The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Acute acidity due to mental depression
I am 63 years old and am in great depression after my wife died 6 months ago. Now I am experiencing horrible acidity and unable to eat almost anything. Acidity followed by runny nose, congestion, sore throat, cough, sneezing and mild headache. Left part of chest just close to left nipple is aching like a muscle pain. Consulted cardiologist and he ruled out any heart problem. Stomach is filled with gas and feel like elevated diaphragm. Feel like oxygen starvation.Consulted some local homeo doctors and used the following medicines. Ars Alb, Nux Vomica, Carbo vegetabilis ,Aconite, Ignatia and Cali Phos. Only temporary relief obtained. I am a pure vegetarian and teetotaler. Taking allopathy medicines for BP for the last 21 years. ( Nulong 10, Telmiget 80 and Nebicard 5)
Please help.
ravikpillai on 2022-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
"How much do you grieve and dwell on your late wife ?"
I was crying most of the days for the last 6 months.
I was crying most of the days for the last 6 months.
ravikpillai 3 years ago
Ammonium Mur 200 half an hour before lunch and half an hour before dinner alongwith Aloe
Post as and a when u feel different
Post as and a when u feel different
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Hi-to fix this you have to look at your diet. Acid reflux happens when our cells get an acidic ph-our cells normally have an alkaline ph.
What happens is after a time of choosing too much acidic food and drink the cell balance goes acidic. You need to reset the cells by Cutting down - google Acidic forming foods-then google alkaline forming foods. For at least two weeks stop acidic, replace with alkaline and cells will go back to normal.
You can also take nat phos 6x cell salt, 3 tabs before or after eating to reduce acidity as nat phos is a natural homeo antacid.
Eliminate for now-fast foods, milk and dairy, black tea, coffee, chocolate , spicy foods-you will notice a big difference in a few days. HOMEO remedies cannot fix things if diet is off.
[Edited by simone717 on 2022-02-28 16:28:27]
What happens is after a time of choosing too much acidic food and drink the cell balance goes acidic. You need to reset the cells by Cutting down - google Acidic forming foods-then google alkaline forming foods. For at least two weeks stop acidic, replace with alkaline and cells will go back to normal.
You can also take nat phos 6x cell salt, 3 tabs before or after eating to reduce acidity as nat phos is a natural homeo antacid.
Eliminate for now-fast foods, milk and dairy, black tea, coffee, chocolate , spicy foods-you will notice a big difference in a few days. HOMEO remedies cannot fix things if diet is off.
[Edited by simone717 on 2022-02-28 16:28:27]
♡ simone717 3 years ago
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