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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please suggest me the homeopathy remedies for Low Libido/sexual desire

My age is 30years and i am working in a IT sector where the work pressure is more.i am currently suffering from low libido/sexual desire problem from past 6 months.When i consulted doctor then he tested my blood and suggested that i have low testosterone levels.I wanted to use homeopathy to resolve this issue.Below are the symptoms i am facing.
1.Low sexual desire while doing sex.
2.Above problem is creating anxiety/fear and making me to do more masturbate even though i had low libido/sexual desire.
2.Low heart beat after erection.
3.No sweat while doing sex.
4.Penni's will be increased after long time.
5.no body heat up while doing sex.

Kindly suggest me the best homeopathy remedy to come out of this problem
  james1 on 2015-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can any one help me on this problem...
james1 9 years ago
Please take Acid phos 200 daily for 7 days and report.
amit.homeo 9 years ago

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