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Premature Ejaculation



Posts about Premature Ejaculation

Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Premature Ejaculation5regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5Erection and premature ejaculation2Premature Ejaculation1Premature Ejaculation5Premature Ejaculation1Premature Ejaculation4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

premature ejaculation; sexual weakness, thinning of hair

age : 27, 170 cm , 85 kg (over weight)
history : masturbation excesses from the age of 12 . (once a day)
hair : falling and thinning to an acute extent from forehead
hair rest of the body : hard and thick growth on chest legs back and arms
eyes : eye balls bulging out , dark circles, allergic to dust and irritated with bright light , prefers to stay in dark

thirst : too much after masturbation , prefers warm water
hunger : increased , craving for hot food

abdomen ; bulging out and dropping down . pain in lower abdomen after sex . flatulence till one week after sex . continuous loose stool .
gastric till two days after sex

PREMATURE EJACULATION: within 5-10 seconds of the first time , but If performed more than once a day , time increases slightly . till 1-2 minutes
sexual organ : weak erection, not as hard as before .
pain in testicles . cold testicles .
dripping of semen during toilet
and on thought of the other gender
NO night fall (nocturnal emition) at all

back ache : lower back pain after sex for many days .

Please advise medicine , patient requires help as he is getting married in 3 months .
additional information : Smoking regular
NOTE : Do not advise compounds or any such medicine which is specifically made by some company like Bach flower etc which is not available in local market
[message edited by android121 on Mon, 20 Jul 2015 11:22:01 UTC]
  android121 on 2015-07-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hey man,

please answer below questions

mind -

mood -

from how long u r facing this problem?

BP (with or without medication) -

thyroid -

sabkamalik1 9 years ago
mind : forgetful , short term memory is weak . old things remember good .
dwells in sexual thoughts . lack of concentration . highly indecisive .

mood : sensitive to extreme weathers, sensitive to loud voice. hateful towards loud voice and music .
mood irregular and not stable .
sad and weeping . insecure .
sensitive .
Most importantly : sweats while public speaking . which was never there before .
The condition has started for over 3 to 4 years now .

However patient is still very much sexually active and eager.

lastly I would request some other doctor to give me opinion as well preferably from India / Bangladesh
android121 9 years ago
BP is normal and cholesterol is also very normal
thyroid is unknown. However most probably normal as the patient looks fit generally .
However in recent years (4) years . face cut has widened and looks more like a married man . rather than a young boy . This in my opinion is also attributed to masturbation
android121 9 years ago
please give all details in another thread where u want to take treatment from respected Dr mohla and Dr sourav. I am closing this thread from my side.


sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Well thank you for the suggest, I did as you said .
I request that you give your opinion as well before closing the thread . best regards .
android121 9 years ago
you are wellcome.

premature ejaculation is most of time psychological problem. try to spend more time during foreplay. directly don't go for sexual intercourse. remember "" sex is not an act bettwen 2 parts of body it a fellings of 2 soul in love "

I will advise a excellent home remedy for premature ejaculation.you can take this along with Dr mohla's prescription.

buy some seedless dates (khajoor) from market or you can separate seeds from them. take 3 cup of milk and add 5 dates in milk just boil the milk to down near 1 cup. cool it down eat all dates and drink cup of milk. do it everyday morning 1st breakfast then eat fruits.

do exercise regularly.

take case.. get well soon

good luck
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Thank you very much
the patient is not married and has no experience of actual intercourse so does not know the effects of foreplay.

as a general question : do you think lycopodium is the medicine in this case or agnus cactus . The patient desires to be treated for sexual weakness primarily

and thank you for the dietary tip, but as a humble suggestion , the dates and milk will make his energies stronger and will make him masturbate more . maybe he can take this diet after marriage .
One more thing is that he has milk intolerance . lastly after masturbation alot of gastric trouble and pain in lower abdomen with loose stool .
Thank you
android121 9 years ago
if the pataient is not maraied or didn't experience sexual act then I don't know how he is saying about premature ejaculation.

Ok I advised many people for dates and milk. no one complained about sexual excess. may be u r right but it will give more strength to him. athletes here also talking.

regarding lycopodium and agnus castus. lycopodium will make him more excited for sexual thought. agnus castus will act as per his libido. If libido is below normal it will up if it more it will down.

from my experience 2 remedy will suit on him

staphysagaria 30c

caladium 30c

before giving these remedy he should answer some questions.after details physical and psychological counciling the remedy should be prescribed.

Sorry android I dont have more years of experience in this forum so Dr mohla or deshlok may advised nicely.

that's all what I got from my experience..

good luck
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Take Acid Phos 200c for 7 days in liquid form as one dose per day at morning 30 min before meal.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav 9 years ago

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