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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Piles problem - Dr. Kadwa please help

Hello Dr. Kadwa

I had started a couple of forums a few years ago where you have helped me.

I am a 33 year old male, medium to slim built. For a long time now (about 15 years) I am suffering from pilesproblem. The problem has always been mild but recently I have had to go through a lot of pain and bleeding pile.

I would like your help to provide me remedy for this problem please.

I understand there is a questionnaire that you normally like filled in to get more details about the patient. Could you please email me the link for it.

Thank you in anticipation.

  GHonour on 2016-06-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Sulphur 200 in morning and Nux Vomica 200 in evening for 10 days and report back.

One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 8 years ago
Thank you Dr. Kadwa for your advise.

I am reporting after 10 days of taking the medicine as advised. It been 2 days since I have stopped.

I think the medicine has worked quite well. It has improved my bowel movement and gotten rid of constipation. Last 2 days since I finished taking the medicine I have noticed little change - the bowel movement is not as good but still better than before.

I do not have any pain or bleeding at the moment. This is generally the case any way. I keep my diet high in fiber it works well but on odd occasions if I eat bad food I easily get constipated and the pilesstart to hurt and bleed. Usually takes 2 weeks to recover but these 2 weeks become hell for me.

I still have piles (lumps), although not hurting or bleeding. The lumps generally hang out when I go to the toilet and have to be pushed back in after i am finished.

I really want to somehow completely recover from this.

I appreciate your advise before. Can you please advise what I should do next.

GHonour 8 years ago
Please take Sulphur Nux for 7 days and then have a gap of 7 days. Do this for a month and report back.
kadwa 8 years ago
Thank you for your reply.

Just wanted to clarify.

Did you mean take the same medication (Sulphur 200C and Nux Vomica 200C) as before but for 7 day on and off for the next one month?

Or, is Suplur Nux suppose to be a separate medication altogether.

GHonour 8 years ago
Yes, 7 day on and off for the next one month.
kadwa 8 years ago

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