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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

penis disorder

First of all Assalam_u_Alaikum to all.
About me:
Name: Hamza
From: Pakistan
Age: 22 years
Status: Unmarried
Weight: 84kgs

Some History:
I have been mistrubating for since I were 17 years old. Now I have a serious problem which is making me worried enough about my next level. I'm getting married in next 2-3 months. And its really so ashamed for me that I am totally unable and inconfident to have any type of sexual relation.
I discussed my problem with many friends of me and even to a doctor but they all said that only a homeopathic treatment can cure my problems.

1. I had a nice figure of my penis about 6-7 inchs long but now sadly its unable to be hard more than 3inchs. In straight words my penis is unable to be a hard one(just soft).
2. I have totally no timing at all and it gets wet whenever I think about sex.
3. I tried to have sex with my gf but while I were sleeping with her and I was totally thinking about her nudeness. Strangly I were unable to have sex. My penis was wet at all without getting much harder. That was the ever wrost feeling for me. Because I were just unable to perform any moves.

Please suggest me some medicine that can recover myself. I am feeling disrespected. I need a guideline. I want to overcome ny problems and make me again precious one.

If anyone of u help me I will be just grateful.
And please list me medicines's names that can be availed easily in pakistan.

  Saqib1 on 2016-05-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Stop watching porn . Do meditation
Muest 8 years ago
Please do me favour.. tell me treatment for the sake of humanity..
Saqib1 8 years ago

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