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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe hair loss

Five years back i suffered from severe cold and cough for three consecutive months.I developed anaemia.I have a weak lever also though i dont suffer from digestive problems.After few months i started shedding too much hair everyday though my diet was now normal.I visited a doctor and he recommended me minoxidil 2% solution.But this medicine intensified the problems also leading to side effects so i immediately stopped the medication.By taking proper diet and using herbal shampoos only i could cut down the number of hair i used to shred to < 5-10 a day.
I showed my scalp condition to
a hoemeopathic doctor.He diagnosed the condition as seborrheic dermatitis. He gave me medicines but i could barely see any changes over ten months of medication.At present i am using ayurvedic creams and i can see very tiny hair present in the front much beyond the receding hairline and i feel i can potentially grow them back.

I feel very bad about my hair
and need your help to come out
of this situation.
  Adixamro on 2005-12-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Age : 23
Sex : Male
Location : India

(I have lived in hottest to coldest conditions)

Family history : Father suffers from High blood pressure and diabetes.My grand-pa was bald.

Mother and sister have also seen similar hairloss at a similar age probably because of anaemia.

a) I have no dandruff

b) Scalp condition is mostly dry

c) I am rarely seen under stress

d) I drink enough water

e) I sweat too much so i prefer cold weather.
Adixamro last decade
Silinium 30c,5 drops in a little water thrice daily alongwith silicia 3x,5 tablets thrice daily will improve your condition.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Sajjad, Thanks for suggestion. What about weisbaden 200C. Will
it work in my case ? I see increase in hair fall whenever i use oil of any type on my scalp.
Adixamro last decade
i need more comments
Adixamro last decade
weisbaden 200C is much praised but i have not seen its success therefore i did not recommended.Any more question?
sajjadakram635 last decade
I think this man shouls take SULPHUR 200, 1 dose every week, for 3 weeks, during the use of other medicine,
drsajid last decade
Thankyou very much for your kind suggestions .

Just to add more information,I also had developed a small bald patch in the middle of my head but its now covered with hair.

I am hoping for good.I will let you know any changes after few months of medication.
Adixamro last decade
I did not advise you on this thread as other more experienced homeopaths were handling your case. However since you have specifically requested my assistance I would like to state that I agree with the prescription of Sajjad to use Weisbaden 200c which should only be taken every other day.

You can also use Sulphur but I would suggest that you use the 1M potency once a week for your dandruff.

I would also suggest that you use Arnica 30c in the water dose which you can take a teaspoonful twice daily. You make it by putting 3 globules into a 500ml bottle of spring water and you succuss it 6 times before each dose.

Please read all the data available on the forum under "Hair Loss"
Joe De Livera last decade
I am not worried about hair-loss anymore but i am worried about volume of hair on my head. times back I could site a small bald patch i had right in the mid of my scalp but it is covered with thick bunch of small hairs. Frontal portion and hairline still showing minor improvements only.small hairs there are still responding very slowly.I have been on medicine for past three weeks.
Adixamro last decade
what medicines, that you have been taking stopped your hair loss?
dinos last decade
You may like to read the thread

My hairloss treatement rresult

Joe De Livera last decade
I was using Himalaya drugs products

- shampoo since past three years

- hair loss cream in recent past and both have helped me arrest hair loss completely.

I took nutritional suppliments side by side.

For a short period i was on
weisbaden (confirmed with my
doctor) but didnt see any great effects.

Recommended in this forum by
experts :
I have been on selenium 3X , silicia 6X and sulphur 200C since past two and a half weeks.

I have seen a good improvement in the hairline region.(i can really say to myself - oh god its real).This is the best response from any medicine i ever got since i started loosing hair.

Though volume of hair is still quite less and i do not know how much it will recover.

Shall i go for NAT MUR..? I could not find white iodine .
Does tincture iodine lead to stains on skin ?

Thanks guys for your anonymous help.
Adixamro last decade
hi guys

i have posted on a couple of other hair loss posts on this website but no one has replied, i am suffering from hairloss and i'm only 19.

i got sulfur 200 drops
nat mur 6x and silicea 6x

can anyone tell me the dosage please? or something else i could do about it?
johnnybrutal last decade

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