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Smashed finger and hypericum 3Smashed Fingers 9


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Smashed Finger

My daughter smashed her finger in the garage door on Saturday (7/18). She had a lot of pain, so I've been treating with Arnica & Hypericum 3 times a day and Ledum once per day (all 30C).

The last part of her finger (the top part after her last joint) is now swollen, often numb, and the nail is bruised.

Should I continue treating it as I have been, or try a different remedy?

  ArtsyMommy on 2015-07-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl continue but reduce frequency from three times to two times and then stop with one dose daily.
akshaymohl 9 years ago
Do you mean I should do 2 doses one day, the next day do one dose, and then quit?

Thank you so much.
ArtsyMommy 9 years ago
for one week two times daily and then one dose daily till recovery and then stop the medicines.
akshaymohl 9 years ago

It has now been over a month. My daughter's finger is still slightly swollen and somewhat red. It doesn't hurt her much, except if she tries to use it like to write, it will start to be painful.

Should I continue with the Arnica & Hypericum?
ArtsyMommy 9 years ago
arnica 200 one dose evening time for one day and next day hypericum 200 one dose at bed time for one day .then repeat weekly till recover.
akshaymohl 9 years ago

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