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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pain in testicles

1. Hello my husband is 29 years old and has pain in his testicles and groin area from last 3 years, it is reflected in back pain and sometimes on the inner part of thighs.
2. It started 3 years ago with mild pain for an hour or so, subsequently its period kept increasing and the pain started staying throughout the day.
3. Pain used to occur either of the sides. There was no swelling or reddening for almost 1-1/2 years or any problems in erection and ejaculations.Erections were very normal earlier and frequent.
4. But there has been reddening(purple) on testes and normal erection has gone down to zero from last 1-1/2years. Erections happen only when he is extremely stimulated and the period of erection is also very less, also there is very less strenght in erection. Also there has been mild swelling on inner side of thighs close to groin area from last 3-4 months.
5. Pain increases exponentially after erection and ejaculations.
6. No irritation while urinating and ejaculations.
7. Urine is normal in colour but there has been a constant smell(odour) from last 2-3 years.
1. Initial urine culture indicated E-Coli bacteria.
2. Initial semen culture reported Enterococcus and Klebsiella pneumoniae.
3. Initial ultrasound reported-left side mild dilated tortuous venous channel seen along spermatic cord with Max diameter 3.1 mm- Mild or grade- I varicocele and left spermatic cord appears bulky and edematous- Mild Funiculitis
4. Urine routine examination has shown PH-7.0
and specific gravity -1.010
5 Later reports indicated NO bacteria in urine and semen culture.
6. One doctor treated him for Epididymitis but no joy.
7. MRI has shown everything normal barring bilateral discrete superficial inguinal lymphadenopathy.
8. Ultrasound Transrectal shows prostate size normal, bilateral seminal vesicles normal and symmetrical, bilateral vas normal in calibre.
9. One doctor analysed as prostatitis and prescribed medicine but again no joy.
Other symptoms:
1. He has become very sensitive to heat and cold. Ears and head need to be covered in cold(otherwise earlier he was normal)
2. Very sensitive to smell. Sometimes it becomes very difficult for him to stay in a smelly environment.
3. No fever. But once he caught fever and he had tremendous pain in his groin, back and knee joints.
4. No weight loss.
5. Sex aggravates pain.
6. Sometimes pain is in either of the testicles and other times both sides in roots of testes.
7. Pain is quite severe.
8. Delayed sleep.
9. Yoga relieves sometimes.
10. Mild swelling on the inner side of thighs close to groin area.
Please help, it is hampering our married life and he is not able to focus on his profession.
  Katy on 2016-05-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 to day 3

Lachesis 200 twice a day

day 4 to day 15

Hyos 30 in the evening.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa 8 years ago
Thanks Kadwa for reply. But I hope there are no side effects because he has already suffered enough.
Katy 8 years ago
If you are afraid of side effects you may give a single dose and wait for a week. Generally there are no side effects and brisk dosing works better than single dose.
kadwa 8 years ago
Thanks a lot. Will try it let you know. I have ordered Lachesis 200ck and Hyos 30c.
Katy 8 years ago

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