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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stone Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kia ap ne neechay wali 3 medicines ko ''biochemic cell salt'' kana hai??

Ya ''biochemic cell salt'' alag se aik medicine ka naam hai?? Agar haan to ye kab Leni hai??
Firdoux 9 years ago
last 3 medicines are known as biochemic cell salts.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
these 3 are different medicines.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
I purchased medicines.
R these right names of medicines

Calcium Flouratum 6X
Magnesium Phosphoricum 6X
Calcium Phosphoricum 6X
Firdoux 9 years ago
yes right.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Sir I had no pain for 10 days.
So much comfort and calm feeling.

But yesterday there was again intense pain in kidney area and lower abdomen. I couldn't sleep well.

Is it fine.
I took citralka syrup and 7 up. Now I am fine.
Firdoux 9 years ago
Is it fine?????
Should I continue with these medicines???
Firdoux 9 years ago
After taking Cal Flour in morning, I feel sleepy sleepy.
Can I take cal flour in evening instead of morning??
Firdoux 9 years ago
yes you can interchange the medicine timing on your wish.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
continue these medicines, report overall improvement after 15 days.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Sir I have taken medicines for 15 days. From 19 October to 4 November.

I had no pain for first 10 days, all the time I was extremely fine.
In post 5 days, all the time I have mild pain feeling in flank area.though pain is there but its not severe.
Firdoux 9 years ago
Sir apart kidney stone treatment, can you plz answer some queries of mine?

1. Are there any other types of medines in homeopathic?
Drops and pills r common. For skin infection, is there any homeopathic cream, lotion.
For eye infection, eye drops r available, or only drinking drops r taken.

2. Homeopathic medices r only taken by mouth (eat, drink, chew). For ear pain, drops r for pour in ears or drops r only for drink by mouth?

3. R there any precautions for homeopathic treatment.
I heard onions should not eaten in the days of homeopathic treatment?
Firdoux 9 years ago
BERBERIS VULGARIS 30c single dose, only once, not daily,

after 2 days,

take these biochemic cell salts daily,

calc flour 6x - 3 pills evening

mag phos 6x - 3 pills afternoon

calc phos 6x - 3 pills morning

(chew them, do not swallow with water, nothing 15 minutes before and after medicine)

report improvement after 20 days,

1) there are drops and creams in market but i do not prescribe them because they are wrong according to homeopathy.

2)yes taken by mouth, it is the only principle of homeopath

3)different homeopaths have different approach, i my opinion no restrictions.

0antivirus0 9 years ago
It was fine for 10 days. No pain
But again I have pain after that (2 days)
Firdoux 9 years ago
you should go for ultrasound test now and find out whether stone size has decreased or not ?? then report
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Sir due to job and assignments I could not go for ultrasound test. But I took doze of Berberis 30c twice with gap of 1 week.

Today I went for test and the size of kidney stone was again 1.3 cm.
No change in size.
Not increased
Not decreased
Firdoux 9 years ago
it means homeopathy medicines prescribed by me has done no improvement.

you can go for allopathic treatment or operation
0antivirus0 9 years ago

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