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Posts about Depression

Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression197Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1Postpartum depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Long standing depression

Dear respected sir, I have a serious problem ,my son 41 yrs of age has a long standing depression, he has secluded himself from all family and friends and has one reason or the other to justify it, I should say he has been neglected by my husband since childhood, has difficulty expressing himself, could not get married to a family friends girl he liked due to overthinking n then regretted for a long long time, we got him married 2 yrs back, with wife he would meet friends but wife turned out to have severe OCD and was from a very rich family, he even tried taking her to a psychiatrist but still could not adjust so now he got divorced and not speaking to us parents n siblings also....keeps all emotions inside, doesnt laugh or talk but got a bit better after marriage , he has been living alone in usa since 10yrs, 3 weeks ago I joined him so could do something about it....he doesnt smoke or drink,looks after his health, has neat habits, but keeps to himself and if I give him some advice he asks me to keep it to myself otherwise he is caring also,he also has trust issues and very superstitious,keeps anger suppressed....I dont want to leave him in this condition....goes out but will not meet aquaintances
he has always spoken truth,caring,but little things bother him and he gets irritated, since childhood he cannot accept his defeat and starts to argue or stays quiet but takes it to heart,however he is responsible and efficient at job....a single remedy would be easy to give as he is impatient with homeomeds and doesnt want me to give him anything however I can get away with giving him a single dose with some persuasion....waiting for response from an experienced homeopath
lil sis said I have to get the remedy....will report back once I start, thank you Anuj

[Edited by lil sis on 2024-09-01 02:41:10]
  lil sis on 2024-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
I have to get the remedy....will report back once I start, thank you Anuj
[Edited by lil sis on 2024-08-30 04:02:37]
lil sis 2 weeks ago
I am still looking for the remedy Nat Mur1M.....but latest symptom came out as my son had been down with flu,came out of his room this morning and told me to book my flight and head back or he will call the police on me! now I am totally surprised by this as just last night he was fine we went out to get some cough meds and planning the long weekend....I am very worried ,I have Ignatia 30 with me....can I give homeopathic remedy in any drink like tea or milk or food? salad or somethink
[Edited by lil sis on 2024-08-31 15:16:26]
lil sis 2 weeks ago
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
So I understand I can give ignatia 5 drops in water, please recommend when to repeat....i will recieve nat mur 1M in 4 days so when to give nat mur after ignatia, same day, second day or wait for effect of ig? please guide
thank you
lil sis 2 weeks ago
when to give nat mur after ignatia, same day, second day or wait for effect of ig-WEEKLY BASIS SINGLE DOSE.IGN NOT TO BE GIVEN WHEN YOU START NM.

in water, please recommend when to repeat.THREE TIMES A DAY.
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Thank you sir, so 3 times a day for Ig, Nat Mur will in pellet form!
lil sis 2 weeks ago
will in pellet form! PELLETS/DROPS.
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
have been giving ignatia at least 2 dose/ day for 4,5 days now....some how could nevergive him the 3rd as he started nibbling away on snacks but there was a slight improvement and seemed slightly slightly cooperative or you can say interactive ,forgot to mention I have been giving him aripip 5mg in food without his knowledge whic also had a positive effect on him but I know thats temporary,thats why I want to treat with homeopathyas it heals a person completely....I started nat mur 1m first dose on Mon 9th....again today ie on 3rd day there is further slight improvement, as he is responding without hesitance but still a bit angry retorts, 2nd dose will be next Monday,insha Allah, homeo remedies I am giving under the pretext of his cough which he hes off n on due to flue he had last week
lil sis 4 days ago
Continue giving with weekly feedbacks.
anuj srivastava 4 days ago

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