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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Herpes Infection - Diabetic male


Posting on behalf of my dad. He is 59-year-old, diabetic for more than 15 years (he recollects that he was diagnosed in 2000 with type 2 diabetes). He is otherwise healthy. In 2011, he had herpes infection to the left side of his face. He saw a doctor and got it cured; however, he has pain around the eye and lip on palpation and has discomfort in his left eye, which he is not able to describe exactly how it is. is there a way that this can be totally cured with homeo medicine? he does yoga and breathing exercises and is on diet restrictions. Can you pls help?
  Daisy1234 on 2015-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him three doses of Phosphorus 200 as follows and see how that affects over 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa 9 years ago

[message deleted by hope1234 on Thu, 30 Apr 2015 14:05:09 BST]
hope1234 9 years ago
Thanks so much for the remedy. can he continue his diabetic medication and multivitamin while taking this?
Daisy1234 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Kadwa:

He has finished his dose as suggested by you. Still awaiting your reply on if he can continue his diabetic pill and multivit. kindly respond if you are around.

Looking forward for your advice.
Daisy1234 9 years ago
He should continue with his diabetes medication. He should also do periodical sugar tests. There is no need to take multi-vitamins as it cause unnecessary load on kidneys.
kadwa 9 years ago
He was feeling fatigued or rather not very energetic and hence was recommended to use it and he has been using it for a while now.. would you suggest stopping it? of late, he has also been facing issues with memory (not very bad though) and slowness in his actions as well.. Please advise, I dont mind holding the multivit if you think it can harm in long run

He does check his sugars every 3 months once, both fasting and PP
[message edited by Daisy1234 on Mon, 04 May 2015 12:03:54 BST]
Daisy1234 9 years ago
Please stop multi vitamins. Swami Ramdev's Madhu Nashini tablet has received good clinical response for diabetes. In future you may try to incorporate Madhu Nashini in his diabetes treatment plan.
kadwa 9 years ago
Hello Doctor:

That again would be ayurveda. Actually im looking at moving him to homeopathy keeping in veiw of the side effects that he get from his current meds. Kindly let me know if any homeo medicine can help him manage his diabetes while i closely monitor his sugars during the change. I am little worried with his slowness in action as compared to earlier, decreased attentiveness, and memory issues, although not bothersome now, maybe can become big issues in future.

Also I must mention that his liver seems weak. Most of the cases, when there is increase in his blood sugar, he does not feel hungry and feels full in his stomach
Daisy1234 9 years ago
Hello doctor: hope u have seen my response... However I will wait and report in 15 days ... So far there is no response from the medicine

Thank you
Daisy1234 9 years ago
Please give him 5 drops each of the following mother tinctures twice a day for 15 days and report back.

Hydrastis Q
Chelidonium Q
Carduus Mar Q

Please continue with his diabetes medicines.
kadwa 9 years ago
Hello sir, i got my medicines today, should 5 drops of each of the below tinctures, mixed together and taken orally? sorry if this sounds silly, have no idea about these, hence the query.
Daisy1234 9 years ago
You may give drops directly on patient's tongue. You may also mix drops in some 15 ml water and ask patient to sip up slowly.
kadwa 9 years ago

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