The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr Mahfooz ur rehman...Low Sperm Motility Plz Help...
I am 49 year old male with low sperm count and low motility. I read a thread/topic in the forum in your website, advise by Dr. Mehfooz ur Rehman helped one patient/user in 2013/2014 time frame. Can I use the same remedies namely Aswagandha-Q, Avena Sativa-Q and Damiana-Q. The guy in that forum was 30 year old, I am 49 year old. I am just concerned if the dosage need to be reduced from 3 times a day to something lower than that due to my age. What prospects do I have. My latest Sperm Analysis report is dated August 6, 2015. I just met a Fertility Clinic lab incharge doctor in Toronto, Canada. He says he is not worried about sperm count but he is more worried about Sperm motility which is 0. Please review the results below.Volume: 5.5 ml
Viscosity: Normal
PH: 8.0
Sperm Count: 2 mill
Motility: 0
% Abnormal Forms: 50
Please help me in rectifying my problem. I am planning to use the above 3 MTs in the same lines as the other patient thenewone99 as seen in your forum. Thank you very much for this help.
svenkat2015 on 2016-01-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, you may take these medicines without any hesitation initially for a week and also take one galss of milk and honey with one bioled egg in breakfast.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman 9 years ago
Thank you very much Dr. Mahfooz ur Rehman. I bought these medicines from Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies Ltd. in 30 ml bottles. They are readily available. They are not brand names like Boiron or Homeocan. They say they make them in their labs and have huge collection of Mother Tinctures.
svenkat2015 9 years ago
Dr. Mahfooz ur rehman, I am taking these MTs in 1/2 cup of water as mentioned in the other forum which is equivalent to 120 ml or 4 oz or 8 tsp measured glass. I am mixing 10 drops each from the above 3 MTs into the same glass of water and taking it with meals ( in the middle of ).
I will let you know after one week of taking these 3 MTs or even before any complications arise with my observations.
Thank you very much for this guidance.
I will let you know after one week of taking these 3 MTs or even before any complications arise with my observations.
Thank you very much for this guidance.
svenkat2015 9 years ago
Dr. Mahfooz ur rehman: I started these last Tuesday evening. Today I completed taking these MTs for one week ( 7 days ). I saw few minor symptoms like dry skin on the back of the palm and slightly drowsy sometimes none of them are bothersome. Do you want me to continue these 3 MTs ( Ashwagandha, Damiana, Avena Sativa ). If so please advise me how long and any further advise. Thanks and Regards,
[message edited by svenkat2015 on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 07:21:52 UTC]
[message edited by svenkat2015 on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 07:21:52 UTC]
svenkat2015 9 years ago
These medicines are not harmful therefore please continue these for three month. Take 20 drops each three times a day.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman 9 years ago
Dr. Mahfooz ur rehman: Thank you very much for this help. I used to take 120 ml of Red Wine in the evening before dinner for health. But after started taking these remedies I stopped taking Red Wine because I read stop taking alcohol. The Red wine I take has 12.5% alcohol. Can I continue taking Red wine 120 ml along with these remedies ( MTs )?. Do you recommend Sperm Analysis at this stage to see if there is improvement Motility. I prefer if any self test kits available in market so that I can test the Sperm count and motility at home that would be indicative of progress . I saw one self sperm analysis kit available in market for Sperm Count but not sure if I can test motility of the sperm with that. Please advise.
Thanks and Best Regards,
[message edited by svenkat2015 on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 13:24:14 UTC]
[message edited by svenkat2015 on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 13:24:57 UTC]
Thanks and Best Regards,
[message edited by svenkat2015 on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 13:24:14 UTC]
[message edited by svenkat2015 on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 13:24:57 UTC]
svenkat2015 9 years ago
Dr. Mahfooz ur rehman: I was taking these MTs intermittently because I could not locate these MTs being sold in Cleveland, USA so I was using twice and once a day to keep continuity since Feb 2016. I got new batch of MTs and taking them from June 28th 2016 3 times daily 20 drops of each mixed in 1/2 cup of water with meals per your advise and one boiled egg. My body is reacting for honey with general malaise like aches etc. so I am only taking it once in 4 days or so. It is 6 weeks now. I have to go for IVF/ICSI in first week of September. My sperm count seems still low. Please advise. Thanks,
svenkat2015 8 years ago
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