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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

RP Tamhankar - Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Tinnitus

Hope Dr Tamhankar is still on this forum.

I'm suffering from tinnitus in my right ear due to eustachian tube dysfunction for over 6 yrs. Plz see the following history;

Apr 2009: Heaviness and groovy tinnitus in right ear

June 2009: Right ear blocked due to mucus/infection

August 2009: Mucus extracted and grommet placed. Ringing tinnitus felt after surgery.

December 2009: Grommet removed but both Groovy noise and ringing tinnitus persistent.

April 2011: Sinusitis surgery removed polyps but both forms of tinnitus continued.

Jan 2013: Doctor in London described it as chronic tinnitus with little effect on hearing.CT and MRI gave no indication of infection or dysfunction.

October 2014: A new consultant diagnosed me with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction that was later confirmed by my regular doctor in London.

My ringing tinnitus has never stopped since May b 2010 and groovy tinnitus in intermittent. It goes away for few days and comes back when it's a bit cold. I regularly hear racking noise in my effected ear especially when yawning or swallowing. I have tried blowing into my nose exercise for over 5 months but no benefit.

Personal details:
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Height: 5ft-5in
Weight: 70 kg
Ethnicity: PAK
Don't smoke, don't drink
Very active lifestyle
Regular use of telephone due to work requirement

I really really need help as not able to focus or sleep now a days. Hope someone is out there to help.
  Shabs on 2016-01-05
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