The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic stomach pain 5yrs old
Hi,My daughter is 5 years old. Complains of stomach pain around her navel region. She starts complaining in mid of eating something. She just eats 2 to 3 spoons and starts complaining. It will be for an hour or so. She is not comfortable with that pain. It might not be too painful as she is not crying. She just sleeps for sometime during that. I am worried as this has become a habit early in the morning while she has to get ready for the school. It seems to be more during night and early morning. She has nausea to smell early in the morning.
We have given her merc sol, nux, cina. We had a abdomen scan too which is normal. I have also give zentel (deworming syrup) last week which has to be given every 6 months.
Her stool stinks sour. She loves sweets. She sleeps on her stomach during night. Her complexion is wheetish and lean body.
Please suggest a remedy for her to be normal and happy.
Thanks in advance
geethap123 on 2015-06-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ homeo_helper 9 years ago
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