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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Autoimmune Thyroid

I have a friend that has just been diagnosed with Autoimmune Thyroid. Of course, her doctor told her there's nothing she can do, there's no cure, etc, I believe we all know the story! Anyways, I was hoping you could help me find some info on it. I told her to go to my homeopathic doctor, she will probably, but still I'd like to know if any of you has any experience on the matter!
Thank you!
  ambra on 2004-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'm not experienced enough to answer such a difficult question, but start telling your friend to NOT take hormones yet. Because if she does, her system will adapt to hormones in a few days/weeks, and a homeopathic/alternative treatment will be very difficult if not useless.

I know from some diseases , like diabetis, that homeopathic treatment is a fair possibility as long as you don't mess the picture up with hormones!

I might add that if it's really an auto-immune case, it will be difficult, but if she can still give it a little time, I would certainly give it a try!

I hope anyone can help her.
HannahFroukje 2 decades ago
Add: I'm still in school for studying homeopathy, but if you get no reply, I could ask my teachers for you if they have experience with this. Might take some time though (it's holiday now).
HannahFroukje 2 decades ago
Thank you Hannah. If you could ask your teachers, that would be great!
I'll wait. They haven't given any treatment to my friend yet!
ambra last decade

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