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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Back Pain


I am a male 41 yrs old living in India. Last week while brushing my teeth I bent a little more and there was a 'TAK' sound in my back. It was ok for 2-3 hours but then started intense pain in the back. I went to the doctor and he took x-ray. Everything was normal in the X-Ray. Doctor said that this was a 'CHUK - In Punjabi' , which I suppose is muscle spasm. I went to a nearby person who does some massage and he did massage 2-3 times and I am quite ok now. The pain has gone , but there is stiffness in the back.

Right now I can not sit for a long time as it creates stiffness and diffucult to stand afterwards. Is there any remedy which can strengthen my back so that I can return back to normal activities.

By the way, I am a Diabetic Type 2 for last 3 years.

Thanks a lot
  gul0511 on 2016-03-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
rhus tox 200 one dose evening time daily for 5 days.
akshaymohl 8 years ago

Can you please suggest what one dose means ?

gul0511 8 years ago
If meds is in liquid form 2 drops in one table spoon of water or if pills it is 8 pills as one dose.
akshaymohl 8 years ago

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