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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Questions: GERD & vaccines

My 6 week old daughter has reflux, i have read recommendations of givng her a 1/2 tablet of Nst Phos 6x dissolved in liquid post feedings and mother takes 2 whole tablets of Nat Phos 6x after meals. I have been doing this.

Prior to getting a hold of the Nat Phos 6x I was desperate to make my baby feel better. Her pediatrician recommended Zantac. I miss read the label and accidentally gave her 9 ml of Zantac instead of .9 ml. Poison control said to do nothing and continue dosage as recommended. I cried and refused to give it to her again, feeling I damaged my child.

What adverse effects can I expect? Did I potentially damage her brain, or gut?

I take her to a pediatric chiropractor, give her liquid DHA & probiotics, she is taking Nat Phos 6x as you have prescribed and I am eliminating dairy to help resolve her reflux.

Lastly, vaccines?
Can I be vaccinated in place of her to eliminate the pain of the shots, reduce the harsh side effects, and filter the harmful toxins within them through me and still provide her with beneficial antibodies from the vaccines to her through my breastmilk while I feed her?

Thank you for your time and wisdom.

[message edited by PRcoral13 on Wed, 08 Jun 2016 20:00:22 UTC]
  PRcoral13 on 2016-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If a child gets vaccinated through mother, vaccination would have been only once for the whole race of any woman. In India people give minimum vaccination to their kids like Polio vaccination.
kadwa 8 years ago

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