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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Male pattern baldness


I'm 26 years old male suffering from severe male pattern baldness (runs in my family). I started losing hair 4 years ago and have been gradually losing hair since then. There are no bald patches yet but severe thinning hair. I am perfectly fit otherwise and do complete medical check ups on regular basis and everything is normal.

I had visited a local homeoptahy doctor and he prescribed me a mixture of |Arnica Q + Jaborandi Q + Amla Q + R89 - 3ml x 3 times daily and regular application of Arnica hair oil

I have been taking the above remedy since past one month but havent noticed any noticeable results.

How long does one have to wait to see noticeable results?

Any other remedies that are effective?

Please help me.
[message edited by strandedguy08 on Sun, 27 Mar 2016 07:40:16 UTC]
  strandedguy08 on 2016-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This regimen will not work, save your money.

Its genetic & unlikely to go away.

The only chance is to try your constitutional remedy and it may help.

Please email me the picture of affected area, click my username for details.
fitness 8 years ago

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