The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bartholin cyst and pregnant Page 2 of 2
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Dear doctor:
I am sorry could not update you earlier as i was held up with some personal things.
I took sil as advised by you; however, the swelling has not gone down completely. there is no pain, i thought waiting would help bringing the swelling down, but it seems unchanged.
Kindly share your thoughts.
i am diagnosed with b12 deficiency recently and im to start on bcomplex with vit c for 3 months. Can i replace that with any homeomedicine? I have stopped ferr phox 3x after 2 weeks.
I am sorry could not update you earlier as i was held up with some personal things.
I took sil as advised by you; however, the swelling has not gone down completely. there is no pain, i thought waiting would help bringing the swelling down, but it seems unchanged.
Kindly share your thoughts.
i am diagnosed with b12 deficiency recently and im to start on bcomplex with vit c for 3 months. Can i replace that with any homeomedicine? I have stopped ferr phox 3x after 2 weeks.
Daisy1234 9 years ago
Please get Silica 200 and take a dose of it.
Mineral & vitamin deficiency should be addressed with balanced diet, not supplements.
Mineral & vitamin deficiency should be addressed with balanced diet, not supplements.
fitness 9 years ago
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