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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

breathing problem

Sir I am a student
my age is 20
from last 3-4 years
I am facing problem of breathing
mostly in winters
when I face this problem
I used to take
then I get relief
I want complete solutions what to do
  sarwardelhi on 2015-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please furnish the following details to know ur case better. Thanks

1. Personal Details
Age / Date of birth:
Marital Status & No. of Children (if any):
Height, Weight & Physical Description:
Are you working and if so what do you do?:

2. Reason for Consultation

3. Current Symptoms

When did the symptoms begin? Can you suggest some factors that helped create these symptoms?

If this is not the first occurrence please describe any previous problems of this kind.

Please describe anything that you feel is associated with the current symptoms that is unusual, rare and/or peculiar or any other information which you wish to add.

It would also be very useful if you could describe any particular important events in your life. How did you feel about them at the time? Also, how you feel about them now?

4. General Symptoms

In which season do you feel less well?

How does fog affect you?

At what time during the day or night do you feel worst?

How do you stand the cold/hot/dry/wet weather?

What do you feel when exposed to the sun?

How does change of weather affect you? What about snow?

What are your reactions to north wind / south wind / the wind in general

How do you feel before, during and after a storm?

What about warmth in general, warmth of the bed, of the room, of the stove?

What about draughts of air and changes of temperature?

How do you react to extremes of temperature?

What difference do you make in your clothing in winter?

What position do you like best (Sitting / Standing / Lying)?

What about taking colds in winter and in other seasons?

How do you feel standing or kneeling in a church / mosque / synagogue / temple or other place of worship or meditation?

What kind of climate is objectionable to you, and where would you choose to spend your vacation?

How do you keep your window at night?

What sports do you play?

How do you feel riding in cars or sailing?

How do you feel before / during / after meals?

What about your appetite, how do you feel if you go without a meal?

What do you drink and in what quantity? What about thirst?

What are the foods that make you sick and why?

What about wine / beer / coffee / tea / milk / vinegar?

How much do you smoke in a day. How do you feel after smoking?

Are there any drugs which you are very sensitive too or which make you sick?

What are the vaccinations you have had and the results from them?

What about cold or warm baths, or sea baths?

How do you feel at the seaside or on high mountains?

How do collars, belts and tight clothing affect you?

How long do your wounds take to heal, how long do they bleed for?

In what circumstances have you felt like fainting?

5. Mental and Emotional Symptoms

What are the greatest grief that you have gone through in your life?

What are the greatest joys you have had in life?

In what circumstances have you ever felt jealous?

On what occasions do you weep? At music? At reproaches ? At what time of day?

How do you cope with your worries?

What effect does consolation have on you?

On what occasions do you feel despair?

How do you stand waiting?

When and on what occasions do you feel frightened or anxious?

How do you feel in a room full of people or at church, etc or at a lecture?

Do you go red or white when you are angry and how do you feel afterwards?

How rapidly do you walk or eat or talk or write?

What have been the complaints or effects following chagrin, grief, disappointed, love, vexation, mortification, indignation, bad news, fright?

Tell me all about over-conscientiousness and over-scrupulousness, about trifles; some people do not care about too much details and too much order.

What about your memory? Your understanding? Your will? Your concentration? Any tendency to make mistakes?

At what time in the twenty-four hours do you feel the blues, depressed, sad, pessimistic?

In time of depression, how do you look at death?

6. Food and Sleep

What is the kind of food for which you have a marked craving or aversion for?

What kind of food makes you sick or you are unable to eat?

What about pastry and sweets?

What about sour or spiced food?

What about rich or greasy food?

What about thirst and what do you drink?

How much salt do you need for your taste?

Do you have a 'salt tooth', e.g. do you add salt to food at the table?

Do you drink coffee / tea / wine / beer or other?

In which position do you sleep? How long have you slept in that position?

Where do you put your arms, and how do you like to have your head?

At what time do you wake up and how do you feel?

When are you sleepy?

What makes you restless or sleepy?

What about dreams?

What do you do during sleep? Talk? Laugh? Cry out? Weep? Be restless? Be afraid? grind your teeth? Have your mouth open? Have your eyes open?

7. For Women Only

At what age did your periods begin?

How frequently do your periods come?

Please describe their duration, abundance, colour, odour

Please describe any other significant details that may be relevant

At what time in the twenty-four hours do they flow most?

How do you feel before, during and after your period?

What about your character, feelings, or behaviour before, during and after your period.

8. Bodily Functions and Discharges

Any problems of the senses, hearing, vision, smell, taste?

Do you have any problems in your mouth or dental problems?

Do you have any skin problems like eczema, warts, tumours, psoriasis or unexplained eruptions?

Has a diagnosis been made for any condition? If so by whom, what is it, detail any advice given.

Are you taking any homeopathic remedy, conventional medication, herb, vitamin or mineral supplement?

Do you take any exercise?

In case you did not mention it above, do you feel any pain?

Is the pain you feel burning, aching, numbness and/or throbbing or other
sensation. Provide any other information.

Complete the sentence, 'It feels as if ...' about all your pains or discomforts.

9. Your Personal History

Please detail you medical history since childhood as far as you can recall, including accidents, time in hospital etc.

Please provide as much information as you can regarding the medical history of your immediate family and grandparents.

Can you describe your home circumstances and important relationships?

What are your passions and leisure pursuits?

Are their important aspects of your life that have not been covered?
anindya384 9 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.