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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Enlarged Tonsils

Since yesterday I have been feeling pain in my throat. I took one dose of Belladona 200 after reading a post on the Forum. I woke up this morning with definitely enlarged tonsils and a funny feeling in my ears. I continued with the Belladona in the morning as well in water. But there is definitely pain in my throat and I can feel the glands in my throat swollen and pain upon swallowing. Any suggestions please.

A Happy Christmas to you all who read this post.
  Dungi on 2005-12-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi, Since Belladonna does not seem to be working for you, try Hepar Sulph 30c, 3 pills * 3 times a day for a couple of days. Alternatively, you may dissolve 1 drop of Hepar 30c in water & take 4-5 tsps from it through the day(1 Teaspoon at a time).
If you can tell what started this thing, it might be helpful too.
willway last decade
Thanks Willway,but I dont know what started this. I was fine until I had a glass of cold fruit juice on Friday evening. Other than that nothing else than the normal diet I follow (vegetarian).

I have Hepar Sulph 200 and not 30, can I not use that presently until I can get the 30 potency ?
Dungi last decade
Bell 200 Morning
Phytolica 200 Merg Sol 200 Evening
Bryta carb 200 Night
use these medicines till 3 months
tanveerawan last decade

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