new swimming class despite begging us to sign her up, as she likes to swim. Refused to look at the coach, or do amything with her. We specifically requested a female coach, as she is afraid of male coaches. At home she has been very inattentive when asked to do something, and often resufing to comply. Very demanding, very loud, unable to whisper even. Really afraid of mosquitos, hates wet clothes ( not new) and has been more anxious about upcoming events. I would appreciate some further advice. I was also wondering whether i could request your assistance for my older daughter who is 11, as her remedies are largely ineffective any more.
Dora14 9 years ago
Looking at her mentals, it seems she needs CHINA OFFICINALIS. This remedy also improves sensitiveness and itching of skin, especially itching on parts lain on...like back, butt and back of thighs etc.

Her sleep, mentals and behavior pattern is definitely going to improve with China. You can give her a few doses in 30C potency some 4 doses, each dose 6 hours apart. Wait and watch her response over the next one week.

For your 11 year old daughter, you can give her case here.
rishimba 9 years ago
Thank you, i will report on the china. Should i fill the whole questionnaire for the other daughter, or just a summary for now? I dont want to confuse the two kids :)
Dora14 9 years ago
Please fill up the questionnaire for your 11 year old daughter. This will act as a reference for her general symptoms based on which remedies could be decided.
rishimba 9 years ago
Could you please suggest a remedy for another ear infection? Both ears inflamed, also throat, some coughing, high fever, came on fairly quickly. She wanted to take a nap, which is extremely rare, and was cold. Slept for a long time and was hot during sleep, so had to undress. Very high fever after the nap, neck lymph nodes swollen. Face puffed and red. I gave belladonna, hepar sulf and apis mel twice with good results. Not particularly cranky or irritable. Tired, slow, more whiny than usual, easily upset when she doesnt get her way, wants to eat sweets, reduced hunger, no thirst, urine has a brownish tinge. I am waiting for the week to pass to report on china, but sleeping has been improved, the rest not so much. A couple of days leftand then i will update. Thank you
Dora14 9 years ago
Please give her repeated doses of PULSATILLA 30C once every 4 hours on the first day. As soon as some relief is felt in ear pain or there's a change in mentals, you can reduce frequency to 3 doses a day.
rishimba 9 years ago
Report on pulsatilla - ears are definitely better, but still a red and sore throat. She has become very whiny since this remedy, very very whiny. Very clingy. Please advise.

On China - sleeping has been good, but the last two days it has reverted. Last night she woke up in the middle of the night and needed to sleep with us, and the night before it was the same, but closer t morning. All other nights before that she slept through by herself. She also seemed quite brave on the weekend, but since Monday her behaviour, has been poor. Did china wear off, or was it the building ear infection? There is not a trace of confidence. As if it has all been removed. She has been afraid of activities that have been going well, and even of having a play date, which is nonthreatening. Has been insisting that she wants to stay home and not go anywhere. Has often asked for sweets (perhaps she is more tired) Has been rater obstinate (everything is a no), seemingly out of fear of new or change, and very stubborn. Very sensitive and easily upset to tears and screams. For examples, I asked her to put a sweater on, and she thought she would be hot. She had a spectacularly whiny meltdown because I insisted that she still put it on. Similarly, was extremely upset that I allowed one piece of chocolate instead of two, and would not take the one. Ran away, hid on the couch and cried very loudly with tears that she wanted two pieces, and one was too small.
Dora14 9 years ago
Give her Pulsatilla 200C, two doses on the same day, each dose 12 hours apart. This should take care of her mentals.
rishimba 9 years ago
Hi, and thank you. Please advise further. My daughter continues to sleep reasonably well at nights, although she is still very resistant at bedtime, and often wakes early to come to bed with us,but definitely a great improvement overall. I hope this will stay.
Daytime behaviour continues to be an issue, however. There was a slight improvement in whining with pulsatilla, but she is still whining, often lazy, not wanting to do much other than watch tv, which we limit, so there is a lot of whiny protests. Very impatient, mentally. For example, she whines about how she can't sit that long as soon as she gets in the car. She can't wait for the end of the month, she is too tired to walk that far when we only just started the walk, and similar complaints. Picking her lips very often. Occasional scratching, but the rash is greatly improved. Confidence is very poor. She whines about not wanting to go to some activity before we go. It would be great to have her more active and brave and lesswhiny and hesitant.
I am also wondering whether you would be willing to advise on my son's situation (my posts about baby). Evocationer has not been around for quite some time and I would very much appreciate some solutions. Thank you so much!
Dora14 9 years ago
Let her be on Pulsatilla for a week more and we will see how her mentals change in the next few days. After about two weeks if her mental symptoms relapse, another dose can be given.

For your son, you can either post here or paste the link here.
rishimba 9 years ago
Here is the link for my son http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/465662/
Thank you for your help
Dora14 9 years ago
Have you had a chance to take a look at this? Thank you
Dora14 9 years ago

I feel you should give a fresh case for your son here by putting down his mental, physical and general symptoms.

I would base my suggestion on his presenting symptoms.

Since, the linked thread is 5 page long, I am getting a bit confused understanding it.

Or you may create a new thread and address it to me.
rishimba 9 years ago
Hello, could you please advise for my daughter again? We finished the pulsatilla 200 as you advised previously, but it is not quite a full week yet since the last dose.
She has a high fever, ear ache, face swollen, neck lymph nodes swollen, forehead hurts and she has a stomach ache. Disposition is mild, lethargic, wanting comfort. Thirstless and not hungry. Thank you very much
Dora14 9 years ago
I need to add that she is very sensitive to touch, especially on the left side. Her left lymph node is much more swollen than the right and she is complaining of sensitivity in left eye, arm, leg. Did i mention that she says that her ears hurt? Thank you for your advice.
Dora14 9 years ago
You can give her NUX VOM 12C some 3 to 4 dose initially once every two hours and if the fever doesn't get relieved, go back to Pulsatilla 30C once in 4 to 6 hours for another day.
[message edited by rishimba on Thu, 02 Jul 2015 19:59:21 UTC]
rishimba 9 years ago

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