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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

my son suffering from stomach pain

My son is 11 years old. Apparently he is healthy and energetic but now and then complains of stomach pain. For the last 20 days he has almost constant stomach pain. I consulted two homeopaths but the situation remained the same. Finally I approached a paediatric gastroenterologist who says that pain is due to accumulation of hard stool in the guts and streching of intestines. He has prescribed liquid and powdered laxatives twice a day and a few other medicines for 15 days. Please suggest an effective homeopathic remedy. We are hugely upset.
  jsiqbal on 2015-04-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is his daily diet and his daily water intake?

Has he had antibiotics in the last year?

If you get the diet, water, and gut flora right,
this will resolve itself.
simone717 9 years ago
He prefers spicy food but for almost a month he mainly eats light food. He drinks 6-7 glasses of water.

He has taken antibiotics for cold, throat infections etc as and when given by the doctors, you can say,frequently.

How can we improve gut flora?
jsiqbal 9 years ago

You can give him a cup of natural yogurt once a day and then
buy a childrens probiotic. In usa, the Drs. tell you to take
a probiotic once a day for 3 months when you start antibiotics.

Make sure that you give the probiotic 2 hours before or after
eating to allow the probiotic to stay in the gut and start working.
Try to get one with 8 strains of bacteria. Many times one must
experiment to get the probiotic that works well with that person.
You start slow with one a day and then can work up to 2 a day if

The probiotic puts back the gut flora that the antibiotics destroy.
Also after he is taking one brand and you feel that it is not working
right after some time, then switch again, bc it may be that he
got enough of those particular strains of bacteria . You do this
everytime antibiotics are taken.

Make sure that he has a salad or vegetables every day to provide
bulk for the intestines. You can also give a tablespoon of flax seeds
or flax seed oil a day to help with digestion.

See how this helps after 10 days. If he is still having constipation,
then come back on here-this is a common problem after antibiotic
simone717 9 years ago
Please suggest something for immediate relief from constant stomach pain.
jsiqbal 9 years ago
The child has continuous pain in the abdominal region.
jsiqbal 9 years ago

Please answer the following questions so a remedy can be

1. How often has there been a
bowel movement in the last week?

2.How long has it been since the last bowel movement?

3. Describe the stool? Any blood in the stool?

4.Is there any other illness going on besides this?

5. Is it painful to pass the stool?

6.Is there straining for stool and not able to pass it?

7.Does the stool come out and then recede and feel incomplete?

8.What makes this worse: Such as, heat, certain foods, motion,
damp and cold, moving,eating,anything else?

9. What makes this better: pressure, laying down,warmth, having
a bowel movement, moving, Anything else?

10. Describe the abdomen pain.

11. What are the food and drink desires, or aversions to?
simone717 9 years ago
1.bowel movement 4-5 times a day during the last week.
2.three hours
3.stool semi solid, no blood in stool.
4.stomach pain, loose motion (Allopathic doctor has prescribed laxatives to soften the hard accumulated stool in the intestines.)
5.no pain while passing or after the stool.
6.no straining for stool.
7.stool doesn't recede, doesn't feel incomplete.
8.pain increases after taking food, moving.
9.lying down makes it better.
10.abdomen pain is not limited to any particular region in the stomach.It moves - sometimes under the right ribcage sometimes under the left sometime around navel, but mainly around navel.
11. Spicy food, non veg, jelly, soft drinks, chocolates desires but doesn't eat nowadays. Averse to vegetables.
jsiqbal 9 years ago

This seems to be pain from taking the laxatives.

Which will cause cramping and contractions non
stop if you take a lot.

Is there still a lot of stool coming out?
I would think not much is left.

What is the laxative prescription, how often
is he taking?

And have you spoken to the Dr. about this, bc
I think he needs to stop the laxatives and
then the pain will stop.
simone717 9 years ago
Now and then stomach pain he
was having and the 20 days of it was from being constipated.

Now, he is on the other extreme. A person is considered
constipated if they do not have
a bowel movement after 3 to 5 days.

I would stop the medications now, he has had
too many bowel movements.

You can start the probiotics and then the bowel
movements should be once a day or every couple days.

He should be aware that if he does not have one
after 2 days then he could take a remedy to help-
but right now-you have to stop medicines and
the pain will stop.You don't want or need a remedy right now, bc it would be for what
the medicines are doing to him, and that won't
simone717 9 years ago
To clear the accumulated stool can isabgol husk be given to him?
jsiqbal 9 years ago
yes, that is a good thing to
take, make sure he gets plenty
of water if he takes that.

On the stool: When people are
in their 50's they get a
colonoscopy as part of their
annual exam. A tube with a camera goes all the way thru the colon. To do this, they make people take laxatives the
day before, so the colon is totally cleared. It takes one
day of going to the bathroom
5 or 6 times and the colon is

So I doubt after an entire week of this that there is
anything impacted. The husk
acts as a natural bulk to help
the intestines be regular.
simone717 9 years ago

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