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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic multiple issues

Dr. Kadwa,
Please advice.
1At the age of 42, I am trying to get better to live better with my family.

Father: Diabetic & high blood pressure since 30 years.
Mother: Thyroid & high blood pressure, gets urine infection occasionally.

My Case History:
Once had high fever in 1994 for a month, relapsed for another one month, treated successfully.
Had appendicitis in 2002 and got operated.
In 2012, I had tumor inside the spinal cord at location L4 & L5, operated successfully.
Not able to graduate due to dull memory, hardly ever remember notes, names and numbers.
Was a smoker for 20 years...not smoking since more than a year.

Basic Issues:
Constipation, Stools not getting properly, need to pressure and sometimes had to wait for longer.

Habitual Issues:
Since childhood, I feel weakness in chest & pain in ribs after a while, if I try to keep the chest or spine straight. So as to feel comfortable on chest, I keep my back bent down. Now this has become habitual to stay in this way.
Also, as I do not sit straight on the chair due to same problem. So for few minutes I sit straight and then most of the time I stay in bent position with the support of backrest. Most of the time I forget to get back to the straight position. Whenever I remember, I try to sit straight again but then this is 2:7 hour ratio in office.

Chronic Problems
1. Morning – Mentally I don't want to get up actively even if I am awake. I passes the time in bed turning left or right till its too late to get up. As soon I am aware that its too late, I will try to hurry doing things fast. This has become problematic with no solution.
2. Memory
1. Problem since childhood, never remember numbers, occasionally misspell the word even after knowing the spelling.
2. Most of the time, says something else than what has to be spoken realizing it later when corrected by the other person.
3. Very few memories of my childhood, hardly remember fewer instances.
4. Never remember most of the work to be done on daily basis.
5. It is now becoming nuisance for me, hardly able to work properly.
6. Do my daily day to day work, but never do it in organized way as I do not remember what is the next activity or work I had to do. Most of the time someone reminds me or sometimes it just happens to come back in mind.
3. Ribs (back side)
1. Feeling pain since childhood, considered as natural weakness, never went for doctor. Cannot sit straight for more than 10 minutes.
2. Also felt pain in ribs and muscles, when I get up in the morning.
3. Chest palpitation occasionally.

4. Too Cold / Too Hot (feel piercing in the head during hot)
Feel too cold in the skin and deep rooted in bones, that I hardly do any work at home.
During summer, head feels like needle is piercing all over the head if I go outside under the sun.
5. Tooth
Very weak, can not use toothbrush, blood comes out if used. Problem since 10 years.
6. Mouth
Start smelling bad after 1-2 hours of cleaning.
7. Eye Sight – Long distance is slightly weak.
8. Bones
Feel too cold in bones during winter that it is difficult to do do any work especially to go out of home. Cannot sit longer using cross legs, legs become numb very soon.
9. Legs
If I sit down on floor cross legged for 15 or 20 minutes, the crawling/tingling sensation starts happening and worse when I go upstairs...feels as if no strength in bones or muscles.
[message edited by ashishjai on Tue, 26 Jan 2016 06:38:04 UTC]
  ashishjai on 2016-01-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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