The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Severe sensitivity to Aluminium
Does anyone have experience treating patients who have a severe sensitivity to food that has the very slightest contact with aluminiumI am very very careful to cook only in stainless steel or glass and eat majority of raw or fresh cooked food but sometimes when going to friends a food will be affected and the result is that night i cannot sleep at all and next morning have pain inside my right ear with rushing /whooshing sensation
Sometimes i am immediately affected by an urge to stool, intense pain behind both eyeballs , stabbing pain in brain above right eye or like mini explosions in my brain
The only way to relieve the problem is constant burping , passing a stool ,
Once the aluminium is clear of my body i am fine
All of the symptoms that I experienced when i was really ill before i found out that i was poisoned/sensitive to Aluminium are included in Alumina or Alumen and my original homeopath treated me using both of them plus pulsatilla , nux vom, carbo veg, chamomilla
My original Homeopath died and the last one who is too long a journey will not tell me what she prescribed although she insisted that to take Alumina and Alumen was very very bad
I do not know what is considered my constitutional remedy and maybe no one has truly found it
tinsel on 2006-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your case interests me but I doubt very much that your problem:
"Sometimes i am immediately affected by an urge to stool, intense pain behind both eyeballs , stabbing pain in brain above right eye or like mini explosions in my brain "
is in any way connected with the food being cooked in aluminium utensils.
It is possible that you suffer from some gastric condition which prevents the food from being digested due perhaps to hyper acidity.
This can be corrected with Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) dose 2 tablets after a meal if you feel uncomfortable which is usually due to the food not digesting in the usual time span thereby causing hyper acidity.
The Nat Phos will accelerate the passage of food from the stomach into the gut and you should feel almost immediate relief.
"Sometimes i am immediately affected by an urge to stool, intense pain behind both eyeballs , stabbing pain in brain above right eye or like mini explosions in my brain "
is in any way connected with the food being cooked in aluminium utensils.
It is possible that you suffer from some gastric condition which prevents the food from being digested due perhaps to hyper acidity.
This can be corrected with Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) dose 2 tablets after a meal if you feel uncomfortable which is usually due to the food not digesting in the usual time span thereby causing hyper acidity.
The Nat Phos will accelerate the passage of food from the stomach into the gut and you should feel almost immediate relief.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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