The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Stomach Pain
My sister experiences bouts of stomach pain. The pain is from things that are acidic and she cannot take B vitamins and other vitamins that are acidic.There is no heartburn or reflux, just a burning pain in the pit of the stomach and then she will bloat up and hurt for a couple of days.
She has been scoped by a GI doctor and has no ulcers or infections, but was diagnosed with "mild gastritis", basically because he could not find anything wrong.
When this happens, she gets irritable and wants to be left alone. She feels despairing and wonders if she will ever be well.
Is there a remedy that would help this case? She has tried Abies 12c, and has been on Arsenicum 200c for other things (but it didn't help the stomach pain). She was on Sepia 200c at one time and had such an aggravation to it she is scared to try again, but her stomach did feel better while on Sepia.
DH-Homeopathy on 2016-01-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ homeo_helper 9 years ago
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