The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Election issues and premature ejaculation
Hi, my name is rakesh and I am 33 years of age. My height is 5 ft 7 inches. Nowadays I don't enjoy sex with my partner for almost last one year. I used to smoke like 5 to 7 cigarettes a day which I don't do anymore from last one week. I also have serious flatulence problem accompanied by constipation. I go to the washroom 3-4 times a day. I don't drink Alcohol at all. I used to excessively masturbate earlier. Now I don't feel like having sex and also I don't get firm election plus I ejaculate very soon.I have heard about lycopodium that can help cure this. Please guide me and also let me know if I can get rid of this problem with proper medication. Do I need to take medicines lifelong? Your guidance and help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.[message edited by pnis5710 on Sun, 06 Dec 2015 21:00:37 UTC]
pnis5710 on 2015-12-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Rakesh,
don't worry u will be fine.
for choosing a homeopathy remedy need to understand the case..
yes lycopodium work well for errection problem and premature ejaculation but don't take any remedy by selfprescribing..
please answer below questions so that I can choose a good remedy for u
weight -
appetite -
morning errection is there -?
how soon u ejaculate -
alcohol or smoking habbits -?
don't worry u will be fine.
for choosing a homeopathy remedy need to understand the case..
yes lycopodium work well for errection problem and premature ejaculation but don't take any remedy by selfprescribing..
please answer below questions so that I can choose a good remedy for u
weight -
appetite -
morning errection is there -?
how soon u ejaculate -
alcohol or smoking habbits -?
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
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