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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Heaves/COPD in pony- looking for homeopath for consult

I am looking for an equine homeopath that I can work with long distance, facetime or Skype if need be. message me your fees. I have used homeopathy for over 17 years but need someone experienced with horses. thanks holisticparents2 at rocketmail dot com. I tried to update my profile with this new email address but it doesn't seem to want to save the new info.
  wendypape on 2015-06-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This would be a good person. Also google the alternative
vets in Canada, as there are lists of them - and I
think that is where you are.
Charles E Loops, DVM
Charles E Loops DVM takes phone consultation for animals, large and small. 38 Waddell Hollow Rd., Pittsboro, NC 27312 --- Phone: (919)542-0442 - Experienced with Transfer Factor

"After 10 years of traditional veterinary practice I became tired of having no treatment for chronic disease, incurable conditions, and a plethora of allergic maladies which seem to plague all veterinary practices. I was frustrated with giving animals cortisone (danger of steroids) because I had no other solutions, or using antibiotics (danger of antibiotics) for infections which I knew were of viral origin. At this time I had some chronic health problems, which had been unresolvable allopathically, but they responded to treatment by homeopathy. It took some time but it worked.!

This is when my philosophy about disease changed and my interest in classical homeopathy began. I studied with Richard Pitcairn, DVM, going to workshops that he offered for several years. I completed a year of study with Linda Johnston, M.D., author of Everyday Miracles who had a very successful homeopathic practice in Ca.. I have studied extensively and continue to do so. I progressively added homeopathy to my practice over a 4 year period and in February of 1992, I sold this practice so that I could devote myself to veterinary homeopathy exclusively.

My practice is mainly by referral and 95% by telephone consultation. I have treated thousands of cases using the principles of classical homeopathy and I continue to find this system of gentle healing to be the most effective therapy that has ever existed.
simone717 9 years ago
thank you Simone717! very much appreciated :-)
wendypape 9 years ago

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