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tinnitus- over 4 years 48



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help me- over 4 years of tinnitus!

I am a 61 year old female. The tinnitus started when I was 56- two weeks after I had a bad sore throat and a fever. It started with hissing- then bubbling- then metallic wiry sounds. The sounds are 24/7. The year before the tinnitus emerged- I had funny pressure sensations on the outer ear
and had my ear wax suctioned out. I have high cholesterol and am hypothyroid- I don't know if they are contributing factors. Please help me sort this out and give me any ideas you may have for some kind of relief. Thank you!!
  musica on 2016-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Mention: Age/Gender/Country/ethnicity. Height / Weight /Skin color/Eye color.
Post details of all your past and present health in sequence oldest to newest. All details of previous treatments (oldest to newest) and their effects.

Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.

Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.

Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?

Write something unique about you (how you are different from others or what makes you special).
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Hi. Thank you for your interest.
I am a 61 year old female, 5'3 1/2 inches, weigh 144 lbs, Caucasian, olive color skin, brown eyes.Health problems include- urethra stretching (when young), breast biosy(benign), ovarian polyp (benign), miscarriages, hypothyroid and very high cholesterol.I probably have been mildly depressed from not working,limited social life, the death of my mother, and family issues.My weekly schedule involves some form of exercise (currently walking). computer research - shopping, cooking. People would describe me as emotional, compassionate, enthusiastic, passionate. My creativity and musical compositions probably distinguish me from others.
musica 8 years ago
Madam, Homeopath requires everything explained in details about yourself. Your entire answer is much shorter than my questions. Well however,

Please start with following prescription:

Phosphorous LM/1, dilution (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop). Take it once every afternoon after preparation as follows.

Preparation of dose:

A. Buy 1 ounce size dropper bottle (preferably of glass otherwise plastic. Buy it from homeopathic shop only.).
B. Fill it with clean potable water.
C. Mix 5 drops of prescribed medicine in it. Shake it 2-3 times & keep it for 10 minutes.
D. Now it is ready to use. Take approximately 20 drops of this solution as single dose directly under the tongue.
E. Repetitions as prescribed above.
F. Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.

Do’s & don’ts:

1. Stay away from Strong smells of any kind.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap / droper of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go away as they come within 24-72 hours.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 2week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Thank you for your recommendation and detailed instructions. So appreciated!
musica 8 years ago
Instead of taking phophoous LM1,
I went to a local shop and bought phoshorous 200c. I took it two times a day for about one week, and it made my hisses much louder. I stopped taking it. I then went on to salicylic acid 200c (2x a day) for l week and did not have any positive results. Now I have been taking ferrum phos 30c for 3x a day for 3 days and haven't seen any changes yet. Do you have any more recommendations? I really would appreciate them!
musica 8 years ago
These potency and doses were advised after some calculations. If you did not get the potency prescribed you could have sought the suggestion before deciding on your own.

I can't comment anything about the indiscrimate use of medicines. Moreover, the various medicines you are trying without any logic shows your impatience and lack of faith.

How to help you?
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
The reason for the substituion - I could not find a place to buy phosphorum LM1.I saw another recommendation similar to yours and decided to try it. It did not work. If you still want to help me, I would appreciate your recommendations.
Thank you.
musica 8 years ago
Please be informed that a homeopath needs to understand a person as deeply as possible, like one who is closest to you, to prescribe remedies. Inspite of this couple of prescription may go useless for reason out of anybodies control.

With limited and brief info provided by you I have done my best efforts to prescribe correctly. Moreover, In many chonic problems, Treatment includes step by step management where you can't expect an overnight magic or any relief within few days.

Considering all this you need to have unshakable faith in your doctor and be prepared to wait patiently for a while and let him/her do the work. Unless you give sufficient scope no one but a magician can help you.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
You may take SULPHUR 30C, 5 pills 2 times 3 hours aprat only one day. No more doses after that and wait for about 1week and report.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Thank you for the new recommendation. I will try it and get back to you. Much appreciated!
musica 8 years ago
Some itching or eruptions on skin may appear when you take Sulphur but no need to panic. Just keep your cool and report the changes to me.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago

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