The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Correct dose for Nat Phos 6x for 3 month old
My daughter will be 3 months on April 22. She was diagnosed with reflux at 1 month. She currently is taking Zantac 1 ml twice a day. I would like to try Nat Phos 6x but want to be sure on doses. Last week at the dr she weighed 11 lb 9 oz. She doesnt spit up often but before Zantac was very fussy, cried frequently, arched back and didnt sleep well. With the Zantac she is much better but I would like to try and get her off medication. Is it better to dissolve Nat Phos into breast milk or water and give it to her? I exclusively breast feed. Thank you .neshemmom on 2015-04-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also, I read an old post from Joe and he mentioned that the mother should be taking nat phos and arnica 30c. Is this correct?
neshemmom 9 years ago
That therapy is not homoeopathy, and in fact can have some fairly significant side effects. It is in fact an abuse of our medicines, having more in common with orthodox (allopathic) medicine than anything we do.
A medicine needs to be prescribed on her individual symptoms, not just on the name of her condition. Did you want to have her case taken and a single homoeopathic medicine prescribed?
A medicine needs to be prescribed on her individual symptoms, not just on the name of her condition. Did you want to have her case taken and a single homoeopathic medicine prescribed?
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Yes please share a remedy that is homeopathic that will possibly help my infant with acid reflux. thank you
neshemmom 9 years ago
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