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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe itching of remedy

I have been prescribed sulfur d30 and arnica d30 for sebborhea in the face (eyebrows and around the nose) and scalp. After I a while I got severe itching and burning in those areas I have sebborhea. I clean the face and scalp daily, so am not dirty. Probably I am oversensitive to the fungus. Recently I got impetigo on the cheek so I was prescribed antibiotica and so I got also overgrowth of yeast in the urinary tract. Of my homeopath I was descriped mezerum. The effect was terrible burning and itching for a while. And the yeast overgrowth in the urinary organ diseappered in a week.
Is it correct that this can happens with treatment of acute skin problem with homeopathy? It seems working much better than ordinary antibiotics.

Best regards
  troja on 2015-06-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes this can happen. Skin problems can also
take quite a bit of time. If you have yeast overgrowth, many times this is due to the antibiotics.

The antibiotics destroy the normal gut flora.
You should take a probiotic that has 8 strains
of bacteria once a day for a couple months to
restore the gut flora.

We all have yeast in the gut, but they can overgrow
when there is not enough other flora. Also until
yeast is under control, your diet needs to be
mostly protein and vegetables bc starch and
sugar feed the yeast.
simone717 9 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam,

Many thanks for your advice.
troja 9 years ago

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