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Posts about Depression, Libido

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Female Low Libido3Great results of lycopodium 200 for erection and libido3Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please help -- anxiety, depression, cognitive impairment, loss of libido

Hi everybody,

I am new to homeopathy. Over the last month-and-a-half I've been advised by an overseas doctor who practises homeopathy. Here's what happened so far.

I suffer from severe treatment-resistant anxiety and depression and a few other associated ailments. At first I was prescribed arsenicum album 10,000 C. Because I didn't know what I was doing and it wasn't explained to me at that time, I took a full bottle of the pills sublingually. I felt a very serious aggravation for four days, which was followed by a week of improvement -- possibly the best week I've had for over a year. However after a week the improvement stopped and within the space of another week I went to a point which was lower than before I took the dose. I told the overseas doctor that I am consulting that during the 5th day of the "good week" I started a ketogenic diet and suggested that since it takes a few days to go into ketosis, maybe I started going downhill when the ketosis kicked in. I stopped the ketogenic diet, which resulted in brief improvement for a few days, after which I began to deteriorate again.

After a few weeks of deterioration I was directed to take a dose phosphoricum acidum as follows: I diluted two pilules in a cup of water (approximately 100 ml), then took a teaspoon from that cup and transferred the contents of the teaspoon into another cup of 100 ml of water. Then I mixed the water in the second cup, took a teaspoon from that second cup, put the contents in my mouth, held it there for five seconds and then swallowed. I'm not sure what all that was meant to achieve (I'm guessing it made the dose more potent but not as large), but during the following four days I seemed to deteriorate even further. In contrast to arsenicum album, where usual symptoms were aggravated, phosphoricum acidum seemed to also give me some new symptoms which I didn't have.

The doctor then decided that the dose wasn't enough and directed me to take six pilules sublingually. After doing that I went through another four days of absolute hell which I am not ready to relive any longer. For the last two days I've been out of this hell, but I'm still left with my original illness. I have just received aurum metallicum in 1000 C and 10,000 C doses and arsenicum album (again) also in 1000 C and 10,000 C doses. I ordered 12 pilules for each (since the pharmacist told me that six pilules is one dose). Now I'm waiting to hear what the doctor wants me to take, but I am afraid to take anything because no matter the potency or the dose I take, I seem to go through four days of hell with every homeopathic.

All this mess led me to do my own research and I found some authority (Organon § 282 Sixth Edition and Organon § 161 Sixth Edition) which says that for chronic illnesses you should start with the lowest dose (although I am not sure whether that means the lowest potency or the lowest number of pilules) and that there should be no aggravation at the start of treatment, but only at the very end. So far I found that both 1000 C doses and 10,000 C doses lead to hellish aggravation, irrespective of whether I take 6 pilules or 200 pilules. So my guess is that maybe I should try lower doses like 200 C or start with just the one pilule and then increase if there's no aggravation.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Kind regards,

hahnemann 1
[Edited by hahnemann1 on 2018-06-18 08:37:44]
  hahnemann1 on 2018-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Generally speaking, aggravation is a good sign, but should be gentle and mild so that you can continue with a treatment without fear.

I think your doctor has given you a high potency because your problem is mental / emotional but I think your guess is right. You could start from 200 since you don't know how you are going to react to the remedies.

Also, it is become quite messy when you start taking a remedy one after the other without careful evaluation.

I think you could stay with arsenicum since it helped you the most. And If you were well for a week following the remedy, then you probably needed to take arsenicum once in every 7 days until it doesn't work anymore.

Anyway, you should talk to your doctor.
Tui 6 years ago
Tui, thank you for your reply, I appreciate it. Are you a homeopath?

I am so concerned by aggravation that I want to have antidotes on hand. Is inhaling coffee vapours a universal antidote, or do I have to have specific homeopathic substances as antidotes for each homeopathic substance that I'm planning to take?

I've also read that taking a higher potency dose is an antidote. So, for example if I take arsenicum album 1000 C and it causes severe aggravation, will taking arsenicum album 10,000 C stop the aggravation. Does anybody know?
[Edited by hahnemann1 on 2018-06-14 05:14:42]
hahnemann1 6 years ago
What should I take for severe cognitive impairment and loss of libido/ED?
hahnemann1 6 years ago

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