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HomeoDr: middle child stutter Page 2 of 4

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He is feeling much better and seems back to his perky, happy self. Not clingy anymore. Thanks!
alaskamom 8 years ago
I also am noticing that he's not freaking out about bugs anymore. He notices them, and is a little wary of them, but he doesn't cry and get hysterical about them. I am amazed!
alaskamom 8 years ago
One thing I wanted to ask, at night he gets leg pains, I'm assuming growing pains. I normally use Calc Phos 30c, two pellets in the mouth, when that happens. It seems to help and he goes back to sleep. Will that interfere with the Stramonium?
alaskamom 8 years ago
Yes, calc phos might interfere with stram...
Growing pain is normal in children usually don't need any medication unless pain is unbearable..
In this case if possible avoid using Calc Phos, as Stramonium might be able to take care of growing pains as well.. You can use calc phos if pain becomes unbearable...
homeodr 8 years ago
Oh! Good to know. I have been giving it because he will wake up in the night crying and say his legs are hurting (after we ask what's wrong). Is there anything else I can give at those times?
alaskamom 8 years ago
Stramonium should take care of the growing pains, but in case of severe pain you can give him calc phos 6x
homeodr 8 years ago
OK, thanks.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Hi there. So this guy has been having some intestinal illness that is lingering. He had a bit of a fever maybe 7 days ago, and had been feeling poorly, wanting to cuddle more. He had a couple of days of diarrhea, really watery and burning the skin a bit. He threw up in the night about 5 days ago, the vomit was mostly just clear/white mucous. I hadn't thought his nose was running much to make that much mucous for him to swallow. He has been complaining daily of his tummy hurting. For that my go-to is peach tincture on the wrists, but it keeps being a complaint of his so I don't think it's helping like it should. He is still complaining of leg pain every night. I couldn't afford to buy the Calc Phos 6x, because all they have at my local store is a giant bottle of it for $27. So I had been giving him the calc phos 30c, and then switched to children's Ibuprofen before bed.
His stool is normally always too loose, and smells bad, but now it is more volume, light in color and smells awful. Consistency almost reminds me of something whipped. A lot of it, not watery, not solid, but very loose, and light colored with flecks of food.
Tonight he woke crying in the night and it turned out he had a bowel movement (which he never does at night unless sick). I had to change his clothes and his sheets. The same kind too, like something light and fluffy in consistency, and light in color.

When his poop was watery and burning him, I gave him Ars Alb, (maybe 5 days ago) which I have in the past for him and has worked for that before. But now this is just going on and on and I wondered what to do next.

As for eating, his appetite seems to come and go, and he won't eat much beyond toast and chicken nuggets. He wants the chicken nuggets day and evening if we would let him eat them that much. We try to get him to eat other things but he doesn't want it. Prior to his big blowout poop in the night tonight (at least he's still in diapers!), he had noodles with a cream sauce for dinner. I'm wondering if the dairy set him off. I've always wondered if he has some sort of sensitivity to dairy, because he refuses to drink milk. He loves foods that have cooked dairy though, like pasta with cheese sauce. It's hard to cut dairy out of his diet because there are many times he won't hardly eat anything, so I give him what sounds good to him.
alaskamom 8 years ago
He also seems extra sensitive to pain right now, all over his body. Too firm of a touch is "ow" to him.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Oh yeah, one more thing. He seems more fearful the last few days, holding my hand, shirt or pants leg anywhere we go, sticking almost like he was glued to me when we're out. Shy with strangers. A little more fearful of bugs again but not nearly as bad as it was. Just not as comfortable around them as he had been after the Stramonium.
alaskamom 8 years ago
And now this morning his stool is pale yellow, like pastel yellow color.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Sorry for the late response. If he is still having the same issue, kindly give him Pulsatilla 30C single dose. Report back in 2 days.
homeodr 8 years ago
OK thanks, will do.
alaskamom 8 years ago
The Pulsatilla has definitely reduced the volume of the diarrhea, but it is still going on. It still is very very loose. The color is a little darker, not as pale. Not as dark as a normal BM though.
He has been really clingy. Wanting to hold my hand wherever we go, startled by loud noises, getting afraid of bugs again. Wanting to be held/carried around. Crying easily. Gets especially tearful when hungry. His appetite is still a bit off, like he's hungry but is not sure what sounds good to eat.
alaskamom 8 years ago
The diarrhea has not recurred today. He seems like his urine output is a little low, which is sort of his normal. He can go in the same diaper from morning to evening. Last night he soaked his diaper and his clothes.
Today he seems fairly happy, but easily tearful when something doesn't go the way he thinks it should. For example, his older brother tore a paper that was important to him, and he burst into tears and took a long time to console, until his brother taped the paper back together.
He seems a mix of shy and boisterous. He can be really vocal and loud, and then be bashful in the company of a family friend.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Wait for a day then let me know about his behavior.
homeodr 8 years ago
OK thanks.
alaskamom 8 years ago
So he seems to be doing fairly well. His stools are back to being just loose, which is normal for him but not normal in general. He loves carbohydrates, and will eat crackers, chips, cereal, and bread all day. He also loves chicken nuggets and could eat those multiple times a day if we let him.
He complains every night about leg pain.
He still stutters a fair bit, and still anxious about many things.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Keep simple diet for him. Avoid excess consumption of chicken nuggets.

Are you giving him Calc phos for leg pains?
homeodr 8 years ago
I ran out, so I had been giving children's Ibuprofen.
alaskamom 8 years ago
So let me start with this guy.
I'm just going to ramble for a bit--feel free to clarify on anything you need to.
He is sick right now, we all have been. He has green snot, but mostly just a slight worsening of all his "chronic" symptoms (mostly emotional).

What seems like happened at the very beginning, a couple months ago, is the staphysagria was working well. Then it seemed like I gave a dose either too soon or too much, and he got much worse on the stutter. I tried to antidote it. It seemed to help. Then maybe a week later it seemed like he needed it, so I gave it to him again, and again it aggravated. So I antidoted it and haven't used it again.
He has gradually gotten worse since then. Infrequent tummy aches got more and more frequent until it was multiple complaints a day. Worrying more. Stuttering again. A little anxious about bugs, still not near as bad as before though. Last month he had an acute attack of stomach pain and vomiting that seemed like appendicitis, but they seemed to think it wasn't, even though they couldn't see the appendix on the imaging. They kept him for two nights on observation just in case. He had lots of blood draws, imaging, and I think the whole thing made him worse. He seems a lot more nervous after that incident (understandably).
He tends to burst into tears when he gets hurt or is sad. He seems to get overly self-conscious, say if we ask him to do something, he might freeze if he's not sure of himself.
His reaction to fear is to freeze and cry. This worries me, because here in Alaska what if there was a bear or a moose, or a car heading for him, etc, and he freezes up? He will just stand still, call for me and then burst into tears. He doesn't move, I have to run to him and pick him up. He is also taking an extra long time to soothe from crying. He just cries and cries and cries. I can't seem to provide comfort by holding him, and have to find something to distract him. Used to be he'd cry for a few minutes and then settle down.
Previously, say the last month or two, he was complaining of stomach pain randomly throughout the day. He also would sometimes day his head hurt, usually pointing to forehead or temples. Now, he seems to only complain of tummy hurting when he is crying. Something upsets him, he bursts into tears, and then when asked what's wrong he says "My tummy's hurting," or he often complains of his legs hurting, too. He points to shins, knees, and feet. About half of the legs hurting complaints will be when he's not crying, so sometimes it's while crying and sometimes it's unrelated to crying. Sometimes he looks stiff when he gets up off the floor. He will mention sometimes that when he bent his leg, it hurt, like when jumping or playing. He doesn't cry about that, so I assume it wasn't that big of a hurt.
Something of note, a couple weeks ago, he had a big mosquito land on his arm and bite him. He felt it, said "Ow", and then called me in a scared voice and started to cry and wail. I came running because I wasn't sure what happened, then saw the mosquito and killed it. He said he thought it was a bee stinging him. I told him it was just a mosquito and that he should have just smacked it away. He said he was afraid it would sting his fingers. He cried for a long time afterwards and was hard to settle. We've had a very bad year for wasps and hornets, and I myself am terrified of getting stung. My biggest fear for Kody is, what if he were to get near a hive, start getting stung, but freeze instead of running away? He could die from too many stings if I didn't get to him in time.
I know my fears affect the kids, but I couldn't help it. I knew if either of them got stung, they'd probably be freaked out about bees for the rest of their lives, or at least not want to go outside at all anymore. So I kept them in for most of August when they were so bad. Lots of people and kids in our town were getting stung. Anyway I'm afraid Kody is probably a little paranoid about bees, though we've had a few frosts and they are almost all gone. He doesn't seem worried about them when he goes out.
He seems scared of bedtime. He will stall a lot, "I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm scared, I want you to snuggle with me". I can't always be with him with two other kids. He does seem to fall asleep easily, once he relaxes. His older brother has taken to snuggling with him for a little while and reading him a story, and that seems to help. Then he goes to his own bed with the book and looks at the pictures until he falls asleep (usually within 10-15 mins).
His appetite has been poor over the course of the last few months. It was especially poor during this illness but seems to be improving some. I worry that he doesn't eat enough overall. He's within norms for his age, but he just looks skinny to me. He has never been a good eater, even as an infant seemed to have an aversion to food. Its like he doesn't want it, but knows he has to have it for survival. So he eats it grudgingly, not really getting the normal enjoyment or pleasure out of it. He just eats enough to keep going.
Also, as for his bursting out crying, it seems to me that his nerves are so tense, he's wound so tight, that when the least upset happens, it's like the tears are a release valve. He can't stop crying because there's so much tension built up that it takes a long time to release it. And even so, as soon as he stops crying, I think he's tense again. This is sort of a new thing, perhaps related to the illness, but seems like it started before that.

Also I think we have a mold problem in this house. We hope to move out eventually but are strapped with unpaid bills.

Lastly his stool. We met with a GI doctor because, when he got x-rays when they thought he had appendicitis, the x-rays suggested he was constipated. We thought, how could that be, as his stools are always liquid? We talked to the GI doc, explained how his stools are always very wet, very stinky, and sometimes seem to have a sandy quality. She said all those things pointed to constipation. That there might be a ball of stool stuck in the colon, and the looser stool is going around it. So we tried some stool softening laxatives, and he was able to pass several balls of harder stool. I still think things are not quite right, however it did seem to help his tummy pain.
With this illness, he's had a little diarrhea. I think it's related to the virus.
I think that's about all.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Some questions for you...
Which remedy did you use to antidote staphysagria and how many doses?

Can you explain little bit about he being getting freeze? Explain about his facial expression, tone or body language during the period of freeze..
homeodr 8 years ago
I believe I used Pulsatilla, 200c, to antidote, just one pillule in a full glass of water and gave him a small sip.

I forgot to add another symptom hr currently has. He often days he feels like he is going to throw up. He never does, but will say he feels like it. I usually give him some peach pit tincture on his wrists and that seems to help in the moment.

As for freezing, he will be playing, and then see whatever is scary to him, then he will get stiff and tense all over, not moving, will call for me in a scared voice, and then burst into tears while staring at the scary thing, and looking stiff and not moving. His whole body goes rigid.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Give him a single dose of Nux Vomica 30C.
1 dose = Add 1-2 pills or 1 drop of remedy in 1 teaspoon of water.

Report back in 3 days.
homeodr 8 years ago
Ok will do. I just remembered one more thing, does this also fit with Nux? He likes to repeat what you tell him often. So for example I will say, "We're going to have chicken tonight." He will answer, "We're going to have chicken tonight?" as a question. And I will find him whispering the repeated phrase back to himself (because I tell him to stop copying me, so he just does it quieter). He does this throughout the day. And also still stuttering again, in case I didn't mention that or make it clear.
alaskamom 8 years ago
This should cover as well.
homeodr 8 years ago

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