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Causticum: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



I took causticum 30c for 7 days straight, dosing 3 pellets 2x per day.

At first the causticum made me feel AMAZING. The first dose I took made me feel "high". For the first time in a long while I felt calm and energized.

On the 5th day I felt the effect had "worn off". So i stopped taking it on the 7th day.

Now I understand more about homeopathy and I won't dose like that again.

So I bough a 200c of Causticum and dosed it one time. I saw very little effect to I dosed the 200c again 2 days later.

I good after my second dose of causticum, but the following day I fell ill. I was very ill (felt like vomiting, fatigue, ect) for 3 days. Then the illness faded.

After the illness, I did not feel better or worse than when I first started the 200c. It is day 3 after the illness.

What should I do from here?

I was taking causticum to help with my Multiple Chemical Sensitives and Electromagnetic Sensitivity.
  Stefoo on 2016-02-07
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