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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

12 year old boy with tics

hello! my boy is suffering from tics since he was 9 years old .during a year he has the tics for 9 or 10 months then stop and begin after 2 months.
i will try to explain answering the questionary below.
1. describe your main suffering? state the correct location.

*he is moving his lips on left side almost every minute.he is doing crack to the fingers of his hand every 30 minutes and to the fingers of his foot in the evening.he also whispering and repeating words mostly in the evening and when watches tv

2. what other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

he used to have allergies but no more .We have made allergic tests and we found that he has lack of Iga.But he never had problems with his health as he has been always using homeopathy

3. what mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

**he is very insecure he has to ask me or his father for everything he wants to do.

** he afraids of taking initiatives

** he is very shy with people he doesn't know He barely say hello

** not breathing well from his left nostril after a fell that broke his nose bone

4. what exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? describe the sensation in your own words.

his moto is "leave me alone"

5. when did it all start? can you connect it to any past event or disease?

* his grand mother died he went to the funeral he was crying a lot it was a shock for him we gave him ignatia 200ch .He never wanted to discuss about it.
before 3 years we moved to another city.It was dificult for him to go to a new school and make friends.He was better after 3 months.Now he has anxiety because he knows that in 1 or two years we will have to move again (it's the nature of his dad's work)

6. which time of the day you are worst?

* after school and especially in the evening while watching tv or playing games
7. what are the things that aggravate your suffering and those that ameliorate the same? example: time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.

* when he is tired tics gets worst.when there is pressure for homework or school tests

*he is better in the morning because he is not tired

8. do you think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

* he had a eye tiching when he was 3 years old after his sisters birth.it lasted only 2 months and then after till 9 years old nothing

9. when do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

* he feels better in cold weather.he always wears light jackets ,no jumpers .he easily gets sweat his sweat smells bad.he sweats more on the head and back

10. describe your general mental set up? are you moody, arrogant, mild, agreeable changeable, nervous, suspicious, easily offended, quiet, arguing, irritating, lazy etc.

* he is happy-agreeable-easily offended-telling often lies-quiet-lazy-irritating

for example he always teases others especially his sister but also his friends but when someone tells him why are you doing this, he gets angry and refuses everything .

BUt he has many friends that love him When he is with his friends is very social and happy.

At home he only speaks to me about what bothers him and that after i ask him not by himself

he is a person that doesn't express his feelings

- how do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?

he feels sometimes anxious if we are with him it doesn't bother him but if he is alone he might be afraid

- do you like being consoled during your tough times?

yes he prefers to go to his room and see on laptop his favourite tv show or listen to his favourite music (slow sad songs that makes him cry .He has told me that)

- are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

noise most When he hears a noise that he doen't know especially outside the house his first thought would be tha maybe is a thief or something bad

- do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?

talking to one self during bath mostly.I have asked him "who are you talking to? He answered to myself I like to do that .I don't have other details about it

- how do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

-he has many friends he is popular in school and athletic.he is jealous of his sister but love her a lot

11. what are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

He has a very quiet sleep all night he has never mentionned bad dreams or something

he is afraid of snakes-height

12. what do you crave in food items and what are your aversions?

he loves meat and fried potatoes and sweets he likes salt he hates food mill and courgettes

13. how is your thirst: less, normal or excessive?

normal he drinks 1,5 lt per day

14. how is your hunger: less, normal or excessive?

normal He eats cereal with milk for breakfast after a snack like fruits (he prefers sour fruits)he eats his lunch in the afternoon a biscuit or something sweet and in the evening he prefers a toast

15. is there any kind of food which your body can¢t stand?

i have not noticed something like that

16. is your sweat normal or less or more? where does it sweat more: head, trunk or limbs?

he has normal sweat but
head more
he cannot stand too hot room he cannot sleep if it is too hot He prefers fan than air-condition

17. how is your bowel movement and stool type?

very good no problems.He goes to the toilet twice a day

18. how well do you sleep? do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

good sleep (8 hours) He prefers to sleep left side

19. do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

* he kisses the dolls of his sister.I don't know what that means i think it is because of teenage

20. do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? how are you different from others?

I cannot say that .i don't know

21. what medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

* we have tried lachesis his tics get improved for a while but it get worsted .After we tried staphysagria but did nothing

22. what major diseases are running in your family?

* nothing

23. describe, how do you look like? describe your overall appearance.

he is tall blonde with green eyes -pale -thin.he has always sweaty and dirty palms.But he likes taking bath every day .He doesn't care for his apearance .He can go for a walk with a blouse that has holes for example.Generally is handsome his teachers always is in "love" with him and girls too (hahaha)
[message edited by tpoll on Fri, 15 May 2015 13:07:30 BST]
  tpoll on 2015-05-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
answer all the question above and explain them in maximum as u can (no brief answer)
gaintrox 9 years ago
Pls check above i have made some changes i don't know what else to write.I have edited post .Pls help me.
tpoll 9 years ago
how his nose broke and when ?did any other symptoms take place after that?

i have seen another post regarding ur daughter ?did she had similar symptoms?Or any other sibling have it?

Is anyone in family history of the child (in both parents side) have any kind of physical disorder related to mind (like paralysis )?
gaintrox 9 years ago
He had broken his nose at 1st grade when a child accidently pushed him and fell down with his face.After this the doctor said we could not do anything untill his 18th that he would propably need surgery.He cannot breathe quite well from his left
snoril since then.

My daughter also had a tic exactly the same with her brother only for 1 month we gave her Natrium Muriaticum and since then she is fine.

I bite my nails since i was a child and my husband has a tic
since he was a child he leaks his feet with his hand before he goes to sleep .

THat's all there is not other disorder in our family or grandparents etc
tpoll 9 years ago
give him two dose of Stramonium 6c or 12c a day one dose at morning in empty stomach and other dose half an hour before dinner .One dose is 4-6 globules or If u use tincture add 3-4 drops of medicine in half cup of water.

Do not let him eat and drink anything 15min before and after taking the medicine .
report back after one week of taking medicine.
gaintrox 9 years ago
thank you very much i will contact after a week
tpoll 9 years ago

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